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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. OH NO! Goodluck! In other news Horse Puppy AKA Bronte has become a permanent fixture at my place :D
  2. Thank you. Dexter is a very special 'dog'. We found him in the middle of the road, asleep on the centreline. :)
  3. Don't tell him that. He is 100% sure he's canine.
  4. I love looking out the window on a study day and see this sight. It makes me so happy.
  5. Don't worry, Just pretend it was me that posted it and feel better :D
  6. I kind of expect my dog food to not be mooing as I dish it out. aww come on, you should let your chis hunt, it's more natural and a healthy option. Bahaha the only hunting my dogs do is in their toy box. Sounds like mine. Any animal that gets killed by my dogs deserves to die :laugh:
  7. I kind of expect my dog food to not be mooing as I dish it out. aww come on, you should let your chis hunt, it's more natural and a healthy option.
  8. If you call BS then why post such misinformation online? You are just perpetuating the myths (and making yourself look a tad foolish). MUP didn't post it, kelpiecuddles did. I was like wha.... :laugh:
  9. Euthanized pets would hold a huge health risk, as would roadkill. I call BS lol.
  10. There's a big difference between dogs that HAVE killed and dogs that WOULD kill. Dogs that have killed have found in self rewarding and will almost definitely want and try to do ti again if they have the opportunity so rehoming them would mean full disclosure and making sure the new owners could handle a dog that has that much prey drive.
  11. I feel your pain, we have thunder here and Huxley has gone into freeze phase again.
  12. Perhaps just keep her on a valium type drug all the time if she's that bad?
  13. If I thought it would make any difference Id lead a campaign to have them banned but there are too many who dont care what they do to animals and they bring in paying spectators for the local shows. All around us there are horses and other dogs sheep etc they must all suffer like mad when it happens.This Maremma bitch though just hasnt seemed to have recovered this year at all and is truly shell shocked - no idea what to do with her. Poor girl. Have you thought about rehoming her as a pet, away from the source of her fear? Or even seeing if she can go on a sabbatical to someone else's place?
  14. Oh OK, the fireworks here are in town. It baffles me why we need them at all, they cause more trouble than they are worth.
  15. Could you check what their specials are like, that would be great :) Steve - That is horrible. I have no idea why fireworks even exist in towns. I have never been here on show night before and had no idea fireworks were on. It just baffles me why they would let them off so close to houses in the centre of town. Your poor dog.
  16. I brought Horse Puppy in and she made a beeline for the bed and then licked his face until he got up and moved, he seems a lot calmer now and is laying next to me with her.
  17. Beautiful purebred female 11mth old in need Any rotti rescues? I know of BDR but they can't take anymore dogs until they move house.
  18. I've offered him food and toys and he is like a stunned mullet. I'm researching thunder shirts now. thanks
  19. They've taught me - It's ok to eat poop. It's ok to eat dead things. It's best to roll in mud after showering. If someone just left then comes straight back home again you're meant to get really excited. Cat food is delicious and so is cat poo. The best place to play is under the feet of the person you love. Use your back feet and teeth to scratch an itch. And that I should never trust the postman.
  20. Hi guys, I have a new problem. Mr Huxley came home and was quiet but OK. But then we had a HEAP of storms, the biggest one being this morning. Since 5am he's been sitting under my bed frozen like a statue. I've tried to move him but it's almost like he's catatonic, he might give me a quick lick but just go back into his shut down, frozen state. I'm not sure what to do, he was always a little bit wary of storms before the fireworks but nothing like this. It might be a silly thing to ask but I've been lucky enough never to have a dog scared of storms until him and I'm not sure what to do. ETA: the storm only lasted 5 minutes, now just raining and occasional distant thunder but he still won't move.
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