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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. I dunno, they look merle to me. Not saying that he is a catahoula just saying that his ears and eyes indicate merle. Can he be both ticked and merled?
  2. I was looking at his ears, they look merle. Also blue eyes are common in merle genetics. ETA. There are breeders of Catahoulas in Australia. Mainly for hunting.
  3. Does this guy look Catahoula mix? He's marked as a CattleX. He looks ridgy as well.
  4. Immunoglobulin levels (I think they do it in dogs), platelets, white blood cells etc. A CBC and urinalysis would be a good thing to do as well.
  5. Can you get the three remaining ones immunity levels checked? Glad to hear the others OK.
  6. I honestly think that most rescues do enough without adding more work. Most rescues also work normal jobs, go to pounds, vets, shelters, trainers, raise dogs, work out foster carers, support adopters, transport, work out money and donations etc. I think adopters need to step up to the plate, because they don't have to do anything apart from provide a good, caring home and fill out paperwork. I think trawling through potential adopters from other rescues and contacting them, then finding out that half of them aren't interested any more or have a puppy from somewhere else would be very frustrating and futile. Something has to be the adopters responsibility and applying again and again shows that they are serious.
  7. I think PetRescue should also have a pets of the week page. Much like the American Pet rescue site does. That will give randomly selected rescues a chance to star on the front page and every week 8 or so different rescues get a chance to appear. That might boost adoptions or enquiries at least.
  8. Perhaps the chip was never entered into the system?
  9. Korrigan. Please email me if you would like suggestions of local rescues that I can personally recommend. We have some brilliant ones out this way.
  10. Don't be too upset please. I know that when I applied for a dog to rescue and got turned down I was devastated. I thought for sure I was the best home for that dog but the rescue had prerequisites and sadly I didn't meet them, location was a big factor as well. I rescued a dog earlier this year and she had social issues and even thought there are local training groups, it didn't have everything she needed to fully socialise her. I ended up going on trips to Wagga and Canberra. Perhaps you could put in your next application that you are able to and willing to do regular runs to Canberra and Wagga? I know you must be upset but know that there is a dog out there for you and a rescue willing to adopt it to you (might even be one in Coota pound :D). Don't let one rejection get you too upset, just trust that the rescue is doing what is best for the dog's interest and probably has very specific prerequisites for such a case and a lot of other people have probably been knocked back as well. *hugs* If you need dog cuddles you're welcome to visit and be bombarded by fur and slobber. :)
  11. I think there would be a lot of legal ramifications with sharing information with other rescues and a lot of other rescues would have different questions etc. I understand you must be disappointed though.
  12. If the pup was in need of intense socialisation then a rural community possibly isn't the best suit. I live ina rural community and socialisation is difficult here in locating puppy schools, obedience schools etc, within sensible driving distance. ETA: Hey Carole. I know you! I would agree that for our area a pup that needs intense socialisation may not be a good choice, unless you're up for big drives.
  13. Perhaps you're taking this too personally? I live in what is considered a pretty rural community and have two rescue dogs. Perhaps you should try a more local rescue. Many rescues work together and do premise checks for other rescues.
  14. Because her immune system was so low when she whelped and fed and antibiotics were given, the normal passive transfer of maternal immunity may have been lowered and the ups didn't receive the level of immunity that they needed to survive long term. Has the vet checked their immunity levels?
  15. Have you recently treated the mother with anything that could have been absorbed and transferred through her milk?
  16. Happy new year! I'm drunk on the couch watching Jurassic Park and feeding my cat gravy from a spoon! Bring on the partying!
  17. I just spoke to the rescue coordinator and they will be getting the help of the local council to locate his owner as the ranger has high up access on CAR, the dog will also be listed as in the pound (even though he'll be staying at the rescue) to further exposure whilst every effort will be made to contact his original owner. So either his owner will find him or be informed that the rescue has him or he will be safe with the rescue and then be adopted out, he won't be available for public adoption from the pound, that is simply to make it easier for his owner to find him. They are really making every effort to reunite him with his original owner if indeed he was lost or stolen. Thank you everyone for your concern and advice. :)
  18. There's a possibility, that's why the rescue is going to do all they can to find his original owners, he just couldn't stay at the vet and by giving him to this rescue he is safe whilst everything is done to locate his original owner.
  19. Hey Dorky, his paperwork is being investigated right now but once that's all worked out and if his original owner can be located and is OK with him being adopted then I'm sure you can apply to adopt him. I'll pm you the name of the rescue who has him :) For some reason it won't let me pm you.
  20. That's what I remember reading before the original post was edited. My take on it as well but was hoping they give the breeder a chance to step up. Yep, the newest owners brought him in and said they were given him 4 months ago from his breeder/original owner but with no paperwork. I looked up his chip details and there was only a name and address of the original owner. I looked them up on white pages and couldn't find a number, so rang someone with the same name in a different st but same town and left a message, so hopefully it was them and they'll call back and either get the dog back or sign paperwork. If that fails someone suggested we contact the local police and say that this dog was surrendered but its history is sketchy and can they contact her and make sure it's not stolen and if it's not can they urge her to contact the rescue and sign the papers over. So hopefully with everyone working together we can get this dog back with its original owner or with a good new home.
  21. He can't stay at the vet so the rescue has taken him and are looking up his old owners and working it out for the vet. Hopefully they'll find them and work it all out.
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