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Everything posted by andrewang

  1. Why aren't you training your dog not to react instead of hitting him? I tried, I got someone in to take a look. My rotti REALLY hates the mailman. He's fine with everything and everyone one else but not the mailman. I think it might be because the mailman did some stuff to him while he was younger. He gets into a 'I'm gonna kill you' mode only with the mailman. I tried almost everything, only the newspaper can snap him out of that aggressive mode. Probably because of the noise it makes. Then why is your dog in a position where he can see the mailman? And if he isn't, why does it matter if he goes OTT at the sound? Does he redirect aggression? I live in a house, fully fenced and gated at least 2m high. My rotti have full access to the house. The mailman rode in with a scooter. The engine of the scooter can be heard hundreds of meters away. My rotti will wait for the mailman by my front gate. I tried redirecting his attention with toys and checking him whenever he tries to pounce but I find rolled up newspaper the most effective. It creates a light touch and a sound. He'll turn his attention to me and I praises him. He doesn't show any aggression towards me. By the time the whole routine is over, the mailman will be gone and he return to being fun-loving Rocky. BTW, what's OTT?
  2. Why aren't you training your dog not to react instead of hitting him? I tried, I got someone in to take a look. My rotti REALLY hates the mailman. He's fine with everything and everyone one else but not the mailman. I think it might be because the mailman did some stuff to him while he was younger. He gets into a "I'm gonna kill you" mode only with the mailman. I tried almost everything, only the newspaper can snap him out of that aggressive mode. Probably because of the noise it makes.
  3. Well, I got a confession to make. I used to smack my rotti's butt with a loosely rolled up newspaper when he gets all aggressive towards the mailman with his scooter. It doesn't hurt him (I tried it on my brother)but it does create a loud noise to distract him and turn his attention back to me. That would not be considered as abuse right?
  4. Oh god! I can taste it in my mouth. Getting a little paranoid here. Should not have opened this post.
  5. So sorry for your loss. An avoidable accident IMO. You should sue them for as much as you can, even though no amount of compensation can bring Buddy back. Hopefully with a huge penalty, the groomer will wise up and prevent something like that from happening ever again, thus saving the life of other dogs.
  6. Could you disclose the name of the kennel here? This way we know who to avoid next time.
  7. Bells could in fact work due to the fact that they are able to produce pretty high frequency sound waves which can travel further. Snakes will be able to pick up the vibrations from afar and hopefully move away. As to persephone's idea that a dog's barking is a sound and should deter the snakes, is correct but a dog barks when she is in sight of the snake, literally in the face of the snakes. This leaves the snakes 2 options, fight or flight. This is why dogs still get bitten even thought they were barking at the snake. I learn all these from animal planet.
  8. You could probably include the general price of your puppies, that will stop all the "how much" email breeders complain about. It'll also let potential buyers know if your puppies are within their budget.
  9. same here. sometimes even google couldn't help. lol
  10. Not a noobish question at all Andrew, just the carcass with the meat stripped off. You can get them for a couple of bucks a kilo :) Just the frames. That's cool. I'm assuming I can only get them from butchers and not from Coles? Do I have to make any special arrangements with the butchers ie reservation?
  11. Sorry for the noobish question but when you say chicken carcasses, does it mean a whole raw chicken with all its meat still on or just bones that are stripped off almost all its meat?
  12. ?? The new owners are going on holiday, they would have to pay more than that if they took the puppy to a kennel. But most breeders said they are willing to attend to the puppies for free if they were bred by them. So if the new owners went to another breeder and said he/she can only take the puppy home 2 weeks later, the other breeders will gladly do it for free.
  13. Just my honest opinion, not meaning to offend anyone, but shouldn't you be charging your breeder friend instead of the new owners? Like you said, most breeders would not even charge if they had bred the puppies themselves, so it wouldn't really be fair to be charging the new owners because your breeder friend is going on a holiday right? The new owners wouldn't have to pay that amount if they got the puppies from someone else. Again, this is just my opinion and I don't mean to offend anyone here.
  14. Control unleashed is great for all dogs - even "good" pets. It was originally written for agility, but the methods are transferable. What are you trying to achieve Andrew? Hi Megan, I'm not really trying to achieve anything at the moment, but I thought it might be useful to have a couple of basic obedience DVDs on hand in case something unexpected happens. Like I said before, I'm now living in an apartment with neighbours close by, so I don't want my puppy to get anxious when I leave the house and starts barking and whining. I'm not saying that will definitely happen, I just want to get the DVDs as a precautionary measure. BTW, when I say precautionary, I really meant it as I haven't even got my puppy yet. LOL Andrew
  15. I'm just looking for basic obedience training like reducing separation anxiety, not to bark excessively when someone's knocking on the door and crate training kinda stuff. I know information could be found easily online but I thought it might be more useful if I can actually watch someone demonstrating it. My rottweiler was pretty good before but I guess it was easier because I lived in a house. Now I live in an apartment, so I guess things might get a little different. It's also been 3 years since my last rotti passed, so I might get a little rusty when I get a new puppy.
  16. Thanks alot guys. He's been sending me all these free videos so I was thinking of giving him a try. Can anyone intro a good dvd to me? I am pretty experienced at handling dogs but I feel having a good DVD as a guide is a good investment in the long run anyway.
  17. Hey guys, Just wondering if any of you used or purchased dvds by the trainer stated in the title. If you have, could you share with me how useful his methods are? I watched a couple of free videos he sent me and I really like the fact that he uses an untrained puppy for demonstrations. Any info will be extremely helpful.
  18. when a puppy starts to wean, he'll nibble at its mother's face begging her to regurgitate her half-digested meal from before. your puppy could be begging your female staffy for her previous meal to be regurgitated for him.
  19. What time does the dog shows usually start? I'll be visiting for the first time.
  20. Especially those countries like Vietnam where they boil them alive and eat them Why would anyone spend thousands of dollars so they can transport their pets back home to "boil them alive and eat them"?
  21. Alright guys. I went for a walk in the park and had some dinner which allowed me the time to think about what you guys have said. I wanna thank everyone for their constructive advises and some not so constructive accusations. In conclusion, yes, RSPCA is probably right because of their rules but I think flexibility can be allowed in some cases. Anyway, no harm done. Hopefully I'll be able to get my cocker spaniel soon and start living a fuller life! haha
  22. THANK YOU!!!! Finally someone that understands what I am going through.
  23. I'm gonna say something that's gonna sound bad but I like pure breed dogs. Cross breed looks weird and I never really liked them. Personal preference. But when I visited the SPCA in Burwood, I kinda fell in love with that shihtzu cross. I don't know why. We just clicked. Stop telling me to go back Singapore and help the needy there. I volunteered in SPCA Singapore but I have never clicked with any of the cross breed there. I just help out. I know everyone is telling me I should go back and adopt from singapore instead but, yes, adopting helps save a life but it's only part of it, you gotta find one that you like too. I'm just saying.
  24. Don't worry about that. They're registered breeders. All dogs are health tested. I don't think it's nice for me to mention names but if I do mention their prefix, you'll see they are good breeders.
  25. I firmly believe you gotta click and connect with a dog before you can bring him home. I found one in Australia that did just that and I wanna save him. What's wrong with that? If you're all kind and mighty, why don't you just adopt every single abandoned dog in the world? Geezz.... And what makes you think I never volunteer in Singapore?
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