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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. Ignorance is no excuse If you don't know you don't know. if people want you to follow the law then they should probably make it more accessible to you. Not everyone is going to spend their days trawling through legislations and acts to see if what they are doing is lawful or not. I'll make it easy for you, as ignorance really is no excuse. http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/caa1998174/ Yeah as I said. I don't have time to sit and read through then memorize the companion animals act. If they want us to obey obscure laws they need to provide signage as I won't be carrying the act around in my pocket. It's hardly " obscure" and the CAA is well written and easily understood. Give it a go and then you won't spend hours whinging about situations that you could easily have avoided , if you'd bothered to read the legislation that applies to you as a dog owner. I didn't whinge, I was confused because other people and their dogs were allowed. I still think she was being large dogist :D
  2. But would they be just as out of control if they were allowed most places and had the socialisation and training they required just by a change in lifestyle? Right now most dogs are kept so fenced in, caged up, locked up that we wouldn't have any idea what it would be like to let them have more access and be with their people. I loved being in America as dogs were allowed so many places that we deny them.
  3. you can, easily enough ;) I do .. but don't read it much :p It does come in handy to have info with you sometimes :) HERE or HERE I don't have an iphone or an andriod. I use the family phone which stays at my house. I don't like techonology much lol. But thanks :D
  4. Ignorance is no excuse If you don't know you don't know. if people want you to follow the law then they should probably make it more accessible to you. Not everyone is going to spend their days trawling through legislations and acts to see if what they are doing is lawful or not. I'll make it easy for you, as ignorance really is no excuse. http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/caa1998174/ Yeah as I said. I don't have time to sit and read through then memorize the companion animals act. If they want us to obey obscure laws they need to provide signage as I won't be carrying the act around in my pocket.
  5. I knew an Olympic swimmer, his brother didn't even bathe...
  6. Ignorance is no excuse If you don't know you don't know. if people want you to follow the law then they should probably make it more accessible to you. Not everyone is going to spend their days trawling through legislations and acts to see if what they are doing is lawful or not.
  7. I've found out more about laws in this forum then i have in my own real life experiences and i think that's just down the the fact that most other people have no idea about the law either.
  8. on a completely unrelated note. WTF is with voting in led pencil? Do we really trust people not to change them?
  9. Not everyone shares your passion for dogs. Some people don't like dogs. Some people are afraid of dogs. And our challenge as responsible dog owners is to deal with it. No point arcing up over minor set backs. I have many minor set backs that I don't arc over, this time I did. I'm entitled to my fair share of arcing.
  10. Three interesting posts illumninating what (just my opinion) I think is going wrong in terms of dogs in the community. Dogs should be part of the family, part of family activities and allowed in many more places than they currently are. I would have taken one of my dogs to the polling booth with me, but I was going on to do a bit of shopping. There was a man waiting outside with a Staffy who was somewhat overweight, but that's not doggy's fault. I asked the man if I could pat him and he said yes and then followed it up with, "He's fine, looks can be deceiving." I thought it was so sad that he felt he had to defend his dog. We had a bit of a chat and doggy loved me ...... my doggy smells that is :D So because I don't see the need to drag my dog around all my errands etc then he is not a part of my family?? I spend a fair bit of time with my dog but quite frankly he is not my entire life so there is many occasions when he gets left at home to sleep. Well my dogs are my entire life. I live for them. I rarely go out unless I can take them and when I do go out without them it's rare and with friends or to earn money to feed them. Dogs should be allowed to be more involved in everything you do if you so choose to involve them. In America dogs had a lot more freedom than they do here.
  11. All this aside, people did have permission to bring their dogs onto the school property as no one seemed to have an issue with any dog but my large one. I appreciate that people may be put off by large dogs and they are probably in their rights to order me off the premises because they effectively have control, but if you order one off you order all off.
  12. I don't split the two, everything I do is dog things... :laugh:
  13. This particular school is also used for a dog training club.
  14. I've come to the conclusion that this lady was scared of/didn't like large dogs and a bit controlling/rude. The lady who was handing out pink tickets at the front of the line was telling me a story of a man who brought in a "golden border collie" earlier that morning and everyone was gushing over it. And the fact that this lady has let me through with kelpies before leads me to believe she's large dogist.
  15. Does not apply to dogs , cats, stampeding Rhino or charging Lions. what about zebra? I was charged by a wombat once but I climbed a tree.
  16. A few of my friends have said the same thing since I posted this. I should have stood my ground but I'm a scaredy cat and run from conflict
  17. :laugh: The dog ate my vote! I've been denied that excuse! :laugh:
  18. If it was super busy I wouldn't but it's a rural area and there weren't a lot there :)
  19. Rates right up there with knowledge of leash and poo pick up laws I expect. :)
  20. That's more what I'm getting at. The fact that they were picking and choosing who to send out. maybe I'll just pay the fine and not vote at all :laugh: .
  21. I had no idea about this rule about no dogs on school grounds and apparently neither did a lot of other people who were free to take their dogs where ever they liked.
  22. Me too! I came with my mum and was prepared to wait and have mum hold her and then I would go and vote but when I saw other dogs going in with no issue and people with dogs everywhere I figured it would be ok. It wasn't a proper building either but more like a half covered school recess area kind of thing. And I hardly argued. My mother was there and can attest to the fact that i politely mentioned the other dogs and that she was behaving, I was more confused than anything. ETA: It was at a primary school, I always take my dog to vote and there's never been a problem and the same lady has been there every year. The fact that there were so many dogs in and out of the voting booths obviously proved that they weren't too concerned by that rule. (I wasn't aware of this rule until now though)
  23. It's ridiculous. She was so quiet and happy her tail was wagging the entire time (politely and non-invasively). It was really embarrassing and not fair.
  24. So I go to vote and I take horse puppy (Bull arabX). Last year I took Maybe the kelpie and there was no problem. In the line ahead of me is a kelpie and border collie, both owners are allowed to take their dogs to vote no problem, then a lady comes up to me in the line and orders me out of the building. I tell her that she just let two other dogs past and she says "yeah but they're smaller". I said "but mine is in perfect control" and she says "Please leave the building and get someone to hold the dog and get to the back of the line" Really loudly. The lady with the kelpie came out and held horse puppy whilst I went and voted and she was really angry and said how unfair it was. Not happy Jan! Breed prejudice!
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