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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. That guy has zero authority over himself not just the dogs. Poor cat
  2. Did they contact you to tell you to come and get them because something was wrong? How long were they booked in? Pretty disgraceful either way. I would try to hold back from bad mouthing them as this could hurt you in the long run. I'd also contact the RSPCA and inform them of this kennel and also get your vet to write a report on the dogs exact conditions and how they were treated etc.
  3. There used to be a guy that would sell his entire ex-racing greyhounds as potential hunting dogs near where I used to live. There were heaps of scruffer breeders that included greyhound in their mix, he always advertised them as pedigree with papers in the local paper and on the notice board.
  4. That first black and white pup od Daisy's is just adorable! It's love.
  5. That's right, I want to do best by my dog without breaking the law at the same time. Who polices dog's heats though? How would they know if you bred back to back?
  6. You couldnt breed her anyway in Victoria before her first birthday I know a few wkc breeders that breed on the first heat but I never would, I think they're just too immature plus I want to see my girl work and know what kind of dog would complement her and that takes time.
  7. My bitch is about to have her first heat and she's hitting the 8 months mark. Thinking her second heat will be ok to breed her.
  8. True. I've heard some horrible stories about reports being ignored.
  9. Perhaps alternative living arrangements could be made? I don't know the situation but these people sound horrible
  10. This is harassment and if she likes she can report them to the housing authority or police. Write a report stating what they do and that way of they report her dogs she has written evidence to suggest otherwise. I hate how new people come in and think they have a right to dictate to the old residents how they should live.
  11. This guys isn't my friend he's just a breeder and musterer up the road, these bitches usually breed until they are six or seven and then they get pts because they're past their working use by date or just used for work until they can't work anymore... I feel like he's a working dog puppy farm of sorts. He does have some nice dogs but he's not reg with any canine body, he does breed good working dogs but most are incredibly undersized for kelpies. There's no point in talking to him or reporting him because it's a farming area and a lot of people do it this way, unless you're a reg stud you don't desex your bitches after they finish breeding as they aren't as fast for work and they put on weight. But if you watch what you feed and keep the work up to them I can't see why desexing can't be done. It's all a old school vs new school game, at the dog's expense.
  12. OK definitely will do and I think I'll call a few others who breed wkc and chat to them as well. Thanks
  13. OK thank for that, my mentor said that a bitch should have at least one heat off before breeding her again, not just for health but so she can go back to work. This is why I'm asking as it'll be about a year before I breed my bitch and I want to get this right and make sure I have the right mentor and if not find a new one. I want to do this right. A lot of people just breed their working dogs but I really want to know the ins and outs entirely.
  14. I know a guy who breeds working dogs and breeds them every heat, they rarely get a heat off. I think the dog needs at least a year off after pups or even 18 months for her to fully recover and also to work which is what she's been bred to do. Surely it's highly unethical to do such a thing? He is adamant that it doesn't hurt the bitch but surely it does. What are you views on breeding a bitch every heat? I personally would never do it.
  15. I actually am planning once I'm better at going over to the UK and getting pointers off a few BC breeders and trainers (sheepdogs) over there and if I get rich I'll bring one over to do 3 sheep trials.
  16. I'd have staff and no job which gives me all day with the dogs :)
  17. If you had all the money you ever needed and more what would you get for your dogs, where would you live, how would your dream property look and what breed of dog would you have that you currently can't afford? I would own 1000's of acre not far from where I live. I would run sheep and cattle and breed high quality working kelpies and train (mostly yard dogs)on my property as well. I would have 20 acres of securely fenced and maintained grassland just for dogs to run and have free time and a secure huge kennel facility as well as a huge house that would be tiled so no dog hair stuck in the carpet. I would have a maremma bred in Italy imported. I would also fund the council for a proper pound to be built. To dream
  18. That's just a waste of time then. Probably because it was on TV
  19. Oh i thought they had seen the dog. Makes sense now.
  20. A docked dog that's not injured hardly sounds like reasonable cause though. Or was it not healing well? I understand that docking is illegal but seizing a dog with a docked tail sounds weird.
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