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Posts posted by Sares

  1. I wake up most morning with a bulldog nose in my eye socket, kind of odd but it's a good fit. As soon as I flutter my eyes the tongue comes out. So very weird. I wake like a ninja now.

    My Frenchie also likes to intently sniff eye sockets. weird!

  2. I was hoping to get some reccomendations for a vet located in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney.

    We have recently purchased our first home and will be moving to Maroubra very soon. We are coming from Penrith so it will be silly to keep using the vet in Penrith as much as we like them.

    Can anyone reccomend a good vet particulary around Maroubra or nearby?

    Many thanks!!!! :D

  3. A friend was taking their GSD for his first obedience competition. Dog had been polished and groomed and was all ready to make them proud. Just before entering the ring her Hubby noticed a dingleberry on the dogs rear and thought if he just casually trapped it with his foot when the dog was sitting it would pull off and no one would notice. Turns out it was just the beginning of a stocking and as the dog walked off most of a leg of pantyhose gradually unfurled out the rear.

    eewwwww! hahaha! :rofl:

    How on earth do you explain that to anyone that saw it happen?! haha

  4. I have 2 female Frenchies and 1 is food agressive. Frenchies are again smaller so more managable, but she has given the other dog some decent bites when we have incidents. The non-food aggressive one is only 8 months old so she doesnt fight back and has quickly learnt not to go near her at dinner time, but being a puppy, she forgets sometimes.

    The sad part is the 8 month old one day will most likely say enough is enough & will react back ,won't be funny then plus why train this behaviour into two dogs ,just don't get it ??

    We get dogs in boarding people brag how they fight & at dinner time & will show the scars like a trophy from them separating.

    Luckily we are set up so dogs aren't feed together .

    As for the OP i agree put them in the crates first don't encourage the cycle

    I never said this situation is funny? not sure how you got that? I dont let them near each other at dinner the moment we discovered there was a problem. But puppy does forget and tries to walk into the other, which we quickly stop. we are there to supervise at all times. We tell her to stop and sit and stay... which she does because we have trained her to do so. We do not crate our girls at dinner time. We train them to behave appropriately and that dinner ours until we say they can eat.

    I know how serious the situation is and which is why we are managing it.

  5. I have 2 female Frenchies and 1 is food agressive. Frenchies are again smaller so more managable, but she has given the other dog some decent bites when we have incidents. The non-food aggressive one is only 8 months old so she doesnt fight back and has quickly learnt not to go near her at dinner time, but being a puppy, she forgets sometimes.

    We used the NILF method. Plus also if there is a incident, we put the older one on her side and she needs to lay there while the younger one eats. She learns quickly that we are the boss and decide who eats.

    We have got them them a good level where we can feed them in the same room WITH supervision. And we can give them both treats while they are next to each other. The risky moments are when puppy drops crumbs of treats on the floor and they both go to pick the crumbs up. So we only give very small treats that they dont have to chew up much.

    I always worry when puppy reaches maturity if one day she will fight back.... but as long as we stay on top of it, I think we should be okay.

  6. I can't offer any advice, but good on you for asking questions here, talking to a different vet and especially the breeder. All of this takes guts and shows you really care for the welfare of your dogs and the expected litter. Accidents do happen and you are standing up to take responsibility so well done to you.

    I hope things go smoothly and it seems like there are a number of people here that are giving you great advice and now that you have the breeder and vet to help you, things are looking brighter. :)

    Agreed... :)

  7. I have 2 female Frenchies, both as stubborn as each other. One is 2 yrs the other is 7 mths. The 2 yr old definitely likes to show the puppy who is boss, but we intervene extremely quickly to make sure she knows that we are the boss. So far the only issues we have had is around food. But as someone said previously, no food is left out and we supervise at meal times. We make them work for their treats too.

    We have the normal puppy in the older dog's face situation and the older dog has a snap to tell the pup to 'rack off', which we allow because the puppy needs to learn she cant bite other dogs faces. We intervene though if the older dog looks to try to be dominating to the puppy.

    We are getting the puppy speyed today so will be interesting to see if their dynamics will change after this (the 2 yr old is speyed).

    So I think it is managable, if you are up for it.. also big dependant is on the breed. Frenchies are a bit of work, but worth it for us!

  8. My 6 month old Frenchie has the same problem with one of her ears... it went up, now its coming down again... First it flopped when she was tired... but now it flops all the time. Although its only half flopped. But I put it towards her currently teething and going through a growth spurt. But if it doesnt, i dont mind too much, its pretty cute..


  9. oddly enough I feel the same about parents and untrained children wreckit!

    x a billion

    I'd much rather dogs than children in a cafe!

    Yep, me too.

    Me three!!

    Western Sydney is not very dog friendly at all. If we take our frenchie out, it need to take her somewhere nearer the city where dogs are more accepted.

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