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Everything posted by andrewang

  1. Check out this website: http://www.ava.gov.sg/
  2. Right now you just have to be really consistent by bringing him to the pet loo every few hours. I too live in an apartment and Caesar (my dog) uses a pet loo. How I do it is I pen Caesar up with his loo and only allow him freedom when he goes "pee pee", even if it's just a few drops. Teach him the pee command to make things alot easier. Like many others before me have said, limit the area he has free reign to unless you are home to supervise him. Things will get better buddy,trust me. When Caesar was 2 months old, I thought he'll never learn. Now he has free reign to the house, so everyone's happy.
  3. That's the standard price you guys have been paying?!! It costs only about $190 for the normal procedure in most places I have asked! My breeder also said $350 is too much and her vet would do it for me at $200 but I gotta drive 2 hours east, which is a pain in the arse, literally.
  4. After reading all the comments on the thread, it seems that most of you would recommend desexing after the puppy matures both mentally and physically. However, what about when the puppy still have a testicle lodged somewhere inside his body? Caesar is currently 5 months old and only one testicle has descended, which leaves almost no chance of the other one dropping in the future. The vet quoted me a whopping $350 to desex him because the procedure is not as simple. So right now I have a couple of dilemmas. Caesar's dad only had his second testicle dropped at the age of 6 months, so I'm hoping it'll be the same for Caesar too. 1. Should I wait till Caesar matures so his 2nd one might drop in the future and his growth not stunted? 2. Should I do it soon because the vet told me puppies with only 1 testicle have a higher chance of developing cancer.
  5. My mum used to tell me, like fingers on our hands, nothing is fair or equal, especially when it comes to love. P.S. She loved me more than my brother :D
  6. I just checked it out online and it's way cool. Is it easy to control your dogs with these? Caesar's still a baby so he might just bolt when he sees fit, but other times he's ok.
  7. Yea, I didn't want to invest in something too expensive at first as you never know what a puppy might be up to. Now that I know Caesar meant his leads no harm, I can go ahead and get something fancier, cushiony and more expensive that can last a while.
  8. The leather ones seem nice but they do look awfully sharp to me, will they really not cut? I like the gripper leash on k9pro, looks pretty comfy to me. What about bungee leash? They seem like fun leashes but not sure if it's at all a good idea.
  9. Hey guys, I'm currently using a $4 lead from K Mart since puppies tend to go through leads rather quickly. Caesar is surprising not that interested in biting his lead so I thought it's about time I upgrade to a slightly more expensive and comfortable one. Current one I'm using is a simple nylon lead that is painful to hold when the weather is cold and Caesar suddenly bolts. Caesar is currently doing ok while walking on lead but being just a puppy, tend to rush towards objects that interests him. So holding the loop on my right hand and the middle with my left, when Caesar decides to have a go at something, my left hand will suffer from burns. Just wondering if anyone has any leads they'll recommend and where to get them. Thicker ones might be better to hold I think? Cheers
  10. Thanks guys. Now I'll walk Caesar on leash and only let him off when I know all the dogs in the surrounding doesn't mind. Will be trying out my long leash pretty soon too, only if there wasn't anyone else in the park.
  11. He does toilet on command, but it's "smoother" for Caesar if he has a run about the park first. I would definitely be keeping him on lead for the time being now.
  12. Hey guys, I recently started letting Caesar run off leash in the park as his recall is getting pretty decent and running off leash helps him poop. Today I let Caesar off leash and he ran towards a couple of dogs to say hi. One of the dogs started attacking, as in full on attack. When Caesar whines and ran away towards me, the dog gave chase and continues attacking. I was so close to kicking the dog when the owner of the attacker stopped him and apologies. She said it must be because Caesar got too near to his ball. She apologized again and went away while I was checking Caesar to see if he was OK. Thank goodness Caesar was OK and he managed to walk off unharmed and continued playing with other dogs. So I just want to know, in this situation, who's at fault and what should I have done?
