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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. I found a zippered one at a pet warehouse one day, years ago, we had it with a foster dog and sent it on with him, he couldn't get it off
  2. I was watching a documentary on pounds in America a few days ago and my Jack Russell kept barking whenever he heard the dogs, it was rather amusing.
  3. But it is allowed by powerful breeds, A man up the road has two mastiffX dogs that follow him around as he does his weeding and what not. I walk by on the other side of the road with my dog and they growl and carry on running up and down, he has no fence but I've been doing it for two years and they've never once left the yard, we even wave to eachother now. He may have an invisible fence but either way they're not running over to me so it's fine. A dog can bark and snarl all it wants on its own property, this lady caught the dog and took it inside, I don't see the problem here?
  4. Well with an large crime syndicate there's always a professional or two on the inside, reaping the benefits no doubt. I'd put money on it.
  5. Wow, we've found a use for Mynahs! I'm going to cage a whole flock and release them every afternoon, there goes half an hour of my day!
  6. But the dog didn't run up, the dog didn't even leave its yard. That speaks of some kind of control. Also it was being monitored and was not left alone and its hostility quickly subsided into play. Perhaps you should walk your dogs ten minutes later or earlier as it sounds like this lady is letting her dog out to pee and that is all. There is nothing to report here.
  7. There could easily be many cops underground right now, it's a high probability. Let's hope so!
  8. Haha (I could just paint on the tan bits), I do love labs but I want something that I will really enjoy having around and although I love Labs they don't do anything for me, if you know what I mean. I do enjoy a bit of a challenge with dogs as well, dogs that are super eager to please and train I don't find challenging. I really enjoyed training the Maremma because it wasn't easy at all. I'm researching a few breeders now and chatting to some breeders and getting general ideas. We had a Ridgeback cross as kids and the family loves the idea of one, but this is going to be my dog and once I finish studying I'll most likely move on, so it will be with them a relatively short time. the only other large dog I may consider seriously is an Amstaff (I know not large large but bulky square headed they are)
  9. I'm thinking there may be a network of animal professionals involved as well, keeping data and addresses of these dogs. It wouldn't surprise me.
  10. Your dogs are gorgeous! Thank you for these great photos depicting the REAL nature of the rotti!
  11. We were across the road. And the dog was that far away and barking and still didn't leave its yard? What's the problem?
  12. Oh wait, I was thinking sheep trialing...still works. Carry on
  13. There was nothing to prevent the dog from rushing out but it didn't, perhaps there was an invisible fence or it was trained not to.
  14. Yeah, the maremma is the poor man's central asian haha. I love them and TMs but I have to eat after I buy them lol
  15. Dogs are allowed to be offleash in their own property. the dog didn't leave the yard and could have but instead barked (normal) and then turned it into a chasing game (also normal). The dog didn't seem to eb aggressive, just territorial (normal). So what's your complaint going to be about exactly? Seriously asking? Basically it seems you're offended by how she treated you, but really your husband approached a lady who had a dog loose in her property and told her it should be on a leash...that could also be thought of as confrontational.
  16. So I was just wondering, my friend has a little dog that she takes with her everywhere, even on public transport, she has a note from her psychologist that says she suffers severe anxiety and needs her dog with her. She's never been questioned even on buses. I was wondering if that's normal or is there normally a certification process therapy dogs must go through?
  17. Yeah i assume so too, but some always have that really strong drive and if the cat runs. The GSD one of my family members used to own was like that, brought up from 8 weeks with 2 cats but always wanted to hurt them..although she had a crap trainer.
  18. Oh really? I was told they are very prey driven and not trustworthy around cats?
  19. Yes, but if it was up to them we'd be having an Akita because "on Hachiko Akitas didn't attack cats."
  20. I don't want to do herding though. I only do yard dog trials because it would be cruel to make my kelpie stop. I want to get itno different dog sports altogether.
  21. I'm definitely not taking no for an answer, just like a I stood my ground with the maremma and he proved to be wonderful! I'm going to do my research and find someone who breeds for temp and looks as well haha. Just out of interest I've allowed for about $1200-$1500 for a pup, is this reasonable or should I allow for a bit more?
  22. What breed do you do sheep dog trialling with? The only breed I can think of that might fit the physical description is a Bernese but the bigger and heavier the dog the less active they usually are. A large active breed that might fit is Ridgeback. I do yard dog trials, I have a kelpie for that. I did training for 3 sheep trials with my old kelpie boy but gave up as he was too hard on the sheep. I fostered a border collie but he was TOO active for me and I couldn't keep up lol. We had a short haired BC when i was young and she was nice but seriously energetic as well. I want something that can turn off and lounge around when i'm busy studying and isn't going 24/7
  23. I remember when I was little, we had a kelpieXRidgeback and she was a shocking escape artist, always bringing home packets of biscuits and one time a box of cigarettes, she came home one day dragging a rotting kangaroo down the street. I still remember my mother's face to this day, seeing her beautiful dog with a smelly, filthy, huge roo carcass in its mouth.. After that the yard was reinforced yet again and the dog was locked in an old room beside the house whenever we went out. Yes we can giggle and think it's amusing, but at the same time the dog's safety is paramount and considering she does have an anxiety problem she should more than ever be kenneled when they are out.
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