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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. I just answered based on my knowledge of vizlas. It is a rather strange survey.
  2. I still want an elephant.
  3. ohhhh... here have a read , and believe :) It's too long but I assume it's about elephants' magical emotional healing power or something. Now I want an elephant.
  4. Oh NO! My happy place is ruined! IT'S RUINED!
  5. I'm back home now, still sick but on the mend. I didn't end up getting the JRT pups, 2 died the night before i was meant to get them and the others were so sick that the vet in Dubbo kept them to raise.
  6. My phone is letting me on dol! The food is disgusting. Thank you all for your kind words :)
  7. Just readjusting to the recent change in dynamics.
  8. Vasectomy and castration are on the same level of invasiveness really. Maybe one stitch more. If you're going for a way to stop him breeding then whip out his testicles. There's no point in keeping them in (by the sounds of what you have said) and it can (as Perse has said) lessen entire behaviours both from him and other males.
  9. Because many rural pounds don't have the funds to supply above the bare essentials and coats are not considered essentials and are therefore not in the budget.
  10. Whippet puppies??? I love whippet puppies! :D
  11. Couple of points here - some of these animals were rescue animals - some hadn't spent their whole lives here - none of us know whether they came from a situation that caused the problem and the footage was clearly edited to a point where you wouldn't know if its a problem anyway . The TV footage taken later with the dogs in their day areas showed no dogs pacing or spinning and how do they run around a show ring if they are so severely mentally damaged- best to let the system be the judge I think. Ok. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. But if those kennels are their regular kennels then they need to be fixed IMHO.
  12. Now that's original and worth thinking about... Excuse to internet shop... yay Haha. Just make sure you don't get noise complaints or create deafness in either species :D
  13. My friend just suggested an air horn, she said she did it 3 times and both dogs on both sides were good for a few days and she only needed to do it a few more times int he following weeks and they learned. Drastic but it worked
  14. Not to mention the behaviour many were exhibiting. Spinning, pacing etc
  15. I tried this first and my dog kept on going over the iron and getting trapped between the iron and the fence, hence putting is right against the fence for me. Depends if the dog will jump or not
  16. We had that issue with one of my kelpies and the small fluffy next door, we put corrugated iron about 3 feet high across the length of our side of the fence. It stopped them.
  17. Are dogs vic meant to do random premises checks?
  18. That is disgusting. So glad they got charges now lets hope they get the license revoked for good and they are never allowed to own another animal again.
  19. Their roof would be very safe from birds, low flying planes, cat burglars and spiderman.
  20. You haven't ruined him. You're just noticing behaviours and looking to rectify them before they get bad. You're a good owner.
  21. There's someone on here with Rotties either Griff or Dyzney that showed a video of one of their dogs swimming and it was hilarious.
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