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Everything posted by MontysMummy

  1. Monty was going to be Montague (I was 16 and in a 'oh how terribly romantic Shakespeare is' phase), but we got him and started calling him Monty and it stuck. Then my brother christened him Monty Christmas, which stuck too. And he also answers to Monty moo, which became just Moomoo and my son now calls him Booboo. Poor confused dog. Atticus was my partners birthday present so he got naming rights, he was going to be Macbeth but it didn't suit him, so he became Atticus instead. Should you happen to think my partner is a great literary reader, the names actually came from pop punk band merchandise companies, not the play and book. But Atty really suits him :) Next time I want a Dozer or a Tonka.
  2. Atticus gets millions of nicknames. Atty Patty cakes Fatty Couscous Fantapants Woowoo Fattypants Ginger ninja Pupsicles Boofhead Boofa He comes to anything...
  3. I'd imagine Clark rubber would have something suitable. Think I've seen mats for by the side of pools, something like that would work.
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