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Everything posted by mel_

  1. Hi guys, Just after some advice. This morning I took Ollie for his usual morning walk. After we got back I took his harness off in the yard and he had a walk around, then went over to drink some water. He was walking normally at this point. I turned my back for a few minutes and then heard this sudden loud yelp from him, which made me turn around and I saw him limping on his front left leg. He lay down for a couple of minutes and then got up again and was still limping, but not as badly. I've put pressure up and down his leg a fair bit and he hasn't shown any signs of pain from it, I've also checked his nails, pads and in between his toes and haven't found anything. He's still limping a fair bit now. Should I see how he is tomorrow and take him straight to the vet if he's still the same, or would something like this heal over time after lots of rest? I have no idea what caused this! He wears a sens-ible harness as I've been training him not to pull. He did do a couple of bolts this morning, but as I said he was walking normally after we got back so I don't think that had anything to do with it.
  2. Was going to offer the same advice because we all know how much Cavaliers love food :laugh: Maybe stuffing a Kong with something and freezing it?
  3. Yes! I take my Cavalier to the dog park every now and then and it's only a 10 minute drive away, but when I get back I actually have to vacuum down the whole car (seats, floor, doors, everything) which is really time consuming. I guess it doesn't really help that the inside of the car is black and that it doesn't belong to me haha. But I have to admit I would take him to the park a lot more often if this weren't the case
  4. $89.95 for 13.6 KG grain free. Free delivery if you're in Victoria! http://www.robbospetbarn.com.au/products/c-362/DOGS/FOOD/SUPER-PREMIUM/CANIDAE/GRAIN-FREE.aspx $99.95 for 20KG with grain. Free delivery if you're in Victoria! http://www.robbospetbarn.com.au/products/c-153/DOGS/FOOD/SUPER-PREMIUM/CANIDAE/CANIDAE-DRY.aspx Thanks! :D
  5. Oh wow where are you getting your Canidae? The cheapest I can find is 13kg for $113. edit: noticed the grain-free formula's dearer!
  6. Cavalier tail! Would love to get a pic with his tail more up but it's constantly wagging. Wow CrazyCresties, must've taken you a while to get those burrs out! So many!
  7. I would absolutely love to do this. There's a nursing home around the corner from me called IBIS Care Big Sister so I should get in contact with them. Would it be best to just give them a ring? Or even drop in?
  8. I'm currently feeding Taste of the Wild (Salmon). I tried VIP Grain-Free too for a little while but there was just too much pooping! I was kind of shocked considering most people's dogs seem to do really well on it, would've been great for me cost-wise too
  9. My overly friendly Cavalier will greet any stranger with open paws and I'm sure he would do the same if nobody were home. I'm not too sure what he'd do if there was a physical confrontation going on but hopefully that won't ever happen for me to find out!
  10. Thanks LizT and showdog! What would be the best tool to strip? So sorry for taking over the thread, I'm just so interested in anything that will reduce the shedding haha.
  11. I definitely don't wash my Cavalier every week, pretty unecessary in my opinion :) As persephone said they do need a good ear clean and brush regularly. You probably already know that they shed like crazy!
  12. I personally don't have one, but I've heard Ariston is quite good.
  13. I feel your pain Cavaliers are known to love food but my 14 month old is ALWAYS scavenging for things to eat too, especially things that shouldn't be eaten. He even does it right after he's had a meal. Sticks, rocks, poo (his own, possum), gum nuts, used bandaids, gum, snail shells, wrappings from food, bark, tissues, rotting food, you name it! This is stuff he finds on his walks too, not in my backyard haha.
  14. I actually have no idea how it works to stop the pulling.. but the fact that it does is enough for me haha
  15. I bought a SENSE-ible Harness from there recently which also had free shipping :) It has worked like a miracle so far in regards to pulling!
  16. Green beans! They're great to chop in to small pieces for treats :)
  17. Green beans! They're great to chop in to small pieces for treats :)
  18. I feed chicken wings and necks with the skin/fat removed. It's a lot of effort (especially the wings) but I'm always shocked by the amount that ends up being taken off!
  19. I had to opt for a kennel too as I don't know anyone who would be able to take my guy in. As mentioned they are generally more pricey but since I had a great experience with them it was well worth it :)
  20. Sugar Soap maybe? I think the brand is Shelley's or something, great stuff.
  21. What is so horrible about that? Better than being shoved outside with no bed. Mine love their crates. Haha yep that's very true. I was just feeling a bit guilty since most people let their dogs sleep with them or anywhere they like if they're in another room. I can't imagine what I'd wake up to in the morning if I left the crate opened at night though :laugh:
  22. When he poops he has to spin and also walk around while he's doing it, which makes it a lot harder to find to pick it all up. Otherwise he'll eat it!
  23. I'm gonna sound like a horrible owner. Ollie sleeps in a crate (shut) downstairs in the living room... He sleeps so well though and I never hear a sound from him during the night.
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