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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. If not it may be worth finding a reputable GSP rescue and rehoming him or getting a family member to do it.
  2. Hi guys, I'm in the middle of making a video promoting adoption and highlighting the plight of dogs in pounds but also showing the difference in the same dog once it is adopted or rescued. I'm a bit stuck though as I'd like a few different breeds and even though the rescues I'm involved in have many dogs, they are all similar types. So I was wondering if I could get some before an after pics to put in my video or even a video of a dog after rescue a pic or two of it before. Please pm me if you have anything like this. Thanks!
  3. Wow..just out of interest have you seen the parents yet? Do they seem healthy? Yeah remove weetbix, and substitute with puppy milk and soaked pro plan. i'm imagining his bowels aren't too healthy on this food any way so the proplan may be an improvement
  4. Yep find out what it's currently eating then slowly add your food in bit by bit until a fortnight-month later is all your own food. Human mince is not great but chicken necks and pet mince (I get my butcher to put through all the offcuts including gristle through the mincer and buy tit by the bag) That way it includes calcium and other nutrients that mince meat for human consumption lacks.
  5. I doubt he has a broken foot, probably just a sprain and if he's able to walk ti then he's able to hobble after it, not just go "oh well" and walk home.
  6. Proper guard dogs are trained to attack anyone except the owner, patrol dogs, police/security type dogs who work with a handler are the trained ones that can be called off. I believe you'll find that you're wrong. All guard dogs are highly trained and can be called off, regardless of the type of training. Man stoppers/guard/protection/personal protection all can be called off
  7. Actually M-sass...that hit with sticks thing. I know of a dog that came from VERY good and stable temp lines and was abused as a pup and became aggressive towards people. Someone took her on and rehabbed her and low and behold she lived to a ripe old age not even curling a lip. Yes some dogs are predisposed to aggressive tendencies more than others but this has NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING to do with the breed of dog or even who bred it. Especially in this case when we have no idea WHAT the dog is breed wise and its temperament lineage. But what we can do is make an educated guess that the owner is a thug/idiot/bogan that has less dog knowledge than a rock and even if he had access to said knowledge he'd have nowhere to keep it. We can ascertain from his general manner, the obvious untrained dog dragging him out of his yard on the film, his general look, what he said and how he said it, that this dog had no direction, possibly abused, no one caring about his psychological welfare, some insecure moron having a tough looking dog as a status symbol and his general disregard for anyone's welfare including the dead dog, that this animal had no chance in hell of becoming anything else than what he became and trust me, ANY breed can turn out like that, genetically predisposed to aggression or NOT. If an idiot like this owns it.
  8. I think Lennox died a while ago, it makes no sense to deny them the right to say goodbye or take his body.
  9. Plus it's just GROSS! Good on her!
  10. I find that leaving their tummies empty for at least 4 hours before they hop in the car. Also I crate (the covered in type as car sickness is also too much visual stimulation and the brain can't process it all, tat's why both us and dogs are less likely to get car sick at night) one of mine in the back seat on the side, for some reason he's less likely to get sick there, also having the heater turned up too high can trigger nausea. The worst place for a car sick pup to ride is in the middle of the back seat I've found. Hope that helps.
  11. Fair enough! I would keep them inside if I had issues with fly bite. Luckily where we live we're very lucky so far.
  12. Yeah it's a beautiful movie and the dog is just gorgeous! Are there breeders in Australia? (just asking out of interest not because I want one lol)
  13. I was just thinking I probably could have just Googled it lol. Thank you, will look it up. Very pretty dog.
  14. So I know that dog wasn't a Briard but I have no idea what breed it is. It's very attractive and have never seen any of that breed over here or whilst I was living in America. Is it a purebred or a crossbred?
  15. I disagree, my dogs are on a strict flea control spot on treatment and have never had a flea. It's all about the level of care you provide. I suspect dogmad is also talking about flies and mosquitos. They are easier to control indoors than outdoors. This is true, we don't really have a problem with either here, if your yard is really kept clean then flies don't get very bad and we have mosquito coils going on the back veranda (out of reach of canids) 24/7 during summer. We've never really been prone to either. Too far inland for ticks as well. We're in a good area for low amounts of creepy crawlies, a lot of my friends are closer to the coast and aren't so lucky with ticks and mozzies though. they use a spray to keep the mozzies off their old kelpie dog.
  16. I agree with all of the above. Whilst I understand some dogs definitely like to be outside, usually all dogs like to be inside with their owners and when it's cold, they definitely prefer the warmth of the house to being outside. Outside animals are more prone to arthritis and can get plagued by insects, not much fun. I disagree, my dogs are on a strict flea control spot on treatment and have never had a flea. It's all about the level of care you provide.
  17. Well a farmer will always buy the rest off you. I've done that before, had too much and sold the rest a couple of months before the use by. But I suppose I was using it for a sick foal. Dogs are much less.
  18. It works out cheaper if you buy from a feed store in bucket form.
  19. I'm not anxious when with my dogs, at all! I used to be but not for the past 2 years or so. I've made a point not to be. He was responding to the other dog I believe.
  20. If it's light rain and i and the dog have coats yes, but if it's heavy or hailing no I don't. They get lots of time on the back veranda but my dogs are pretty lazy in the heavy rain and like to sleep all day mainly, or if you're the Maremma and Gordon go out and roll around in the mud...
  21. The deed not the breed? Victoria isn't doing that, they're doing the breed not the deed! UGH
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