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Everything posted by Rebbecca
I don't know probably the next door neighbor... He is mrs mangles, has a pen and paper handy for every car or person that enters the street
Right, exactly.... This is where our problem lies, and I'm not saying that I'm the only person in rocky going thru this, as it was at one stage, they were even checking that staffys were in fact staffys. A few dogs were confiscated and fines were given out. So there has been a crack down on dogs. I'm unclear of why we get slapped with a notice because of the parents... Hence while we are doing everything we can to ensure that he is ok. Although to the best of my knowledge he has never been out our gates, on his own... As we have a very secure yard. Our neighbors all love him, and often stop for a hello thru the neighboring fences. He doesn't bark, and really isn't a menace. If he isn't outside, he is generally inside.
What sort of papers does the mother have? Did you see the pedigree papers or did they tell you that they have "papers". The father is from a stud? He's a crossbred dog! I don't know of any "stud" who would be selling crossbred sires... Yes we have seen the papers for the mother.... As the parents owners are good friends of ours. He originally wanted to put the female over another bullmastiff, but his male dog got in first. And yes there are two studs in Queensland that breed bandogges. I know they can be a cross breed, if they are not bred properly, and I know ppl who just breed them with anything,. There are also several types of 'bandogge' although rocksteadys dad is classed as a Australian bandogge.
Ok, so we have had an update from the local council, on what's going on.... So the piece of paper says DANGEROUS not restricted. Both his parents have been declared dangerous, as the mum got out and half mauled another dog... That's not unusual for the mother as she is a bitch like that. The dad who is like rocksteady has been declared as dangerous aswell. They have done a cull on the puppies, therefor we got a notice aswell.... It has been said that there is pitbull in them, by the owner of the dog that got mauled. As they live in the same street ect, and have for a number of years. We know the mother is a pure bred bullmastiff, as she has papers.... The dad was brought from a stud, I won't say the name on hear, incase I'm unable too... And is a neo mastiff x amstaff... Why rocksteady came out white none of us know. Out Of 8 pups, he was the only one. All the others came out normal. When I registered rocksteady, I registered him, as a bullmastiff x bandogge. I didn't lie on the papers. I also checked with the council before registering him. I haven't seen any other bullmastiffs in our area, and most of our street know rocksteady pretty well, and often say hello on there way past. He doesn't really bark at anything, more at his tennis balls, when they bounce away from him. Rocksteady isn't the smartest dog on earth... And really is docile... I wouldn't say he couldn't be dangerous, because all dogs can be, but he is just too babied,. My last two dogs, that passed away, we're a pitbull, and a bull terrier, but never had the problem with them with council, state laws, as it was in Victoria... Well before the laws and restrictions came into place. Greatdanerescue, I can see where you were coming from, I wasn't going by a picture... As there is a chihuahua across the road who has too have a warning sign on the fence because it is a nasty little bugger....
Why would a cute photo be my defense.... I know any dog can be dangerous, as my last dog was a pitbull... Although she wasn't declared dangerous. Well obviously its not black and white therefor i have asked other opinions. No a bandogge is not restricted in qld... They are frowned apon at times. I have done the right thing, and I have registered rocksteady as the exact breed he is. Previous to this I have not even had the ranger been near my dogs for anything.
Ah thank you gill ear.... There is my man, see so placid looking, he is more docile than anything.
I'm on my iPad... These things are impossible, as the choose file does not come up.
Just not a scary face stall..... See the bird has no problems with him :)
Seriously does this face look dangerous? Or pitbull? To Dogsaremyworld... He got his name from teenage mutant ninja turtles lol....
I just googled "Bandog" & up came adds for breeders & puppies for sale in Queensland...so they can't be too illegal. Google Pit bull puppies and see just how many come up and how much people are paying from them ;) It's not really a good indication of whether a breed is banned or not but all you have to do to be sure is look at the legislation and 'Bandogs' are not on any of the lists Australia wide from my understanding. However - is a bandog not a cross breed that is made up of Pit Bull and various other breeds? If so, maybe they are declaring your dog restricted based on this? A bandogge is a cross between a neo mastiff and a amstaff, no pit bull in them. Well our dog is registered as exactly what he is, a bandogge x bullmastiff, and some say they not illegal, some say they are. Who knows. Qld is such a backwards state!
Hi guys, I was wondering if someone could please shed some light on my situation. We have a bullmastiff cross bandog, he is only a year old. I have done everything right by the council, he is micro chipped, and registered. He has a secure fence, ect Rocksteady is the most placid dog probably in our town, ( across the roads fox terrier thing is probably more vicious) he loves kids, cuddles and as much attention one person is willing to give, big smoocher!!! Yesterday we had the local council ranger come past our place, with a piece of paper, declaring rocksteady a dangerous dog. We has never gotten out, never gone for a person, and doesn't even bark at ppl walking past... If anyone was planning on breaking into our house, well he would happily invite them in!!! The ranger stated that they will be taking more action against us, but we are totally stumped on what grounds they have. We plan on fighting this, as there is no way known they are taking him. They have given us no explanation as to why... Which concerns us. Although it was mentioned that bandogs are illegal.... I checked with the council when he was registered and the answer we got was that they were not. Has anybody else had this problem? Or can give us some advice?
Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on my situation, I have a bullmastiff cross bandog, he has just turned one, a week back. He is the quietest, most placid dog. Doesn't bark at ppl walking past, does not escape, and all round just loves to sit on you and have a cuddle. So in other words the biggest sook in town. Yesterday we had the ranger from our local council come round, and give us a notice regarding our boy, the notice pretty much stated that he is a dangerous dog, and more action will be taken. Does anybody know anything regarding this? As there is no way they are taking my boy, we intend to take this further, but are unclear of our chances. We have done everything right, he is micro chipped and registered as the exact breed he is. He has never endangered anyone, nor even raised a backward ear. If anything, it would be death by licks from him.