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Everything posted by zayda_asher
Yes, I know you didn't mean to offend me, but I think in a way that actually makes it worse... See the thing that upsets me the most is seeing people do exactly what they are angry at "amstaff people" or "ANKC people" for doing at the same time that they're upset about it and saying "don't do it to us!!" As the old saw goes: "two wrongs don't make a right!" We all need to take a step back and look at what we type before we hit send and if a post makes you angry, go away and calm down first before you respond, so that you are not responding in kind... We only make it worse if we don't and solve nothing. And a rational, well developed argument will make your point look far, far, better. People are fearful and angry, but they will only loose the supporters that they have if they continue to bite the hand that tries to help... that's what makes me really sad, because its the dogs that ultimately suffer. Just for the record, there's a group of mostly AmStaff owners working on incorporating a responsible dog owner's group in Perth to work for all dogs and their owners, regardless of breed or cross. You wont see most of them on here, because their too busy getting to work done, so before people assume that the people on forums speak for all people of a breed, they should think again.
I've had a foot in both camps for years (own and unpapered dog as well as papered) and I've fought BSL from the day I found out of its existence... its comments like this, made by both sides that fuel all this crap... the pro BSL mob must be laughing their butts off at us, because whilst we fight like this and both sides make inflammatory and ridiculous comments that generalise about the other camp nothing will change. I remember now why I don't normally look at these threads: I just see people who should work together, making fools of themselves arguing over who's dick dog is better than the other and who started what. Neither side is guilt free in this... RottnBullies I've done nothing but support my APBT brethren, I love your dogs just as much as I love my own, and that comment hurts me just as much as whoever you aimed it at (as do the comments made by ANKC people that my unpapered dog is some how not as lovely because she has no papers). I did no such thing, my dogs did no such thing. Until we stop hurting each other, and stop doing the work of the pro BSLers for them in doing so, we haven't a chance. We're all adults, so please don't any one say now "but they started it". I'm really ashamed when I read these threads and think that the general public and media and law makers read them...
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
The Megaderm does have safflower or sunflower in it doesn't it? If its at a high enough level, that might actually give you your answer to if its helping Orbit or not... We're having a bad time with Zayda atm, fix one and the other breaks But we have mould allergies too and are getting mould + pollens atm... and she got a bit of food she shouldn't <sigh> no mould allergies at your end?? -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Oh right... well it might be worth trying again at the higher dose, like we are. Like I said, made no appreciable diff at the lower dose for us, so I'm interested to see what the higher dose does! Borage (star flower), Safflower or Sunflower are the others you could use. We had brilliant success with the Borgae (held Zayda together when she was off salmon oil on the last elim diet), so if I don't see results with the EPO (cheaper) then I will rechallenge the Borage for Asher and put them on that. -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
lol My guys eat them like candy... and I've managed to avoid staining the walls, so not as bad an experience as you've had!! You mean the shampoos and stuff? No, I haven't, but I've heard of them... It was one of those things where you hear about it, but are trying to sort out other things first, and I think I emailed the people and asked if there was Propylene Glycol in it and never got a response, so bugger them! Cos I'm not putting anything on Asher if it might contain it! -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Same as Omega 3s: 1000mg (1g) per 5kilos of body weight. I wish it was easy to obtain in liquid form rather than capsules. Piercing 12-13 capsules every day is a real pain... Well Zayda is doing ok on the caps, so I can just chuck her's back in the bowl now... lol But I like the caps, I don't have to mess with a syringe to get the right dose or anything, even when I do have to pierce them (which I am still doing for Asher)! -
Send First time puppy owner a PM, she has claimed for her dog's treatment through an insurance company, but I don't know which one...
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
No worries... let us know what you find out... -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Same as Omega 3s: 1000mg (1g) per 5kilos of body weight. -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
yes, I just saw her last week and that's what we are going to do: give the Omega 3 and Omega 6 in the same dose, so 1000mg per 5 kilos so Zayda will get 5 salmon and 5 EPO and Asher will get 6 Salmon and 6 EPO . I used to give it at a much lower dose (1-2caps), and didn't see much difference, so I will be interested to see what the higher dose Mandy has recommended does. Does that make more sense, it was probably a bit more garbled the first time cos I was rushing off to see a client! ;) But I'm not going to just chuck an extra 5/6 caps of PUFA in the diet, apart from the fact I have to rechallenge it first as my dogs have both had it as a part of their diet for years, I'm going to add it slowly and look for toleration. -
Is An American Staffordshire Terrier A Pitbull?
