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  1. Hi Blackfoot Thanks for sharing the link from The Mercury - I noticed the article in the paper yesterday and phoned them this morning to see if it could be placed in a national paper. Apparently the article is on the media's own site and can be accessed by any Australian paper and also can be used if they wish to use it. I suspect it will go nationally and definitely followed through should there be enough interest shown from the 64%+households that have companion dogs. Let's hope so for the interest and well-being of our dogs! Cheers Woolliwag
  2. The beetroot sounds interesting Might give that a go for a bit of a suprise! Ours weren't keen on the apple cider vinegar at first but mixed with honey it gave an extra zip to their vegies - but they didn't have a whole lot of choice in the matter and soon got used to it after I nmad eup a huge batch and froze it that was what they were getting. By the time I had finished the batch they were used to it. I did start off with only a little ACV and incresed it as I went along. I really must try the beetroot - will let you know what happens with the five here... Cheers Maria
  3. Hi I have read that zuccini is not recommended - also too many leafy greens tend to have a symphonic affect on our dogs here - it makes their tummies rumble and squeak I cut out the silverbeet and replaced it with brocolli and that seems to have done the trick. We use: apple without pips carrots brocolli celery sweet potato garlic We then mulch it up in a blender and add equal parts of apple cider vinegar and organic honey - mix that in it as well - we do a months supply at a time and feeze them. They have all done so well on it and even our old gentleman of the pack has an extra zip in his step. Cheers Maria
  4. I don't vaccinate mine every year either - have recently titre tested my 3 year old maremma - she still has the necessary coverage in her system - she won't be vaccinated again. My 10 year old will never be vacciated again. My young springer 14 month old has just had her last shot and that's it for her too. My other maremma will have one more shot after his puppy shots and will be titre tested next year. Cheers
  5. Oh how terribly sad for you We will light a candle for Nelson tonight. Nelson will always be so close to you, never far away. You are in our thoughts Maria and her crew
  6. Oh dogbesotted... Jake and The Divine Miss Sophie are still with you and always will be. Such a beatuifully written message for two beautiful angels. Thinking of you.. Woolliwags and her crew
  7. Dear Dogbesotted A candle burns brightly here in Tas to guide The Divine Miss Sophie on her way to meet with some more exeptionally beautiful ones that went before her. Morris and The Divine One will be watching over you. Take care of you... Maria and Cambridge K9 Crew
  8. I know of a maremma that has been debarked - the sound is quite distressing to hear - it is more or less a squeak that comes out. I believe it was only successful for a short time. There are some states that have banned debarking - Victoria is one of those states. I have 3 maremmas - one is a rescue. We have had her here for about 3 months, she is a barker - loves the sound of her own voice :-) when she goes off on one of her amazing bark sessions nothing will stop her, short of rattling a half full can of pebbles :-). It's amazing how the attention is suddenley taken away from whatever made her bark in the first instance. I also have a small ships bell attached to the outside wall - I ring that when she goes off on one of her tangents too LOL By the way she is adorable and this is her forever home. In Tassie electric collars are not banned at present but hey the way things are going most things to do with dogs will be banned! Cheers Woolliwag
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