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  1. An interesting article about people preparing for the cyclone, with some inventive ideas to keep animals safe ABC News
  2. The people featured in the linked article are camped at the Gayundah Coastal Arboretum. This is a waterfront park close to multiple high rise apartments at Woody Point. I strongly suspect that the council has taken this step because of multiple complaints from the apartments in the area. I have relatives living nearby and have heard a constant litany of complaints from people in their building. I am pretty sure most of it is petty resentment that they have paid top dollar for their waterfront apartment and the homeless have paid nothing. The real issue is, of course, that there is nowhere else for people to go. The whole idea of banning camping in a van (but allowing tents) assumes that the van dwellers can go to a caravan park but, as the article states, there are no vacancies in caravan parks. As for banning them from having dogs, some of the homeless are in that state because they chose their pets over their rental. Talk about kicking someone when they are down. This same council until recently banned people from having more than one dog in a unit, and illegally declared dozens of dangerous dogs without proper authority.
  3. Great article, thanks. I was astounded that almost all dogs had German Shepherd breeding, until I read further on that the average number of breed types in each dog was 25! The GSD prevalence is likely just a founder effect. I also wonder if the pups are getting any help from people (as the photo of the lady greeting the pups would imply). I gather that the biggest impediment to re-wilding of domestic dogs is their poor parental care post weaning, and most free-ranging dog populations depend on human help for the youngsters (according to Coppinger, anyway).
  4. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-12-02/child-attacked-by-border-collie-dog-in-townsville/104671486
  5. More about the Tasmanian Labradoodle workers who spoke to the ABC: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-11-03/tasmanian-labradoodles-puppies-put-freezer-and-overbred-dogs/104549396
  6. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-11-01/tas-rspca-flags-action-against-labradoodle-farm-staff/104545206 So, the owners get off without charge, but the staff who reported their concerns might be prosecuted?
  7. The ABC has a bit more information. Speculation, but sounds like the air conditioner failed. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-11-01/nsw-police-dogs-dead-investigation-south-sydney/104547476
  8. Also on ABC News with photos of the dog https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-10-30/townsville-dog-attack-victim-shares-ordeal/104536332
  9. Something the poor cats don't need ABC News
  10. With the Dandenong mauling reportedly not the first time the dogs have been aggressive, and the woman's partner the owner of the dogs, he may well be facing charges related to her injuries. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-10-11/dog-attack-dandenong-melbourne-woman-critical-injuries/104459738
  11. Just to add to the above, I think 9years is the oldest any pet insurer will take on a new dog. For most, the cut-off is 8. The last few years have seen some new underwriters in the market, so there is more competition and more options than when Choice did the original comparison. Insurance is still very costly, and you would probably be better off self insuring. Don't forget that vet costs vary and, if you communicate your financial limitations to the right vet, they will avoid all but the most necessary diagnostics & treatment.
  12. From the NBC News article (I am having no trouble accessing it, though not a subscriber): This case has led me down a rabbit hole of other fatal dog attacks. There are some pretty graphic videos out there, and some very idiotic owners.
  13. A bit of history on that horrible attack: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/dogs-kill-elderly-man-critically-injure-woman-bite-2-others-texas-atta-rcna72290
  14. Redsonic

    Roo Dog

    Mairead; thanks for that. I have fixed the link.
  15. Redsonic

    Roo Dog

    Interesting article about an Australian dog bred by early settlers specifically to hunt kangaroos. Apparently, it was adopted by native Australians as well, and used as a hunter and early warning system for the camp. ABC News
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