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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. I brushed Ammo today and created a winter wonderland! :D Now to rake it all up. :laugh:
  2. Secret Keeper Keep it secret Book of secrets Secret business
  3. One of my kelpies is scared of brachy dogs. Most of my dogs hate meeting excited dogs, they're not aggressive just turned off. I know a few dogs that don't like to play with super submissive dogs either. If she does both, maybe she's just too much for most dogs?
  4. I can't think of another one. Can I use a photo I took recently but not for this particular subject?
  5. I was just wondering if anyone knew of any really good behaviourists in the Wagga-Canberra area, for a fearful dog? Thanks
  6. I woke up to this warning this morning, it's about 6-7ks away from us but we're prepared if it does reach us. 4km North of Coota Airport ALERT LEVEL: Advice LOCATION: 4km north of the Cootamundra Airport COUNCIL AREA: Cootamundra STATUS: Out of Control TYPE: Grass fire FIRE: Yes SIZE: 0 ha RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: Rural Fire Service UPDATED: 10 Jan 2013 10:29 Just waiting for more updates ETA: Just updated and it's out
  7. Update: Fire in Jugiong has destroyed one house and 20 others are in danger
  8. You could also try camping spots in Vacy. I used to live around there and dog laws are pretty lax, I'm pretty sure they don't even have a ranger.
  9. There's lots of places along the Allyn River
  10. I'm thinking about getting a early morning smoke haze one tomorrow...that sounds magical
  11. OK I have two. I need one more. They suck but anyhoo lol
  12. Hunting dog territory. I'd say he's a hunting mix, ridgy, bullarab, bit of greyhound and koolie etc
  13. Looks like a ridgy hunting mix. Did he come from a country pound?
  14. Maybe does that, I ended up tying them to the post so she couldn't tip them over.
  15. When I worked in VA catahoulas were pretty common, normally cross some kind of hound and he just looked similar so thought I would ask. Judging by the ridge I'd say he has a fair few things in there.
  16. Cricket Nymph. Not sure what type, but we used to get them when I was younger, They have a nasty bite but not venomous.
  17. Holy hell...If I had those expenses I wouldn't be able to own more than one dog...Are they feeding the dogs gold plated kibble?
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