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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. I can't work out what breed it is!!!! :laugh: Not a kelpie, that's for sure :laugh: . :laugh:
  2. I would recommend teaching your dog a cue to settle and go and lay down.
  3. I can't work out what breed it is!!!! :laugh:
  4. If I took my dogs to work they'd just be a pain in the proverbial, but a lot of other people brought their dogs to my work today :D
  5. I know someone that tried to dye their dog to look like the tardis but it kinda just looked like a messy blue furry lump with a red bowtie...
  6. I agree, that's not safe. You are right to have him pts in my opinion. So sorry for you.
  7. I wouldn't be so quick to put him down, perhaps just watch more closely or separate them? Has he ever been aggressive with your child before? Did your baby accidentally hurt him? How bad was the bite? Was it a nip or a full on attack? It may have just snapped and got the nearest thing which was the face and why was the baby's face so close to your dog? Not accusing, just asking so that you make the correct decision and don't jump in and regret later.
  8. Get a behaviourist, they'll help you out. The bullying doesn't need to be continuous, one experience will haunt a sensitive dog or a continuous stream of experiences that you aren't witnessing. To help you and them move forward you need an experienced professional to guide you in creating a balanced lifestyle and a behaviourist can do that for you. Also have a vet check, some illnesses are not symptomatic in the sense of obvious signs but can still be present.
  9. My cat would just hold onto the dog and go out with her lol
  10. Yup, you can get microchip doors that scan the animal and only let animals in and out that have been entered in
  11. It's got Australian Kelpie under 'Breeds Coming Soon'. Yay! :D
  12. What did you do to stop it? My boys were back together sleeping again. But the younger one stll does sneak away once in a while. It is clear that there is a dominance thing, after the younger one pees, the older one will go over to pee on top of where he did it. Always has. But dominance isn't bullying is it? One dog putting it over another dog is fine if the other dog is OK with it, once the other dog starts to shows anxiety and fearfulness then it becomes 'bullying'. Your dogs need balance in their lives that they don't currently have. You need to get a behaviourist.
  13. Bullying can be silent, body language can send a very sensitive dog into a fearful state. You need to come in and fix whatever is happening. Perhaps a behaviourist would be a good idea.
  14. Lol. Not my style but my friend wants one lol.
  15. Persephone said exactly what I was thinking. Also ad that he may have had another big scare from something unrelated to your older dog but it's just freaked him out.
  16. a couple are, some are based on truth and others are down right fallacy, have fun guessing which ones as I have no idea. Hoax Slayer or Snopes might.
  17. I've seen other threads on here with people talking about non bull breed dogs and their owners in a negative light that don't get this reaction. It's sad that we fight instead of actually reading what was said and seeing that it wasn't attacking the breed at all but rather serving as a warning to the situation in general. Please don't get angry with each other *spreads the love*
  18. I had an indian ringneck that lived on the back porch with the dogs, he'd chat to them and they'd go over and say hi. He got out of his cage and flew away whilst someone was looking after him for me and I haven't had one since. We had a pigeon turn up in our yard a few months back and the dogs killed it but they won't touch birds i bring in.
  19. Awesome I'll definitely do that as she's only been trained as a yard dog and general obedience so this may be right up her alley.
  20. Thanks everyone. I guess I just have a sniffy dog. I don't mind, I find it quite cute lol
  21. I was very ill for a number of years and if it wasn't for my dogs I would have gone insane (seriously). I only had my mum to help but my dogs kept me wanting to go on. I really empathise with her situation but feel she may need help in getting better fencing and maybe getting dogs more suited to her predicament or hiring someone to come in and walk and play with them.
  22. Yes the hair on the sides is thin in many dilutes but the hair on my fawn girl's back is very wiry and thick. I don't know much about the genetics either but the wiry stripe is definitely something that shows up in kelpies :) Her hair is normal on her sides and extra thick and wiry on the top. I wonder if the gene can be present but mutate kind of in non-dilute dogs?
  23. This sounds like a thing that's common in dilute kelpies. I wonder if maybe (heh) she had a dilute in her lineage which didn't throw the coat colour, but left the 'stripe'? I don't know, but isn't it normally thin as well? Her hair is quite thick. I don't know much about alopecia and genetics.
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