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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. I already put a picture of that one up earlier, so you should go again with a new one.
  2. How do you know that? I said 'I think'. Very different from 'I know'. That's what I think happened, pure conjecture.
  3. So you say that you're not really concerned with them being owned as pets and then I find that you have also said ^this^ previously. Excuse me if I'm a bit confused by your posts and backtracking.
  4. I think the kid found a dog and took it home to keep it and his parents for some reason or another kept it for a few days and then saw all the media attention and returned it or took it to the pound or something.
  5. I think the Filipino people need the money more than a dog that is going to live in discomfort the rest of its life.
  6. Ah yes, predicable I am. Got a one track mind for these guys, hopefully I'll own one in the next few years :love: Your go They're one of my favourites as well. My birthday is coming up just so you know :laugh: Here we go
  7. No. quite a bit larger. Polish Highland sheepdog :D
  8. Google says that is the correct answer. Ermagerd! I only knew that because I was discussing rare breeds with a girl in my class and she brought it up haha. I shall wait for Rozzie to confirm but YAY
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