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Everything posted by staffyowner1971

  1. Hi all, I've recently joined this forum after becoming a proud owner of a little blue staffy girl, her name is Luna, she is a few days shy of 16 weeks, and is very close to 9kgs. She is well settled into our home, toilet trained outside, no crate training, well loved and looked after. When it comes to playtime, she has loads of toys, and I always use her toys to play, whether its a game of tug of war or fetch or chase. She gets plenty of interaction! Anyway my concern is they way my girlfriends father plays with her. He stays with us during the week and sees no problem in roughhousing and playfighting with only his hands. He fires her up by roughing her up around the head with his hands, pushing and shoving her around. Not in a forceful or over the top manner, Luna isn't being hurt by any of this, she gets very excited and appears to enjoy it very much. The problem is this also leads to hands in her mouth. My concern is that this sort of play style will lead her to think that everyone's hands are toys. I've made mention of the fact on a few occasions that it might all be fun and games while she is a pup, but it won't be so much fun when she's 15 to 20 kgs of muscle and teeth. Am I right to be concerned about this? I believe so. Sometimes when she wants to play, she starts pushing and nipping at our hands. The minute she starts this I redirect her into playing with a toy that I'm holding. What are everyone's thoughts?
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