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Everything posted by *kirty*

  1. Might be a strange question, but how does a rescue group not foster dogs?
  2. I'm so sorry Madwoofer.
  3. The Hills food is fine. There is a lot of science behind the formulas. The joint diet especially is fantastic.
  4. All medications have potential side effects and potential risks. I have used Previcox before with no issues. If your dog is in pain, she needs pain relief. Has she had bloods done recently?
  5. Scottsmum that cat looks more like a Maine Coon than a Wedgie. Stunning, whatever it is.
  6. Hmmm Maya might suit her. A friend is taking her on a trial next week so might leave the naming up to her (if she decides to keep her).
  7. I have used Moorholme Park several times and been very happy.
  8. Everyone thinks my IGs are Whippets. And nobody has a clue what the Borzois are.
  9. Any animal laboratory can test for clotting disorders. You just need a blood sample. Testing for specific disorders is trickier. Check out some of the US DNA testing places (such as UC Davis). I had a dog tested for Von Willebrands and the sample had to be sent to W.A.
  10. I'm just not a fan of Russian names lol. I like Sasha and Mischa but they are so common. I guess Sasha has gone out of fashion a bit, actually I can't remember seeing a dog called Sasha at work. Hmmm...
  11. Yup, a baby Borzoi. Her brother has been named Boris but I'm struggling to decide on a name for her.
  12. I need a pretty Russian girl's name for a very special puppy. Have scanned the baby name websites and not having much luck.
  13. Digitalwingz a friend is a vet there and her dog had a liver shunt that was successfully operated on. I worked with the team there and they are absolutely top notch. My foster dog is having major orthopaedic surgery with Arthur next month and I wouldn't trust any other vet to do it. :) Good luck with your little dog.
  14. Best surgeon in Melbourne is Dr Arthur House at VRH in Hallam. The most compassionate and skillful surgeon I've ever met. :)
  15. Did you get papers for your puppy? 1.9kg is tiny for a staffy pup. I would have thought he should be at least double that weight. Do you have a pic?
  16. *kirty*


    Apparently we have a talker!
  17. *kirty*


    Diva I have wanted one for as long as I can remember. And now I have two. In my house. On my bed. Lol. I am infatuated! Can't stop looking at them and running my fingers through their silky coats. I took the girl out for a walk today - it was her first time on a lead and her first outing and she was so brave! Very proud of her. Tomorrow it is the boy's turn.
  18. *kirty*


    We know who bred the mum and the breeder is getting in contact with them. The litter was a disaster so hopefully they won't breed again.
  19. *kirty*


    This is why I am asking... I may have bought two 4mo pups from a shitty BYB who was flogging them off to whoever turned up. I am head over heels in love and now praying for a miracle that I find a new house ASAP so I can keep one. ????
  20. As a wildlife carer, I would love to see 24hr cat curfews. The council I live in has a 24hr curfew but refuses to police it. And residents completely ignore it. So my house is full of orphan baby possums and chewed up birds from the lovely neighbourhood cats. I have 11 cats and not one goes outside. It's not hard OR expensive to keep cats indoors. The problem is that people are lazy and get cats because they can ignore them and the cat will be fine.
  21. *kirty*


    Thanks Diva. Have been given some very different advice from someone so wanted to check with people who own and love the breed! :) I was told they are noisy and have the highest prey drive of all sighthounds and should not be kept with cats.
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