zayda_asher replied to jackie_a1's topic in General Dog Discussion
If it's AKC registered it an AST, but you can then register the AST with some of those dodgy registries as an APBT. You can't take you ADBA , GDBA or any of the other shoddy registry Pit Bulls and register those with the AKC Actually as of the 30th of April this year the UKC is no longer accepting dual registrations, so no dual registering at all anymore -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I am still giving fish oil - 3 tablets a day + EPO - 4 tablets a day - Beans is 16kg. Yeah, my guys are 22.4 & 31.5kg, so they get 5 & 6 salmon oil respectively, I'd then give 1-2 caps of EPO as well, Mandy said to give them the same level, which would make 10g and 12g of polyunsaturated fatty acids for my guys... so I'm rechallenging it and then I'll add it in slowly at the higher level if they tolerate it. That's a fairly high amount of PUFAs, esp. when I can't add Vit E back into the diet, until its rechallenged and ok. At the lower level, it didn't do much more than the salmon oil by itself, so I will be interested to see if feeding it at the higher dose will make a lot of difference. If it doesn't, I'll swap to Borage oil again (its more expensive though), as that is what held Zayda together through her second elimination diet. -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Stormie, if it is regulated as a "vet only med" here, then you may be able to get it if you have a prescription... might be worth the call / email to customs to find out why its regulated and what you can do to get it... -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Think I'll keep getting mine from Murdoch too for now! lol Great news on Beans... Hope it keeps up! I'm now doing a rechallenge trial on EPO to see if either of mine react to it, and then hopefully I can integrate it back in to their diets, as I'd had my guys on an EPO / Salmon oil combo for years... I'd given slightly less EPO than Salmon oil, so we'll see what happens when I up it to the same dose... -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
You check the regulated import list, or contact customs and they will tell you. Some things are regulated because they are only approved for certain uses and a variety of other things, they don't have to be prescription only to be regulated in this way... at the end of the day it doesn't matter why, but that you will get your butt kicked if you contravene the law on it!! http://www.customs.gov.au/site/page4226.asp -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Oh, right! Be very careful doing that regularly guys... Customs will catch on eventually (and confiscation of product), sniffer dogs randomly go through the depos and they randomly xray too... first times often a warning, but the fines are huge!! ;) -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
That's great news! Did you guys just order off the site as a "private citizen" so to speak, or as someone in the Vet industry? If I can order it in directly, it might be easier and cheaper. -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Good luck, I suppose we'll see what happens, but if they had to get an import license, then that's not a good sign Maybe there's a business venture in there for you!! -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Forgot this bit: Its the same concept, but I believe it should actually be utilised better by the body because of what its made from and I think you use less too, as I believe with the Kerri oil you are meant to rub it through the whole coat. -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
We did our first dose on Friday... They come in spot on tubes and the only smell is a mild alcohol one. They go on like a spot on, so I'd suggest doing each tube in a couple of spots to spread it around more... They're quite oily when you put them on, but by the time we woke up the next day, you wouldn't know it had gone on, maybe a very slight feel of it on the coat, but not unpleasant. Dogs didn't mind it, but were a bit annoyed with it running down their backs (we don't use spot-ons, so they're not used to it), but I'll spread it a little more next time and they'll get used to it. No reactions from either, which is also great! That's about all I can say for now... will see how we go over the next few weeks... Let me know how you find it when you get them -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
lol You mean I could make money, instead of giving it?? Murdoch actually got an import license to be able to import the stuff... so your derm practice should be able to as well... its just going through the rigmarole of doing so.... Mandy did say to me that they have had problems with making sure they have a constant supply, but I'm sure this will be ironed out as they figure out how long it takes to get through customs etc. Thanks for the well wishes... I'll keep you posted ;) -
A lot of people have success with Zyrtec... It would be worth trying the Iramine without the pred though, just to see if it is ok for him... That also tells you then, weather it was a combo of side effects from both, or purely the pred that is effecting him... its good information to have for future reference.
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Oh and we're on a new antihistamine too: Hydroxyzine 50mg x 2 daily And we've given up actually on finding Safflower / sunflower in caps... we're rechallenging EPO today, and hopefully don't get a reaction... I'm so happy to have my happy boy back -
Allergies And Prednisolone
zayda_asher replied to zayda_asher's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Small update: Fortunately we were able to establish that some of these reactions were due to adverse food reactions. He's been on elimination and had only very sporadic and very mild reactions since being on it (we do think there is an element of his atopy involved as well)... We are just about to start retesting foods again (had to stop them, as he broke out in a staph infection), so hopefully we will work out what it is. Had a check up, and our Derm was happy with Asher's condition, in fact I think she was surprised at how good he looked.... We're going to try these new skin barrier treatments: http://www.sogevalus.com/derm_spot.html and some new supplemental stuff (histidine, inositol and pantothenic acid) which also seems to help with skin barrier stuff (this is what is in the new royal canin skin kibble for those that have seen that). Derm is happy for me to try and work out how to supplement these in their diet program, as we home prepare. If anyone wants the research article on these supplements, drop me a line with your email and I can pass on. Also they have found that some Omega 6 is useful in skin barrier function. Normally they would use Evening Primrose Oil, but I've had my guys on that for years and now also Asher's had the Borage oil (next choice) whilst Zayda was on elimination as this is what we used for her... Can use Sun or Safflower oil, but I'm not having any fun finding a source (I'd love to find one in caps as its pre-measured that way and I don't have to bugger around with syringes to measure doses), so if anyone has seen one, let me know! Same ratio as Omega 3s, so I'm going to intro slowly to make sure they tolerate it, as that's a lot of oils! We're going to do these things with Zayda as well as they should help her too. Also, if I get a response from the damned company rep on if the product contains propylene glycol, were going to do him once a month (every 4th bath) in pyoben as this should help with staph infections whilst he's off everything else (elimination diet) that normally keeps it in check. So we're going to hold off on retesting him, cos if we can get him into condition ok and stop the staph outbreaks, then why bother as we wont need to retrial immunotherapy with him. So as long as we can hold off the staph infections and sort out the elimination diet retrials and work out what he is allergic to food wise we should be able to not retest and not bother with trying immunotherapy again, which would make me happy as he is sensitive to anesthetics and sensitised to his last immunotherapy, so all could be as bad as the allergies! So keep your fingers crossed for us!! -
You can read a bit about my and Asher's experience here: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...allergies+asher Fortunately we were able to establish that some of these reactions were due to adverse food reactions. He's been on elimination and had only very sporadic and very mild reactions since being on it (we do think there is an element of his atopy involved as well)... We are just about to start retesting foods again (had to stop them, as he broke out in a staph infection), so hopefully we will work out what it is We haven't needed to use pred since then, for which I am eternally thankful as I don't like using it regularly and his reaction was a case of ""cure" worse than cause".