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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. Maybe deadly night shade or lilac?
  2. He's a BEAUTIFUL boy! He's laying on the couch and is a very nice animal.
  3. You HAVE to take her, she neeeeeeeeeeeeeds you :D
  4. Yes, I see a big lecture in my future, with bunny props and diagrams, the whole thing.
  5. I was feeding the bunnies and suddenly I had no shortage of helpers wanting inside.
  6. I was having a study break so thought I'd teach Maybe to jump on the bins...naturally. What weird things do you teach your dogs?
  7. Chicken necks, BBQ chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken and Baxter apparently enjoys cardboard, book pages, post-its, dried spaghetti and air.
  8. I had a very dog reactive dog that was 60 kilos and I couldn't walk her without quite a bit of risk involved, so I set up a course in my backyard with jumps and tunnels and seesaw things, it wore her out and she didn't have to see other dogs. I still use it now (although slightly adapted) when I'm not well enough to walk my current dogs, it's very useful.
  9. She's now updating ads and giving him away and people are coming out of the woodwork to get him, Very worried for the poor little baby, Thank Emma
  10. Yes I would. If it meant that future dogs didn't have to suffer like my dog did.
  11. Would have to watch them both. The guy took the IS I saw out most days pheasant and grouse hunting. I don't know anything about the IS above apart from the fact that it looks very different. And then how would you judge which one did the best job in the sort of conditions they were developed for, in the region they were developed for? It gets so bloody tangled. Not to say that some aspects can't still be assessed, like SSM pointed out. It would be almost impossible to replicate for every dog for every judging, all you can really go on is how the dog looks and seems.
  12. Would have to watch them both. The guy took the IS I saw out most days pheasant and grouse hunting. I don't know anything about the IS above apart from the fact that it looks very different.
  13. Oh he's an APBT! I don't know any farmer that would take on an unruly pitbull unless he did pig hunting on the side.
  14. It looks way different to the one used for hunting that I saw in Scotland, way different.
  15. I'm quite familaiar with a few different working lines in Australia but this girl was quite ugly and not BC looking at all. Apparently she had Alpine BC and some other line in her.
  16. OK... so , has his breeder any advice to you? Has he had a full vet check? if he has not been castrated ...a youngster full of hormones may be more prone to some behaviours ... Once again..getting him assessed by Jane Harper would be the best way to find out exactly where things have gone wrong :) THEN you know in which direction to head ... Thank you. He is not from a "breeder". Yes he has vet checks, immunizations etc So where's he from? Is he working bred or from somewhere else?
  17. Obedience training and problem fixing through a behaviourist are two very different things. Training teaches a desired behaviour, behavioural therapy fixes an undesired behaviour and this takes someone with a uni degree in Veterinary Behaviour, so it's a bit different from what you are probably thinking. What is his daily exercise? Walking? running? How long etc?
  18. She has a particular job, she'd be no use on sheep whatsoever but for the cattle she is perfect. I'm glad most BCs don't look like her lmao
  19. It sounds like a very frustrated and unsocialised dog. A working home may be the answer, as long as the people understand that he'll be hard work and he still may not show any working instinct, which means he'll be useless, and a pain in the proverbial, not to mention very frustrated on a farm and won't be kept.
  20. This is so true, I met a working line BC the other day, a guy had bred the same lines for generations, I swear she looked more like a lab cross BC, she was tall floppy eared, short hair big square head with one black patch on her butt and the rest was white. He swears she's from his best lines and purebred...I was perplexed. I spoke to someone who's seen her work and he said she was amazing to watch.
  21. How much exercise does he get, what sort of training does he get and how often? Is he entire or desexed? Was there a reason he now hates other children? When did the barking start and can you find a trigger for it? Rehoming an aggressive dog is very dangerous. I suggest a behaviourist.
  22. You just have to know how to google Actually I knew one of them without googling, I was quite impressed with myself
  23. They could try putting her on a working dog site or speaking to some local farmers seeing if someone will test her out on sheep or cattle and if she works then a nuisance order won't matter on a farm. I don't think there's a lot of rescues that will take a dog with a nuisance order so the options are limited.
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