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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. My friend lives in Wyoming and has 3 Cattle dogs/cattle dog crosses. It's very cute, I can't see the colour very well and work out if it's ticking or merle, but if it's merle it could also be Catahoula or Aussie which are both very popular in that area of the states.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCrEoWE3sHM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxZjEw0ZcDo
  3. I hate that dogs are seen as disposable possessions by so many. Something that has stood by our sides through centuries, not questioning, unwavering loyalty to even the most undeserving, yet treated like garbage.
  4. Don't hold back now, tell us how you really feel lol :laugh:
  5. Dominance isn't something that can be bred into a dog. Rather it is the the character or disposition of something to control or assert authority over another. That isn't genetic, a larger body type, a balanced mind, guarding instincts, protection instincts and intelligence can be bred, dominance is individual to the dog, not the breed.
  6. Oh dear. Crossing my fingers that it all goes fine now. RIP baby girl
  7. He's ginormous!!! Much leggier than my boy. God I love maremmas, so regal.
  8. I'm not in contact with the lady anymore, I suppose it doesn't really matter, he's gorgeous to me any way
  9. Yes, she does. She may also be reading this thread. Yes she probably is now...She has a serious hatred for me, with regular rants on her FB about me. Yes you're so horrible, all those dogs and cats you are responsible for saving and rehoming responsibly and without hiccups! How dare you!
  10. But he's shot up in the past few months, he was average (ish) size until then, he's also bulked up and is way too heavy for a normal sized maremma. I know people that have his (unneutered) brother who is around the same size as well.
  11. He was neutered as soon as he dropped, at about 4 1/2 months
  12. Naw! Honey si so cute. I know nothing about Poms but her face looks Teddyish if that means anything lol
  13. Rip baby girl Hmm plant based names. Poppy, Petal, Posie, Garland, Bud, Blossom, Rocket, Minty, Sage, Spades, Peanut, Herb
  14. The main thing is... we don't sound like loonies :laugh: Yes, although it is a task for me :laugh:
  15. Ammo is now 3 1/2 years and has gone through another growth spurt. He has been up and down in his weight, went through a really heavy stage weighed about 60kgs, then lightened up at 54kgs which he stayed at until the last few months, he's now weighing 63kgs and seems to be getting heavier, he's not overweight but he's grown at least an inch since the start of the year now around 68cms. Does he look like he could have some Pyr in him as he seems very oversize for even a large maremma? The photos are of him with my 8 year old cousin, she's tall for her height. One has my JRT and the other had my Kelpie in it for size referencing. He was given to me by a lady that owns both his parents, his dad looks a lot like him but a bigger and jowlier head.
  16. I'm shocking, it takes me forever to make my point LOL
  17. I don't agree with the assertion that there are dominant "breeds". I'm pretty sure dominance is determined by individuality and environment. There are powerful breeds but many a powerful dog is not in charge.
  18. I recently sent an email to someone who had a free Poodle. I copied and pasted it for your viewing pleasure, Hi, I recently saw your ad for your Poodle and thought I'd send you this quick email. I work with dogs every day in rescue and at the pound and see the result of poor decision making and impulse buys. I by no means am saying you are one of these people and I understand that there are so many reasons that people cannot keep their dogs any longer and respect that. However I'm concerned that your dog is not desexed as I know of people in your area that would buy a lovely dog like yours for the purpose of turning her into a breeding dog for their puppy farm (Puppy farms are shocking and your dog would be so unhappy and possibly become ill if she lived there)I also see every day the dogs that get dumped in the pound because people saw it for free on a site like the one you have your dog on and do an impulse buy, not fully realising the amount of work involved in caring for it. So the dog is dumped or surrendered and is so bewildered and it's just not fair. I have a feeling from your ad that you're good people that have cared for your girl and want the best possible home for her. So as one dog loving stranger to another I would just suggest that you get her desexed or put a price on her that would discourage the impulse buyers. I know you might ignore this advice, but it comes from a place of concern and not judgment at all. Sorry this email is so long. All the best with rehoming your gorgeous girl.
  19. I think I know who that is ^. Does she often advertise on FB?
  20. Tonto Breeze Kiss Ella Cody Friday Chance Chessie
  21. Okay, first thing I'll make the call, before anything can happen. Thank you
  22. I just spoke to a few people and they know of the people and told me to contact the council and not speak to the owners. I'll get onto it asap as I'm quite concerned. Especially as a group of scruffers recently (start of this year) attacked people quite badly not far from here.
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