  13. Good for you! Caesar doesn't really like them. He prefers dried liver treats.
  14. Being the bargain hunter that I am, I'm always on a look out for free samples. Thought I should share this with you guys. If you like them, do support them. https://www.facebook.com/pawsomedogtasmania?app_data&sk=app_100265896690345
  15. Caesar has a Night Comforter. It's his favourite toy. Not sure if it really helps in terms of calming him down though. As for batteries, if you turn it off every morning, it'll last you for quite a while. It's really cute when Caesar carries it around.
  16. Caesar's a cocker spaniel, he IS a piggy, eat all the time puppy.
  17. Pooping in the middle of the night is ok. Eating it is not!! LOL I tried playing fetch at home with him when I stop the 930pm poop walk. It will work some times but not too often. Caesar is such an awesome companion but he is literally one dirty SOB. :D I might just try feeding him twice a day like what many of you suggested. Let's just hope for the best.
  18. Thanks for all the swift replies. I think I should explain myself clearer. I did bring him out into the darkness and cold every night for 2 weeks but none of those times ended with him pooping. I live in an apartment, so I do not have a backyard or a garden Caesar can do his business in. I use to bring him out on a leash to a nearby park for a 20 mins night pooping session at about 930pm, but no poop. Caesar actually pees on command, pooping is not so reliable yet but he does have a way of telling me he needs to poo. I made a confinement area for Caesar about 2M by 2M in the living room, with a PP50, food and water bowl and the largest commercial pet loo. He spends most of his time with me in my room though. He'll scratch at the door when he needs to release himself and I'll bring him to his loo and give the go ahead command. My problem now really is the fact that he doesn't poop his dinner until he is all alone in the middle of the night in his confinement area. I tried waking up at 3am, 5am to at least try to get a rough idea what time he usually poops but to no avail. The poop is usually there when I wakes up at 8am, half eaten.... So I'm really wondering if I could make him poop earlier so I don't have to wake up to that mess everyday. I know I'm sounding selfish here but I really have no idea what to do. P.S he is about 4 months old
  19. Hi guys, Just wondering if you could change your puppy's pooping schedule. Caesar does really well in the day but he always poops in the middle of the night and I'll have to wake up to a mess with half the poop eaten. My schedule for Caesar goes like this: 8am: Breakfast for Caesar (1/3 of a chicken carcass) while I clean up his half eaten poop. 10am: A run about in the park which he will poop. 2pm: :Lunch for Caesar. (Usually chicken mince mixed with Advance puppy growth kibble) 5pm: Another run in the park which he will either poop in the park or after we get home in his pet loo. 730pm: Dinner (same as lunch) Caesar will not poop for the rest of the day. No matter how many times I bring him to his loo, he simply will not go. I cannot bring him out to poo on the grass as it gets too dark and cold here at night. I'll keep waiting till about 1am till I go to bed and wake up to a pile of half eaten poop. Is there a way to "make" him poo after his dinner? Or should I change his schedule and feed him dinner earlier? P.S. I tried waking up in the middle of the night to encourage him to poop but he's too tired to even move a muscle so I end up putting him back to his bed again.
  20. Caesar was vacc once at the breeder's and a C5 at 13 weeks old. The vet recommended another C5 at 17 weeks old. So now I'm wondering if I should just go ahead with it. Caesar deserves the best after all. :)
  21. Hey guys, Caesar is 16 weeks now and it's nearly time for his 3rd vacc. So my question is, is it really needed? My breeder told me it wasn't really needed but the vet highly recommend it.
  22. Use this link to find butchers around your area that may sell mince, organs or bones. I feed Caesar chicken necks when he was 9 weeks of age but under constant supervision. However, I realise wings and carcasses are actually cheaper compared to necks pound for pound. So yeah... just go for wings and carcasses.
  23. What about grooming needs? He probably doesn't require much grooming, but having a slicker brush handy is always good.
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