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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. Rescue is now working everything out for this boy! Here are his pictures. excuse the iPhoneography
  2. I've been taught it's always polite to say goodbye. It also turns out that it gives people a chance to express that I need to keep posting for the dogs. Sorry to everyone that got concerned. Happy new year :)
  3. Hi Maree, many rescues are members on fb and the dogs will also be posted on rr. Who is MN? Also if you are that concerned I can keep posting a list but my participation will be low and mostly through pms. :)
  4. I won't be coming here very often anymore so if people can pm me and send me emails and communicate that way, as I'd still love to be involved.
  5. I'm not off to anywhere. I've decided that forum life isn't for me and there are many other avenues to help the dogs find rescue. Thanks everyone. I mostly had fun whilst I was here. :)
  6. Hey guys Ok amended. Due to quite a few PMs and Maree's words here, I will be posting a list of pound dogs as usual. I will no longer be frequenting this forum so the Cootamundra pound will not be appearing on here anymore. However, I have set up a facebook page that will be updated as new dogs come in. Just join up there to see what dogs are available or pm me (as I get notifications for pms) and I can email you the current list of dogs in the pound. Same offers for transport and temp care of smalls apply :) https://www.facebook.com/CootamundraPound?fref=ts Thanks everyone. MUP
  7. Try mind dog. My friend goes through them with her own dog. She has to do training and everything, that's generally for psychological disabilities though. I don't know about physical. Here's their website. http://minddog.org.au/
  8. I understand that you guys are protective of purebreeds, I get that. It's a good thing to be and I respect you guys for it. I said that I could tell obvious visual signs of illness from a photo, skin, weight etc. As a training vet nurse and even a qualified vet nurse we are not allowed to diagnose anything, just say that the dog has skin issues (suspected mange etc), suspected ear mites or dog has a limp. We can't diagnose. The pictures I am referring to are pictures that show obvious signs of illness. You can justify the breed all you want but the bottom line is I don't agree with brachy breeds and never will. I'm just glad that bb breeders are working on it. and MUP has left the thread.
  9. But your earlier contention is that you can tell the health of a british bulldog from photos. Some photos you can, same with any other breed. photo taken on the 16th Dec, please tell me what is wrong with the red bitch Now you're just being silly. I said "some" and stated earlier that it was obvious visual signs of illness. Agreeing to disagree on this one. :)
  10. But your earlier contention is that you can tell the health of a british bulldog from photos. Some photos you can, same with any other breed.
  11. I wouldn't determine the health of a dog via a photo. I'm not sure how anyone could. I've seen enough in real life to know that bbs are at a severe disadvantage. Breeders can justify it all they like but action in a positive direction is much better. I'm glad to see that they are working toward fixing these issues. And photos are great ways to determine health, we use them in a vet nursing assignments all the time. You have an existing bias so I don't know why you want to see pictures and videos of BBs. You've already decided they are inherently unhealthy. It's not a decision, they do. I'm just glad to see something is being done about it.
  12. mostly you can't see teeth in photo's and often can't see skin problems either. depends what area is being photographed.
  13. The law doesn't differentiate between adults and children when it come to photographing them on public land. The only protection afforded to children is that you cannot take indecent photos of them if they are under 16. Just so people are aware, you can also be photographed legally when you are on private property if the photographer is on public land. So, if you sun bake in the nude in your front yard and can be seen from the footpath, you can be photographed and you have no legal recourse. Thanks, wow our rules are so lax. Not accurate entirely "Anti-Voyeurism Laws The situation in NSW used to be that if photos were taken of people without their consent to provide sexual arousal or gratification, then photographers risked being charged with Offensive Behaviour under Section 21G NSW Summary Offences Act 1988. Section 21G was however repealed at the end of 2008. From 2009 onwards, "Peeping Tom" photography in NSW is now addressed by Division 15B of the NSW Crimes Act 1900, specifically the Voyeurism and related offences provisions in sections 91I, 91J, 91K, 91L and 91M. Note that Division 15B does not generally apply to everyday candid photography. This is because its scope is carefully limited to (a) photographs of a sexual and voyeuristic nature, usually of a person's private parts; (b) taken without consent and © taken in places where a reasonable person would reasonably expect to be afforded privacy (such as toilets, showers, changing rooms, enclosed backyards etc.)." here
  14. Obviously I mean skin issues, weight issues, teeth, visual stuff...
  15. I wouldn't determine the health of a dog via a photo. I'm not sure how anyone could. I've seen enough in real life to know that bbs are at a severe disadvantage. Breeders can justify it all they like but action in a positive direction is much better. I'm glad to see that they are working toward fixing these issues. And photos are great ways to determine health, we use them in a vet nursing assignments all the time.
  16. If she does it again, report her for harassment.
  17. I've seen several, they were posted on FB, after Crufts this year. I saw those
  18. I'd love to see photos of the bbs that are apparently healthy and have no problems or even a video. I've searched and searched and have yet to see one.
  19. REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS: Kristin (kja) Larissa (gapvic) Hannah (RallyValley) Judi (PossumCorner) Hannah (Mixeduppup) IDEAS FOR THEMES: In the yard Shadows Whimsical Eyes are the window to the soul What I love best Low light/night shots A colour theme (e.g red, blue, yellow) Frozen action Little people A bit of magic Seen today out driving Sport - cricket, dog-sport, netball, whatever's on. Cooked or Raw - cordon bleu or salads/sweets Feathered - wild or domestic (No zoo shots) Water - a drop or an ocean This is me Wind Down a country road It's all about perspective Hard work Gettin' dirty BLOG TITLE: Our Photo 2013
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