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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. Keep an eye on her, if trembling increases a lot more call and take her in immediately, but in theory that dose shouldn't be an overdose.
  2. Dosage for Tromadole is 1-4mg/Kg. So 20mg should take her pain away nicely without overdosing her. Goodluck
  3. Possibly. She may have to pop into the vet tomorrow and get an injection if the dog is still in pain and not eating.
  4. Did they give her an injection of pain meds like Tolfedine or similar after surgery?
  5. Giveher the other pain pill, open her mouth and shove it down her throat if she won't eat it, as long as it's ok to take without food. I had my kelpie done a few days ago and she hardly sat either, she was ina heap of pain but she finally laid down after I gave her some analgesics. Just check to make sure her gums are nice and pink and her stomach isn't distended at all but I'd just say she's in pain. It's slightly unusual but dogs react all different ways, Of course if you're worried call your vet and have a chat.
  6. I'm familiar with a couple of the breeders you have mentioned and a few you haven't. I know some of their dogs and as far as drive goes they are INTENSE! I like that you're so interested in this and you're doing really well with your current dog. If you got one before learning it would be like buying a racehorse after just learning how to trot. Continue to learn and then breeders will see your dedication and passion and will not hesitate to hook you up with the right dog.
  7. I would! Seriously fantastic facilities if you look past what they are to what they could be.
  8. Perfect place for a rescue organisation! First rehome the breeders then you have fantastic facilities.
  9. The largest dog here is a Maremma and the smallest is a mini foxyXJRT. 50kgs or so smaller than the maremma. I've never had a problem. They adore each other. And since you're getting the larger dog second and it's a GR, I honestly don't see any issues arising.
  10. I have someone looking for a Jack but they're in Coota so it might be a bit far. Poor puppies
  11. I use F10 and have a separate kennel up the back in a fenced off area where my other dogs don't go. I only take dogs that have been treated with Comfortis 24hrs before and look reasonably healthy and no young puppies. So far I have been OK.
  12. Dog movers and GTE transport are fantastic for central west and vic transport. I've used them numerous times and very affordable as well.
  13. Oh sorry i didn't see that. Hope he makes a full recovery.
  14. It could be nothing but if i see stuff like that i don't muck around as it's the sign of poisoning among a couple of other things. Just call your vet and have a chat, better safe than sorry.
  15. And if she tells someone to kill themselves, and that person isn't very stable and It's the last straw for them? It's OK, she's only young. She will learn when she's older how to treat people. 27 is not young. 27 is 20 years past learning to treat people with a shred of decency. By 5 years of age you know there are consequences when you do bad things. She's a little beyond that age. Exactly. We have no idea what others are going through and how they truly feel, we have to be so careful to build people up not tear them down with our words.
  16. She told someone to kill themselves. That is terrible and as someone of her own age even at my depths of anger and spouting a lot of angry shit I have never said that because it's disgusting and I know better.
  17. When I first got Maybe she displayed that behaviour as she was dog reactive but kept all her feelings inside. I just socialised the bejeezus out of her and it stopped. Displacement behaviours can be hard to read but this sounds like one and the stimulation from another dog has her more anxious than if she were alone.
  18. ACDs would not be ideal anyway as they want low shedding.
  19. PR logic. Ask rescue to take a dog->rescue says no for completely valid reasons->abuse rescue relentlessly until rescue takes legal action->complain on facebook and somehow make money out of it.
  20. Look who just lost their job. Anyone who tells someone else to kill themselves is at the lowest possible end of society. It's disgusting.
  21. I'd still call her work. She can't get away with saying stuff like that and expect no comeuppance, that's atrocious behaviour.
  22. Retained placentas and no care are a recipe for disaster! Thank you Cheryl, you're amazing! May I suggest kfc chicken? Or the most greasy tuck shop chicken and bacon you can find? Only a little bit but mixed with rice for a filler? Also I would be wary about letting the pups suckle at all as it may be causing pain and taking away very important nutrients. Could you possibly feed them yourselves and then just put them in with her for company with a barrier so they can't suck? That way they still get be together but aren't depleting her system any more than it already is. Again, I can't believe how wonderful you guys are. If I had the money I would donate.
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