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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. He's so cute! They look a bit similar to airedales as pups don't they.
  2. I think I know who that dogs belongs to, will make a call.
  3. I watched it the other day. That lady is my hero!
  4. Working dogs are worth their weight. I started a nice looking red and tan dog at the end of last year and used him a bit on the station. I bought him for $150 and sold him for 10X that amount 9 months later. Farmers are willing to pay top dollar for a good dog. They work hard and all they ask in return is a bed and food.
  5. It's nothing to do with fundraising it is part of a media assignment.
  6. Kikuyu is great normally, although I had a foster dog that developed an allergy to it.
  7. Yes that's fine, I'll be putting all the names of the organisations and photographers in the credits :)
  8. Omg those pics are shocking! How does a dog even get to that point! The scum who owned her should be jailed!
  9. I constantly threaten my dogs with the pound lol.
  10. Destiny is SO FUNNY! I love her! Tell her thank you very much and I'll probably use the second one! Very much appreciated. in the next month or so it'll be finished and I'll send her a copy if she likes.
  11. I used to have WKC dogs and by the WKC laws they're meant to but no one ever mics them and there's nowhere to put it on their reg papers (I think). I microchipped all my dogs and when I sold them on all the farmers were annoyed that I had done it lol.
  12. Thanks guys. Yeah I have a pound dog here and she looks positively radiant in her pound pic lmao
  13. Fantastic! thank you! Funny the council didn't know that!
  14. Good idea. I'd still like the option of doing that though. I just don't have access to enough dogs here to do a proper video and won't look at google as don't want to infringe copright, but if people willingly help me out by giving me their pictures to use that's different. So here's hoping. Thanks for the advice.
  15. Surgery, even minor can make a dog regress into puppy behaviour. It messes them up for a few weeks sometimes. especially sensitive doggehs.
  16. If she's stuck ona an Oodle than maybe a rescue would suffice. Or she could get a Poodle.
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