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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. I was walking with my 8 year old cousin today, she had the JRT and I had the kelpie. We were walking the route I always take but I've been busy for about a week so haven't gone for a walk recently. Apparently pig hunters have moved into one of the houses just around the corner from me. They have two scruffer crosses, they look like relatively young dogs, but very large, the largest would be mid 30's to early 40's in weight I'd say, but very tall. Anyway the fences are very low but we didn't notice them at first as they were very quiet and then one barked (not overly aggressive but definitely showing a bit of territorial behaviour) and I saw them. I just told my cousin to keep walking and ignore them and she did. We made it past their house and I thought we were fine and then looked back and saw the biggest scruffer jump the fence into the next yard and fence chase us, luckily the fence in this yard was a bit higher and he couldn't jump it without a run-up, but he did try to push through the gate. At our first opportunity we crossed the road, but now I'm very worried about walking (it's the only route available) and his front fence is very low and as he's still growing it's only a matter of time before he realises he can get over that one. Do you think I should go and talk to them (I know most pig hunters in this town and they're pretty arrogant when it comes to being told what to do with their dogs, or even informed that their dogs are doing something bad)I just don't want this dog to escape and hurt itself or anyone else, but I also don't want to cause discourse and problems as it's a small town.
  2. Maybe does this, I can't fill the duck pond because she's intent on filling the whole backyard instead...
  3. Nova looks gorgeous! Maybe my girl I got out of the pound is so intense, I know exactly what you mean. I love it also. Way to go Ollie, my bet is he won't be returning haha
  4. Oh gawd, I even have trouble using my own cutlery lmao.
  5. I did a 12 hour trip at the start of the year with two dogs, a cat and a 1 week old lamb on my lap. Rule of thumb was only stop in towns that didn't look dodgy and that was every 3 hours or so. We also had one big break about half way through for lunch. The dogs had chew toys and were seasoned travelers, the cat is a cool dude and hung out, the lamb peed on me multiple times but lambs do that. We didn't feed them the night before and gave them water frequently but only in small doses. They did fine.
  6. That cafe could be shut down if a health inspector was around. It's GROSS! My dog licks it's butt, eats poop and chews raw meat, the last thing I want is to go to a cafe or restaurant and see someone letting their dog eat off their cutlery. It irks me something shocking.
  7. I stopped eating out at most cafes after I saw a lady feed her poodle off the plate...it's just gross. Plus coffee and dogs is a bad idea.
  8. This is hilarious! Ammo will steal Baxter's bed whilst baxter is sleeping on it, just rips it out from under him and runs off into the back yard with it, baxter is left befuddled and pissed off haha! Maybe also has this habit of running backwards whilst watching the other dogs and has more than once knocked the whole outback table set to the ground. And my Mum's JRT occasionally forgets the sliding window is closed and tries to jump through it to play with the cat who purposefully taunts her on the other side for his own amusement.
  9. Dog parks are just horrible. I'd never take my dogs to a dog park because the same people I see with their dogs pulling ahead of them and being dog reactive on the lead in the street are normally the ones that go to the dog park. Not to mention I don't like my dogs playing with dogs i don;t know for the simple fact that they could have worms, fleas, mange, ringworm or a bad attitude and how is that going to help a DA get over anything, if a DA dog gets attacked by a dog in the dog park (high possibly) then how will that be cathartic? Wouldn't it just feed into his current insecurities about other dogs?
  10. Some dogs are inherently DA it doesn't mean they need to be fixed or faulty, they're just bred that way. Also where did you get the term "Red zone" from, just out of interest. I think I can guess, but I might be wrong.
  11. Looks like a bit f an under bite. Gorgeous puppy, so sad Good luck buddy
  12. At this stage I'm just helping her find a good home or rescue. I have told her however that if she gets truly desperate I can take her if she's desexed and rehome her through PR. We'll see what happens.
  13. I have, hopefully she'll have her desexed. Just asked her what happened to the rest, all the pups were given away but no one wanted these two.
  14. Not sure, I'll ask her and let you know. She's advertising her on a few sites but I'm worried someone is going to see Free to good home and just get her without thinking. I can offer transport to Bathurst, Singleton, Cowra or Clarence Town area this week!
  15. Because he was a jerk who didn't desex his kelpie and every dog and its brother visited his house. By the time my friend got there there were two left, a coolie cross and this one, he was going to shoot both she rehomed the coolie girl immediately but no one wants this one and she's stuck with her and she's quite ill and can't train her or give her the time she needs, but she just didn't want to see her die.
  16. 9 dogs gettign over excited about being let outside in one pack and an outsider comes in...recipe for disaster with any dogs. Especially considering only one person was in control. And Dorgis? Really? ugh
  17. I haven't been for a while What was the reason why you stopped training your dog? I didn't stop training, I just do it by myself now. I stopped going to training because there was no age group, no rules regards vaccinations, in heat bitches or generally aggressive dogs. All dogs were at different levels and there was one instructor...It was a lesson on what "pure pandemonium" looked like though. Do you feel your dog is well trained enough? For my purposes, yes they are. Did you not get results from previous training attempts? I mainly went for the socialisation and to teach the dog to obey me with distractions (because there were a lot there lol) Is training too far away/ too often/ too expensive? Are you simply too busy? There is a very good one about an hour from me but it's just too far to travel to every week, and my life is ever changing and I can't guarantee I can set aside the time. Did you find training boring? Some aspects, yes. Especially when the trainer seems to focus on the breed of dog they like, rather than all breeds. What would prompt you to start training again or would you not start training again regardless? If the other club was closer I'd give it a go.
  18. I'm not a rescue but I work with rescues and know how hard and trying it is on your emotions, you deserve one to call your own. That being said make sure this is THE ONE that you want, that this particular dog that you have been offered is a dog that you can live with and that you will bond with and won't regret giving up future rescues for. It's a wonderful offer and I understand how hard it must be for you, getting your heart breed or keeping those lost hearts beating. Just make sure this particular dog is the dog you want and then go for it! This opportunity is rare and I imagine quite fleeting!
  19. My friend rescued this little puppy from a farmer who was about to shoot her, she now isn't sure what to with her as my friend is unwell but didn't want to see this puppy die. She's believed to be a KelpieXlab. She's vaccinated and can be microchipped. 10weeks. I can offer transport to Newcastle this coming wednesday and to wagga/yass next week as my car is full on tomorrow's wagga trip. my friend is so wanting to fidn this little sweety the best of homes, so if you can fit her in please do, she's lovely and very calm for a young pup. Her name is Morgan.
  20. If it's just whining and a bit of high pitched yelping and barking, ignore her. She'll soon learn to settle, otherwise you could end up like my friend who went to the dog every time she cried in the night and created a monster that now owns the bed. She'll be fine, if she's safe and warm and crated separately then there should be no reason to go see her after lights out. Thanks for adopting her, pound doggies are awesome!
  21. I feel for all involved, the man, his wife, the police officer and the dogs. It was a horrible situation all round and will take everyone quite a while to recover. Makes me so sad. If my dogs attacked me (knowing what lovely dogs they are) I would beg the police not to shoot as well, I can't imagine the emotions!
  22. Maybe you could try something foul tasting on the tip of his tail (not on the injured spot of course). Sounds like attention seeking/anxiety that is quickly becoming neurotic
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