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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. I've seen some terrible results from dogs not being tied to utes. One dog jumped off and got hit in traffic. Another kelpie I know was on the back and jumped off to go and chase sheep and landed on a rock and broke his leg. Another jumped off and broke its hip. It's not hard to tie a dog up.
  2. Are you sure Lucky doesn't have a C-section scar?
  3. Pretty much done just need to get the paperwork which is in the mail (i hope) and then that's it. The greys in the shelters up there dont need help anyway they are generally safe with a great rescue up there so they have it covered. Like i said I took the advice here networked with some great rescues. That's good. :)
  4. Also I would suggest that you remove all contact with PR, who will no doubt try and convince you another grey needs your help. Focus on moving and getting a great set up and make sure your neighbours and council are ok with it, then be picky. Remember there's a heap of greys out there that are in need of rehoming but not every one is suitable. When you run a small rescue you have the option of being very selective with the dogs you bring in. I wish you all the best.
  5. maybe, maybe not, who knows. Do greys that are not good with little dogs usually get adopted? I wouldn't adopt out a greyhound that was not tolerant of little dogs. It is too important to the greyhounds to take the chance. This is going to sound really harsh but, for the greater good, I'd PTS any greyhound that is not ok with little dogs. They don't have to live with one but you must be able to walk your greyhound down the street without it wanting to kill the little dog on the oppoiste side. To me, greyhounds are up against it, though GAP, GSN, etc have done an huge job, plus all the other reputable rescues and their foster carers and the owners of these beautiful dogs. As a greyhound owner, even though not of adopted race dogs, I am always aware that my dogs behaviour is most likely being judged and commented on by the general public while we are out and about. That's very true. Kind of like bull breed owners and rescuers. As one lady who works with bullies said to me a while back "There's too many good bulls breeds that need a home to focus on trying to fix a very DA one. While everyone is trying to fix this dog, there's one with perfect manners on the kill list being ignored." Ina doesnt need to be put down, she very well may be good with small dogs we dont know these people are making assumptions when they havent even seen the dog. I was asking a question. I wasn't attacking. i don't know anything about grey rescue or their protocols is all.
  6. I'm sorry that happened with your neighbours. Were they aware that you were going to bring some dogs in? Are they just not dog people? Glad to hear the girls are doing well and that you have back up. I hope they get adopted soon, so that you can focus on moving.
  7. maybe, maybe not, who knows. Do greys that are not good with little dogs usually get adopted? I wouldn't adopt out a greyhound that was not tolerant of little dogs. It is too important to the greyhounds to take the chance. This is going to sound really harsh but, for the greater good, I'd PTS any greyhound that is not ok with little dogs. They don't have to live with one but you must be able to walk your greyhound down the street without it wanting to kill the little dog on the oppoiste side. To me, greyhounds are up against it, though GAP, GSN, etc have done an huge job, plus all the other reputable rescues and their foster carers and the owners of these beautiful dogs. As a greyhound owner, even though not of adopted race dogs, I am always aware that my dogs behaviour is most likely being judged and commented on by the general public while we are out and about. That's very true. Kind of like bull breed owners and rescuers. As one lady who works with bullies said to me a while back "There's too many good bulls breeds that need a home to focus on trying to fix a very DA one. While everyone is trying to fix this dog, there's one with perfect manners on the kill list being ignored."
  8. I assume it would be akin to working with ex racers or ex pacers. Lots of learning how to be a regular horse for the first time and sometimes they always have a bit of an issue.
  9. maybe, maybe not, who knows. Do greys that are not good with little dogs usually get adopted?
  10. Well either way at least they will be rehomed eventually as it's been said that they won't be PTS.
  11. Perhaps it's too breed specific? And a very sensitive and experience owner breed at that. Maybe they should have gone more generic mutt type rescue or littlies? Greylvr if you return to this thread, what was your reasoning behind a greyhound rescue and not an non breed specific rescue?
  12. Isn't it in Vic? Doesn't that mean that you need a permit and neighbour approval for rescue? Not sure how it works exactly for rescues.
  13. I had a friend text me this afternoon and ask if I knew of any as she knows a lady looking for a rescue weim. I said I didn't but I'd put the feelers out. Does anyone know of any in rescue at the moment? Thanks
  14. I took that as looking for a foster carer or forever home... No - it wasn't that post Rebanne was referring to. It was posted in a greyhound FB group that there were issues with a neighbour and the dogs had to be moved ASAP, one was already in at boarding kennels - but the cost was an issue. My understanding is one is with a different neighbour or a friend, and one is going to another rescue. But that may be incorrect. oh dear. Well whatever happens I hope the dogs get adopted soon.
  15. I took that as looking for a foster carer or forever home... yup, same.
  16. It's not unusual for a home to not be compatible with dogs after they have arrived. They're still safe with the Rescue so I don't see the drama? Oh I thought they meant, went to another rescue.
  17. I read through, where does it say they've been moved on? it was on FB, the greyhound world is small. oh ok. Why both of them? What happened?
  18. I read through, where does it say they've been moved on?
  19. no worries :) Apparently these guys are good even to just call and get a quote to see what you're looking at. http://www.customcages.com.au/
  20. You can have them bolted on, that's what most people do. Or you can get a removable frame that you can clip/bolt on and then undo.
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