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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. what law is that? Goodluck SL. She sounds like a nosey old bitch who just thought she was young and hip to take a photo with her phone. Hopefully it wont come to anything. Privacy laws. I'm trying to find it. I was told about it but just trying to find the thing I read.
  2. That's so stupid! Sorry this has happened to you. If she didn't delete your photo when you asked then she's breaking the law.
  3. I adored White Fang and more recently I enjoyed Hotel for Dogs
  4. Maybe is great at getting all the attention on her, she has every trick in the book. She has a very pushy nature and if people stop patting her she;ll push her head into their hand and if they take it away then she keep pushing until she's on their lap and in their face, she has my sister pinned to the couch staring at her with a toy in her mouth . We were beside ourselves. She knows an easy target when she sees one Another thing she'll do is play fetch but will act like she's giving you the ball or toy but then snatch it back, she's worked out that it doesn't work on me but she does it with other people. Baxter pretends he's been shot to get attention. I taught him to play dead when he was a pup and haven't actually made him do it for years but if another dog is getting attention and he want it, he'll make this pitiful whine and fall over. He also pretends to limp so I'll carry him. Torque can jump a fence into sheep yards and into the backs of utes but apparently can't jump into the back seat of the car without assistance.
  5. I have to agree that I am not a bb supporter. I recently had a AB stay with me for a few days, she was built a lot like a bb and it was 27 and she was stressed. I kept thinking she was going to die. She just laid on the cold tiles all day. Breeding a dog like that, with those health problems... definitely not my idea of positive evolution of dog breeding. I'm not a huge fan of the brachy dogs though. An AB. Do you mean and Australasian Bandogge? They are a crossbreed. Nothing to do with a British Bulldog in my opinion. And nothing to do with positive evolution of dog breeding. She was built very much like the bbs I see today. I don't agree with the bbs conformation.
  6. I have suggested JRT rescue to her. She's also looking into DRN
  7. Oh sorry, I forgot to add that she's only got approval for small to small/medium dogs. Nothing over 15kg
  8. My friend has just been approved by her rental company to foster a dog. She is now searching for a rescue to apply for foster carer. She needs one that will be there to support her and not abandon her. She's in the Newcastle area. Any suggestions?
  9. Catching up, sorry the camera has been playing up for days. The pictures are dodgy. I couldn't even take Xmas day snaps 25/100 26/100
  10. I have to agree that I am not a bb supporter. I recently had a AB stay with me for a few days, she was built a lot like a bb and it was 27 and she was stressed. I kept thinking she was going to die. She just laid on the cold tiles all day. Breeding a dog like that, with those health problems... definitely not my idea of positive evolution of dog breeding. I'm not a huge fan of the brachy dogs though.
  11. SLF, don't worry about it. I wasn't aware until a few months back. My dogs were overdue for their shots and I spoke to a vet friend of mine who works holistically and she told me what was going on. My other vet friends say that annual vaccines are fine. It's not common knowledge, so don't worry :)
  12. You'll find too that vets are quite quiet on the subject as yearly vaccinations are a big area of income, so unless you read a lot or know people in the know, you wouldn't know.
  13. I'm tempted to think thyroid or alopecia, although normally alopecia only affects fawns. Genetics people correct me if I'm wrong.
  14. Does he have any dilutes in his breeding? It could be alopecia. although he looks red in his pics
  15. All these acronyms, I have to google half of them :laugh:
  16. Thyroid test and then checking for food allergies, also over-vaccinating can cause skin issues.
  17. Jodie doesn't share very well. She won't fight but will snap a little to warn off other dogs (even if they're five times her size). As far as she's concerned, it's a serious job! maybe is a good sharer....if you can get it off her :laugh:
  18. we have to get Jodie and Maybe together one day, just for the entertainment factor :laugh:
  19. am I missing something ? but why dont you vaccinate every year? especially if your working in a vet environment and fostering dogs, visiting farms etc....also if you dont do it every year then wouldnt the cost be minimal anyway? I work in a Vet environment and with pound/rescue animals and I don't Vaccinate my own dogs annually, I give puppy vaccinations and the 15mo booster, titre test then no vaccinations. There is no need to vaccinate annually, even the AVA and the largest Vets schools in the USA have agreed with this. This. The cost is low but I think I could get lower. Why should I pay more than I have to? :)
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