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Everything posted by Lilymae

  1. Do you think I should say the name of the group here?
  2. Thank you- It's so sad that no one is allowed to help the owners and the other 1500+ people in the group to learn how to look after their pets! Doesn't anyone care about the animals anymore??
  3. Hi, I am brand new here but am looking for some help and advice. There is a facebook page that is just an online puppy farm. It is sooooooo sad! A friend was kicked off for trying to help someone understand why his 4 bitches all in came in season together and that he didn't have to mate them just because his fiance said they can't desex them all at once. My friend told him that the bitches will probably always come into season at the same time so that he can work out how to deal with it in the future. She also said that because they were in season they didn't need to be mated Admin contacted her and said if she wasn't going to help him find a stud for his bitch then she can't comment. It's not my town, but they must be complete rednecks up there ! The sad thing is that Admin only want to protect the puppy farmers! They say that they want to do the right thing legally but they don't care about the poor dogs!. If anyone tries to provide info about how to treat the animals responsibly their comments get removed by Admin. Only people looking for studs and bitches for their unregistered, unhealth checked, crossbreds are allowed to post! It's so so so sad. There are photos of people's dogs that they are breeding from that are in less than good condition. Pictures of puppies hanging off scrawny course coated bitches in the dirt are kept on so that people can sell their puppies, so they can do it all over again. Admin keeps posting that the DPI and Local laws officers are watching the page, so people have to provide microchip numbers. I hope the DPI and LL guys step in soon and take some action! This needs to change! Admin are in waaaaay over their heads on this and don't have a clue. Please go to the page ask to join and make comments. Your comments will be probably be deleted by admin but they can't delete hundreds every minute. In the short time that your comment is up, someone might learn something, someone might start to think differently, someone's poor poor dog might be better off I am not sure if I can paste the link here or not- I haven't read all the rules yet. If I can can someone let me know please? Otherwise PM me and I will provide the link to the page
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