Hi all,
I'm the friend Pailin was posting for. It has been a very frantic day and I wasnt able to post straight away. Our girl will be two in March.
My husband was outside hanging washing at the time when our neighbours relative was pruning their bush. They have a retaining wall so while our fence is 5'5 because they are standing higher they can lean over a considerable amount. According to my husband the dog has jumped up excitedly as the woman's arm was over the fence. She had a pruning shears in her hand at the time. The next thing he hears is, "Ouch! She just bit me." He immediately grabbed the dog and put her on a lead on the pergola. He then went to check on the woman who was calm. We've obviously offered to pay for her medical visit but she declined. He checked on her after her GP visit. Apparently he irrigated the wounds but said they weren't deep and should heal quite quickly. She then came over and met our dog and gave her a pat. She also said that it seemed to her as soon as our girl realised she got her arm she let go.
I can assure you we aren't deluded or playing this down. We have 3 small children so this is a big deal for us. The only time she gets mouthy is if a toy involved (so we make her sit and drop the toy) or our seven year old goes crazy running around and starts trying to wrestle with her (we immediately stop play and he knows this is not on.) That said we've not had an issue with this for quite some time.
I am assuming one of two things; either she thought the shears were a toy of some sort of toy or it's some sort of fence agression. Either way it's not on and we are planning to contact a behavourist. We are perplexed as she is a friendly dog and despite different workers in our yard has never shown any sort of agression towards humans or other animals (she is known to catch the rare black bird.)