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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. Safe sheep are safe. Our boy is like that, it's all good unless the people look like they're pulling up at our place, heaven forbid you come in without permission...
  2. Not sure just how it works,but maybe thats why there is as much variation in dingos now (colour,white spots etc.) Further changes apart from shortening of muzzle etc. that occurs with domestication likely depends on continued selection for the tamest? well the neighbours pup wasnt'selected' like that. her hubby was a semi driver and some local out the middle of nowhere arrived at the pub with a litter of pups he had dug out, she was the last pup left and they was going to knock her on the head and he asked for her and brought her home. she looked just like the girl in the photos above. The whole point of the experiment was to select the naturally tame foxes from litters of wild foxes and then breed only the tame cubs of those litters and so on. Tamer dingoes are present in the wild population, every dingo in unique as is every dog. That is displayed int he post above where the dingo is not very affectionate compared to your neighbour's one.
  3. The white one has his tail quite tucked which can create a roached back look, the black one has his tail relatively relaxed, that could also provide photos that aren't exactly truthful. I like the white one's back and how it ties into the tail a bit better than the darker one.
  4. I love the squishy faced blue and white pup. Yay for cute puppies!
  5. My bet is those puppies are going to fly out the window.
  6. I love this thread! Congrats everyone, beautiful colouring! EDIT: Oh Gemelo just read your post, so sorry
  7. Dingoes are relatively tame already so i would assume over time the genetics would be changed as the foxes were?
  8. Shouldn't there be a program running that raises purebred dingoes introduces the into a simulated "wild" environment complete with prey for the to learn? (but I suppose then you would have to answer to animal cruelty stuff etc) On the other hand, they are dingoes int he sense that their genetics make them so but remember that experiment where the guy bred foxes for years in captivity and over the years the foxes started to develop strange colouring and floppy ears, as well as bobbed tails etc. It was apparent that the foxes genes were changing and morphing and creating a new strain of "domestic" foxes. They also bred much quieter animals that behaved like regular friendly dogs. You see this in some dingo populations now that have been bred in captivity, skull shape change and white markings on the face etc.
  9. She's lovely, what kid of show and congrats on the blue Love the river pics
  10. Baxter does house zoomies, he gets so excited when he comes in of an evening that he zooms his little chunky self all over the house with a loud pant going, he looks and sound insane. Whenever my sister comes over Ammo tries to walk between her legs, she's shorter and than he is tall and it always ends up with her squealing and having one leg up in the air and him with a silly grin. Maybe will pick up her toy and will beg the other dogs to throw it for her. Torque is a real toy hog and when Maybe isn't looking Torque will take all her toys and hide them being the rabbit cage, Maybe runs around like an idiot for ages looking for them but she never realises that Torque always puts them in the same place... Telly mum's dog will scream to get attention, she sounds like a little girl and she'll smile while she's doing it. You'll be patting another dog and all of the sudden this high pitched scream and smiling dog is beside you. She's a freak lol
  11. I'd call the company and tell them immediately. They can't fix what they don't know about. Glad your boy is OK!!
  12. When I was in America I met a wolf Hybrid, 80% wolf according to his owner. He was HUGE! I'm 5'4" and he was up to my hips. He was so placid but VERY aloof and she was a very knowledgeable dog person who had a whole set up for him at home, she volunteered at the shelter and would bring hi in and put him in the interview room and he'd just sleep. One of the most beautiful creatures to look at. She said at home she had special fencing built and had to abide by county laws regards locks on gates and the type of restraints he had to wear outside. I don't mean to sound airy fairy but you could definitely see that he was a wild animal and seemed to be tolerating us, not joining in with us.
  13. I sit on the ground crosslegged and Ammo will put his head in my lap with his butt in the air and stay there happily for ages. he's a weirdo
  14. It's a tough call, since 'in the wild' they frequently have high parasite loads, are hunted/baited/trapped, can be starving etc. so the question becomes: does the relative comfort they experience in a domestic environment outweigh the loss of freedom? *keeps nerd hat on* actually they came across with Asiatic seafarers possibly as little as 4,000 years ago. At a maximum - 18,000 years. Which is why they look almost identical to Thai street dogs :) Which would explain their similarity to New Guinea Singing dogs and a lot of the oriental types like Shibas etc
  15. My Maremma has always done this, he leans on everyone he likes, his whole body he just uses people to prop him up, he thinks it's funny when people almost lose their balance because of his weight and kinda grins. He's a leaner as we call him and I think he does it to get sole attention and affection. We always stop him as we don't want him to knock anyone over, but just wondering is your dog a leaner as well or is it primarily a LGD thing?
  16. I don't like the Politically Correct nation, so I'm all for this thread being made. I think HW makes some good points here and the ads aren't as useful here as they would be in other places [preaching to the choir/those who can't help]. I've already made points about why I think they are useful but totally understand where HW is coming from. So what if there was a sub-section somewhere where people could post some links to Gumtree ads, where dogs might be in danger or in need of immediate rescue? Would that not stop annoying others but also make sure others who do want to see them, look for them? Like I said before, I think some of the ads posted here have really helped dogs. Personally, I know at least one has for fact. I know the links aren't allowed, but what if they were? For one specific sub-section? It'd at least keep it to one section where those who wanted to see them, could see them. That could be a viable solution.
  17. OK then. I'll consider myself told. I'm not being rude. Sorry if I came off as rude. I don't think you're a bitch :)
  18. Unless you're paying, which some people do, you are not 'clientele'. More areas of dog ownership can mean many things, indeed, however, constant threads about this ad or that ad or this petshop or that petshop are just wearying. I understand the meaning of the word, HW mentioned paying for her breeding ads. As for the ads it's easy to just not open them.
  19. Well colour me a total bitch then if that rocks your boat. :) God forbid a newcomer to a forum got a reminder about its original purpose. Of course those of us who've been here over a decade should not be invested at all in how the forum evolves. I don't think you're a bitch, far from it. I appreciate that you're invested in this forum and love it. I'm just saying that maybe making a thread about the gumtree ads and how they are annoying you may come across as hurtful/harsh to people who were trying to help the dogs in the ads, that's all. Maybe it could have been slightly more tactful and diplomatic, That's all :)
  20. Me neither. But when it's thread after thread from someone who bought a BYB pup and who then drains this place dry for info and DEFENDS their purchase then I get a bit fragile. That is annoying but at the same time they get defensive because they didn't know and they love their puppy.
  21. I feel that threads like this may alienate newer members and members that are just trying to help. It doesn't come off as very welcoming or caring.
  22. That's great to hear! Is she pure dingo? If so how did he find a good breeder, I imagine there wouldn't be many though. He's adorable!
  23. Because users wanted them and Troy obliged. But promotion of ANKC registered purebred dogs is still the dominant purpose of the forum and the fact that there are long time users here who do little to contribute to that purpose doesn't sit well with me. But I ain't running the show. They may not contribute directly but this forum is a wealth of information and lack of contribution on a particular type pf topic does not mean that person is not gaining knowledge and putting it into practice offline.
  24. If it's the soul purpose of this forum then why is there an offtopic and a general dog discussion area? I think purebred is the basis of this forum and a great one but just like everything that has a lot of members it evolves to keep up with its clientele. This doesn't mean it's any less effective in getting across it's original message but simply has grown to accommodate more areas of dog ownership.
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