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Everything posted by Mummamia

  1. We tried to do that at our place but because that particular fence line is surrounded by 3.5 metres of concrete we had to set it that distance back from the fence and Del just jumped over it. But it is certainly the easiest option if you can do it. This sounds like a great idea... Thanks
  2. Your neighbour is so lucky their dog didn't get hit by a car or mauled by another dog. Must have been very distressing for you. I always wonder in these situations how much time the dog is given by the owners to go to such lengths to have something to do. Happy to hear the fence is working. I put a temporary and unlikely to be effective barricade in place this morning. All is quiet at the moment. I agree we should do something effective from the start and resolve it before anything bad happens... Neighbours up and gone early this morning so I have to wait again. Intended on getting to Bunnings early this morning but too concerned to leave the house.
  3. Unfortunately the neighbours were up and gone very early this morning so will have to continue waiting to speak with them. Their dogs have come to the fence twice this morning and my girl has taken more skin off. I tried to have a look at theirs but unable to see if they have any probs. I have now covered some of the fence with a tarp and put my large plastic water tank up against it. There is about 10-15 metres to cover, thankfully not a huge amount. Unable to leave the house again today so won't get to Bunnings as planned this morning. I just can't risk it... Water sounds like a good idea. I might get the hose out and give them all a good spray if they start up again. I've been banging on the fence with a piece of wood but having to keep going out is a pain... thanks for your thoughts...
  4. I was asking if anyone had been in a similar situation and if they had any suggestions that helped to resolve it... Training for mine in place and 100% success for the afternoon and evening... Owners arrived home a little while ago and took them inside all is finally quiet... he seems like a nice guy and after speaking to him yesterday about the problem I am 'hopeful' he will share the issue and cost of a barrier... regardless has to be done...
  5. That's seems my best option... Hope it won't cost too much... Yes... worth any amount of money to be safe but hoping won't scare my credit card... I am hopeful the neighbours will kick in... Also... Love your honesty about your dog... He is truly loved...
  6. Now that's original and worth thinking about... Excuse to internet shop... yay Haha. Just make sure you don't get noise complaints or create deafness in either species :D
  7. 100% success with my dog ignoring all afternoon and evening... Yay... Neighbours arrived home a little while ago and now have taken theirs inside...Phew... At least my television viewing will not be interrupted this evening...
  8. Hi Animal Ark 22 Oh no... I hope this isn't my future... So sorry for you... Vent away you poor thing... issues with dogs are sooooo frustrating... my dog is ok superficial at the moment...
  9. Only just figured out how to make sure my replies to post are below your post... Thanks for your thoughts and have given a more detailed explanation further on In response... No worries your response was appreciated Little Gifts...
  10. Fortunately my cats don't leave the yard they are both old and one only goes out to do her business.. The other sleeps in the cupboard or on the lounge in the entertainment area... Just worried until I can get a barrier up there won't be any fence damage from either side that will allow theirs to get through... As per my reply to Little Gifts... My neighbour and I spoke at length about the problem yesterday and we both decided to give them a chance to settle down... It was the blood coming from dogs snout and them not being home that prompted to ask some advice on here... Thanks for your thoughts
  11. I hope you saw my reply further on Animal Ark 22... I just worked out how to make sure I post as a reply to each Your response was appreciated and I hope no dog comes to any harm...
  12. yes...I'm thinking about what the easiest and most effective way to do this... Bunnings tomorrow?
  13. Now that's original and worth thinking about... Excuse to internet shop... yay
  14. No Little Gifts your answer was thoughtful and appreciated... I don't make habit of posting on this site but as mine was bleeding this morning and the neighbours were not home to speak to...I thought I would give it a go and see if anyone could come up with something I hadn't thought of... Share a similar story... Some have and that is helpful... I was just looking to see if anyone else had had this issue, as I have never had this issue, and what they did to resolve it. The neighbour and I have already had a lengthy conversation about it yesterday and he had already informed me he had had trouble with his dogs at the place he just moved from... We had spent some time talking about it and decided to see if they would settled down... He seems very nice and receptive... I just hate it when, and it seems the same people on this site, repeatedly, do not read posts correctly and also expect a war and piece story so every little detail is covered... They get stuck in their own narrow minded view of dog issues...The original query is then lost in the rubbish as they post back and forth... I will not respond... Do they all get together afterwards and give out a trophy for the one who wasted the most time... Do these people have dogs? or maybe just the one who never moved or perhaps one of those kids mechanical ones? You have to wonder Yes, exactly I am concerned that until it's sorted... Covering up fence or TRAINING mine to ignore and being confident about this... What could happen when I go out... P.S. The owners are still not home
  15. Here we go again... If you do not have a useful answer or are not able to read the details in a question then please do NOT waste my time replying... It is not my dogS it is only one of them... SO sorry I neglected to state it is their dogS (the TWO of them) that come over to the fence and bark and this is WHEN the fence fighting starts... It has NEVER happened previously in my 15 years of being here...And EVERYONE has owned at least one dog...They have only been here FOUR days... and have not been home for most of the time to work on their dogs... I have just returned home and their dogs have started again AT THE FENCE... (I should have made this clear) I should have videoed that as I sit here and type this...I clapped my hands and said 'no' and my staffie did NOT go further than the back door... The other TWO had a look and came back in... Honestly, Stop believing you know everything after obviously half reading a post... when you have no idea... I will not respond to any further unhelpful responses... There are people on here who are not narrow minded and think everything is about lack of training... These are the people who I would like to respond with USEFUL suggestions...
  16. Although I understand your predicament, but essentially the problem is that you can't call your dog off the fence to ignore something going on next door that is really not of your dog's concern. Personally I would use this opportunity as a training exercise to gain better control of your own dogs as fence barking and fighting only attracts council complaints long term and is better IMHO that your own dogs don't get into the habit of it. If the dogs next door become a problem with nuisance barking, you can always report them for their owners to address their contribution to the problem.
  17. Yep lots of things to consider... Whatever we do I hope none of them are too smart to overcome it... Owners are not home at the moment so I'm taking the pups out to friends place to play with their mates... I feel this has to be dealt with NOW... I am yet to mention I have 2 cats as well
  18. I have no intention of creating a fight with my neighbours... he has already told me he is studying to be a counsellor and in my career verbal judo is a must... So hopefully we both have the skills to resolve the issue in the best interest of the dogs... It's actually the little white foo foo that's causing the problem... But I do agree in regard to caution with the staffies... I don't want anyones' dog getting hurt... Yes especially mine... fortunately my other two have no interest..
  19. Hi Animal Ark 22 Oh no... I hope this isn't my future... So sorry for you... Vent away you poor thing... issues with dogs are sooooo frustrating... my dog is ok superficial at the moment...
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