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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. I had a foster dog that was atail chaser but developed this after I adopted him out along with aggressive traits he didn't have. I took him back and adopted him myself but he was so OCD and neurotic that he wasn't saf around young children or other dogs and so we made the decision to have him PTS as he would bite and chase his tail constantly, we had behaviourists and trainers consult and nothing worked. I emailed the family and asked them why and they said the children had thought it was funny and had encouraged it. So basically they didn't recognise the signs of neurosis and ruined a perfectly balanced dog.
  2. If you ever get stuck with Malinois, working type Shepherds or high drive rotties, remember to contact The guard dog training centre in blacktown sydney, they sometimes take dogs on for training and also sniffer dog centres look through shelters for young dogs with good noses as well.
  3. It depends on the dog, I had a foster dog that did this, all day. She was completely neurotic, whereas my Maremma does it to show off grabs it and does zoomies, one is ok, one is not. Rule of thumb is if you think it could turn into a problem, stop it.
  4. I'd screencap the ad, so that they can't take it down and say it was an accident.
  5. I actually wrote a paper on this! There's also the myth that Black cats are evil and black dogs are viscous. Where i worked in America it was also to do with racism as it was a very racist area and people would openly not help anything "black". Black animal are harder to see and Black is also considered a very boring colour by a lot of the public. The Merles and spotties went super fast. Also we naturally go for an animal that we perceive as cute, cuteness has everythig to do with the position of the nose on the face, the size of the eyes etc, with a black dog that's a lot harder to see.
  6. I worked at a shelter overseas for quite a while, the staff turnover was surprisingly low. It was a very high kill shelter ina busy area with a heap of strays. The lady who did most of the euths said that it was heartbreaking at first but the alternative is to si in a cage for the rest of your life and bond to no one, because no one is going to adopt a big black hound dog with social issues, a fearful pitbull with aggression problems or a 13 year old dog with severe medical problems. But then I asked her about the healthy ones and she said sometimes she just has to cry because she knows that if a Pit or hound walks in, even if it's the healthiest dog alive and has a lovely nature it's never going to get adopted. They have a black pit and hound puppy kill policy, no one adopts black pits or hound puppies so they keep them for 5 days and then kill them. How fickle is the human race! Yet the pretty pups just fly out the window...it's CRAZY
  7. It's called a "Ilookedeverywhereandcouldn'tfindonesomadeitmyself" or something like that
  8. I don't quiet word anyone, I either ignore them which i was planning to do to her until she said I was abusing my dog, yelling at me. It was insane.
  9. Yeah, Ammo is a hard case because he's not a submissive dog by any means but not dog aggressive at all and usually not reactive at all but this dog was quite insane, he's not a dog that will take treats on a walk and when he wants to do something it's hard to snap him out of it. His refocus word wasn't working and I think his guard dog behaviour kicked in as he was becoming defensive, it was a simple tap just behind the nose to get him to look at me, a two fingered tap, when he looked at me he got a pat and a "goodboy". The whole time this lady was yelling at me her dog was yelling too...like owner like dog apparently.
  10. I couldn't keep walking as the street was busy and she was taking up the whole sidewalk with her long flexi leash. I had to go up the stairs and wait
  11. bahaha that made my day. I think i'm just having a bad day, was visiting friends driving back and there's a car driving towards me in the middle of the road...I avoided it and woke it up with a large beep of my horn. Staying at home for the rest of the day.
  12. That being said it was a last resort and was just enough to get him to look at me again. I plan on taking him out alone and having some one of one so he learns to mind.
  13. I don't get why she's follow me to my side though... It doesn't make sense. Seriously it was literally a TAP...Anyway there are varied training techniques that involve quick physical corrections. I'd prefer that than being pulled down the stairs by 45 kilos of Maremma. I do have a refocus word but the aggressiveness of the dog had him transfixed and it wasn't working.
  14. Good idea. i guess with my anxiety it's all or nothing, must learn balance.
  15. I probably should have and will in the future, I just got really angry lol
  16. It was a short quick method, I normally don't do it, My dog is very confident and the tap was literally a tap. The lady was after a fight. Training methods vary and in this situation I had to do something quickly and it worked, he sat and looked back at me, as I had tried the refocus word to no avail. I don't abuse my dogs.
  17. I get pretty bad social anxiety so the fact that I spoke to her and defended myself is insane!
  18. I was defending myself and she was a bogan. (If anyone accuses me of abusing they immediately lose all respect from me)
  19. OK officially p..... off at Bogans and their uncontrolled, aggressive dogs. Just walking my dogs down the street and see a lady approaching with her staffy on a flexi leash way out in front so I cross the road. Then for some unknown reason so does staffy lady, so I go up some stairs of a shop far enough away to let her pass, her dog is becoming really aggressive and she has NO control. My dogs are interested but pretty good, then Ammo (my Maremma) starts to pull and get a bit focused so I tap (emphasis on tap) him on the nose to redirect his attention to me. The conversation that ensued. Moronic Bogan: Did you just hit your dog? How dare you abuse your dog, I'll tell the RSPCA! Me: Go ahead love, and I'll report your out of control and aggressive dog to council. Moronic Bogan: Well don't do it again. Me: Train your dog. Both walk away...IDIOT! I think she may have been out for a fight!
  20. I know of some fantastic rescue orgs who put a higher price on some sought after breeds and puppies so that they are not "on sold", I agree with this. aren't the mutts just as valuable? I get where the OP is coming from. Yes of course they are, though there are some particular breeds who are at risk of being onsold for profit. Increasing the adoption fee often avoids that happening. ETA Particularly as they are desexed prior to rehome, breeding is not possible. I would have thought vetting the new homes would help with that? and as you say they are, or should be, desexed. Anyone trying to buy a purebred on the cheap from rescue to on sell wouldn't be interested in a desexed dog anyway. Actually some are dog brokers and know they can on-sell a purebred for more money, desexed or not. But wouldn't that be worked out int he vetting stages?
  21. Hi, I wasn't saying that rescue dogs should be cheaper at all. Every dog is valuable in my eyes, I was just seriously confused by a rescue advertising crossbreeds of the same age and temp at the average of $350 and then advertising purebreds at a price of $650-$700 it just surprised me is all.
  22. I guess so. I just don't agree but if they can, as long as the money goes back into saving more dogs :)
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