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Everything posted by MontyMonster

  1. Hi, I was just wanting to know if anyone can tell me the difference between the product Synflex compared to jointguard? i would like to use a supplement for my dog who has elbow displaycia/OCD and am trying to work out which would be best. Any advice from anyone who has used either would be welcome. Thanks!
  2. Well we are back to the vets on Tuesday for our next round of injections, and now I have researched it all a little further I will discuss your suggestions of joint guard and supplements with him. I have also asked him for a copy of the xrays so i can get a second opinion, on saying that I do trust this vet as he has seen this condition before and operated on very similar dogs with this condition, and he has been our vet for over 10 years and seen our numerours animals. I had a lab as a young girl and it was my dream for over 15 years to have another,I love there temperments, I waited until we were well and truly settled, and our kids were at a good age, now 7 and 10. So to have all this happen is a bit of a shock, we were on such a good role with all the training and taking him everywhere with us so he became well adjusted and socialized.I guess this is just a small obstacle and there is plenty of time when he recovers to do all these things we love to do with him. Its great to have this forum and realize that Im unfortuantly not the only one in this boat.Thanks for all your advice :)
  3. Well I have had my young chap x-rayed after showing a limp now since he was around 5 months old, and he has been diagnosed with OCD. Devastated yes.... but staying positive. So we have started a course of 4 cartophen injections with the advice that this may be enough to help him but he still may need to have surgery......now it is a waiting game. My focus is to keep him happy and content with his restricted excersise routine. Im hoping that it is not too too long before he is up and about and able to recommence his training and playing with the family. Thanks for all your help and advice too date!
  4. I would also suggest to your friends they research the breeder, I bought a lab pup from someone who told me they were a responsible breeder, we even had to go on a list and be interviewed, bought him on supposed limited register after thoroughly talking to the breeder about his hips, elbows and pedigree. I beleived what she told me. Took him home but never sighted the paperwork and as soon as there were problems with his front legs, and I requested the paperwork I was told too bad and that no paperwork would be provided. I wish I had insisted on seeing this from the start and that I had bought from a DOL recommendation - as I obviously have been done by a BYB. I love my boy to bits, he is like our 3rd child , i wouldnt swap him for anything,and he has the great lab temperament I desired, but due to his health complications it has made for a stressful time for all our family. So my advice is make sure you see the paperwork and proof that you are buying what you are told, it's heart breaking for kids to have to go through the stress of an unwell pup that they love.
  5. You could contact dogz training at the Ivanhoes ground,Smithfield, they are there each Wedneday evening doing obedience training of all levels and have quite a few very good,experienced trainers who might be able to offer you some advice. They also have a web page.
  6. Lollipop, did your dog chester have both legs done? Would you mind me asking what the recovery time was like, and how hard was it to keep him resting?
  7. What a great story!!! I think our family could be heading down the same path with our lab- so you have given us some comfort to know what a great outcome you can have .
  8. he WILL put on weight , yes. IF you feed him more food than he needs :) Simple. If he is stopped growing and is less active, then he needs less food ... hang off castration for a while, until you are sure what is happening with his front end .IF he needs an anaesthetic ,for xrays or treatment , perhaps a couple of things can be done at the same time .. the less anaesthetic the better . (I had Hamlet done when he had a foreign body removed from his gut) ... Yep great idea, if I need Xrays I could have him desexed at the same time.
  9. Oh and I'm also thinking about getting him desexed soon, will that make a difference to his weight /condition - is it true that that can make them gain weight more easy ( or is that an ol wives tale)
  10. He is 6 months old, about 53 cm heigh and weighs 25 kg, so I'm thinking that's about right, I think I read a male lab will average about 30-32 kg when fully grown.
  11. Do you mind if i ask what you think the correct amount of food should be for a 6 month lab with this issue, Ive been giving him some lamb flanks/chicken necks as well as a cup of advance morning and night as well. Thanks
  12. Yep I know I have got to watch his weight, he has even gained a little this week due to not having his daily walk and play, i do find it hard to find a balance of getting enough food to support muscle growth and development but not to much to make him look 'Roly Poly'lol
  13. Hi Nekhbet, We have not done xrays yet as we only 1st discovered this problem developing last weekend, he is now on restricted duties and rest, and you are not the 1st person to say dont panic. :)
  14. Hi, Thank you for your reply's. And yes we are thinking it could be OCD/ED, which was also mentioned by the vet, but are just hoping that it could be growing pains or the result of rough play with our other dog.... currently we are feeding him Advance puppy for large breeds, and lamb flanks + chicken necks. I guess I am asking if you think that this is suitable or if there is something else that can be suggested that may be more suitable with joint/muscle development. Also does anyone have know if this condition always results in surgery, is it possible to be mild and be able to be managed through rest or medication? He sleeps on his back most of the time with his legs up in the air, lol! or layed out flat on the ground. His 'light duties' are taking a bit of adjusting too, for both of us, he does not really understand the concept of quiet time although he is learning quickly. thanks for your help :)
  15. Hi, Advice needed please - I have a beautiful male lab pup, 6 months old, who is showing some signs of stiffness in front legs when 1st getting up from a sleep. Of course this has made me extremly anxious, he is now on 'light duties' so to speak and is also having a course of anti inflamm to see if there is an improvment - as we are unsure if this is due to an injury he may have sustained whilst playing with our other dog. I would like advice on what you think the best food to feed him would be and if i should start with some supplements in case this problem is something more sinister....I have had a search thru the forum and am a bit worried with some of the things i have read. Oh Im a newbie to posting, so I hope I have put this in the most relevant section. Thanks!
  16. Im am trying to find out onformation regarding Lepto as well, as i have 2 vets giving conflicting advice, the vet(who the breeder used) who originally vaccianted my pup at 8 weeks gave lepto and made note for me to get the booster done again at 12 weeks, but when i took my pup to my own vet at 12 weeks he said it is better to stretch it out to 16 weeks for the booser for both C3 and lepto, now my breeder's vet has said the original vaccine will be useless as the booster has to be done within 4-5 weeks of the 1st vaccine. So Im very confused, we live in Far Nth Qld so i dont want to put him at risk, my vet says to have it done now is overlaoding his system.....what to do , what to do.....
  17. sorry not quite sure what you mean MontyMonster? I just ticked some boxes about the length I needed, whether it was on the ground or not, and whether I wanted battery, solar, or mains supply. Everything was in the kit. I noticed that website had sureguard and a brand called numaxes... but I gave them a call and they talked me through the best option - so im all sorted, except they recommend the dogs are over 6 months so might have to wait a few months as my boy is only 3 months old.
  18. Can I ask what type you bought of Sureguard? We've decided to go with it, I now can't decide between the Innotek S2000/or petsafe PRF 3004w and then the Num'axes - canifugue. Would be great if anyone that had one of these brands or had tried them could say if there any good.Thanks Heaps.
  19. Thanks for the feedback, we have side fencing so are looking at securing approx 50 metres across the rear of our property. I will check out the sure guard. As this is for only when we are home, and we are not in a highly populated spot we wont have too many problems with other animals coming into our yard.Solar versions look like they are a little easier to install as well.....
  20. Hi all, We are the owners of a Lab puppy, we have fenced off a section of our yard for him to play in as we live on a large block of land, but are now considering the E fencing system for our boundaries which back onto national park, so when we are at home our dog can have more freedom but we can still have peice of mind that he cant wander too far. I was wondering if anyone else here uses this type of fencing, & is it ok for the dog? & is it effective....?? any advise or opionions would be appreciated - thanks Newbie.
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