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Everything posted by bulldogz4eva
I have seen the breed standard for the Fila and as I said they are good at what they were bred for and I fI lived in Brazil I would have one no problemo. You cant go off of everything you read without having experienced it first hand.They arent a dog for suburban Australia but in another place they suit the purpose.They were brede not to like strangers and that is the whole point of having one in that environment.I dont think you have too much to worry about having one next door to you.There arent any here. That is the only breed standard I can think of where the dog is supposed to try to bite the judge.lol.
I tend to agree with you slightly as I am not in favor of lifting the import ban either.In a perfect world eveyone would be responsible but that just aint going to happen The fila like some other dogs was bred in a different time and place to do a specific job and they fit that bill very well but not a dog for everyone and not a dog for suburban living. If the import ban was lifted there are people who despite not having many brain cells do have money and would import certain breeds and sell them to anyone who has the money just to make a dollar and that has the potential to be disastrous but in saying that I dont believe all the dogs on that list are that harmful to people.Out of the 5 I woudl say 2 have the potential in the wrong hands and under the right circumstances.There are breeds that are already here that are far more of a threat but havent reached the popularity.Some of the breeds on the list have a 'cult' likefollowing among the wrong kinds of poeople becuase of their reputation and some of that is unwarranted and becuase the fact that they are banned which attracts some people. Also you statement about breeding man killers as you put it is also not that hard if that is your wish.You dont need to import one of those dogs as you can make your own if you are that way inclined.How do you stop that?You cant. I am still not in favor of BSL andnever will be.Restrictions werent that bad if they were policed but as son as there is any incident they go overboard and demand action.They set the system up for failure and call me cynical but I suspect that was the plan.Inch something in then go the whole mile when it doesnt work becuase it was never going to.How can you expect people to police themselves.If they dont police it people will not comply.If they only prosecute the bad eggs it would have been ok but they didnt.It is about eradication and like any total prohibition it cant and wont work. Nice post Brian but you should be wise enough by now to think for yourself and know its wrong. I also agree with you that some breeds are more of a potential danger becuase of their size drive etc..Unfortunately quite a few of those breeds are ANKC breeds.Acknowledging that is one thing and practicing what one preaches is another.Many people still have their heads in the sand.I am also not in favor of softer versions of the original.If you want a soft version get a stuffed toy.The whole 'better pet' thing is a marketing ploy by those that shouldnt have a working dog so they can sell more dogs.Leave the working breeds to those that are going to work them. I am in favor also of what you have said about ob and hours of training.I dont know that yo can make it compulsory but certainly discounts on yearly rego for anyone who completes obedience training with their dog.The majority of problems are caused by dogs not being under control and that is an easy fix most of the time or in the beginning before it becomes a problem.I avent got a ruler handy Brian so I will have to ask my wife.She says I should pass. Thats all fine and dandy but who considered them unsuitable?Why?What were theri credentials to make the decision?How many ANKC breeds have a fighting background?Just as many as are on the list.How many are also not suitable for everyone?Quite a few. Where did you draw your conclusions from?From this site?Primarily connected with bakyard bred extracts hmmm.Where are your dogs bred?In the backyard,sound like backyard bred to me too.lol. Sorry I have to stop laughing for a minute to post.Anti bsl has little importance other than to legalise the breeding and ownership of the apbt and mixtures of ultimately motivated and driven by self interest.that may be so for the very few but I think you need to take off your eye patch so you can see the big picture.They didnt ban the amstaff and the staffy in Canada for no reason they banned them becuase of similarities and its ok for the ANKC to look after their own but in the end they are looking after us too.As long as their is an amstaff there will be a pitbull.Thanks ANKC we love you. I agree and if I am looking for that type of dog I would like to still think I can find one here.However the problem arises when dogs get sold to the wrong people and they farm them for cash to anyone and in the future I see this with some of the more exotci breeds that are already here.We have already seen the likes of Barry Rochford and unfortunately he is not the only one out there with money and a screw loose. You are dead right and it continues to happen.The premier of WA Colin Barnett said in January he was going to ban the breeding of pitbulls in WA.Something that was supposed to happen years ago but eveidently forgot about it.This was supposed to come in at the end of may.Well may cam and went 5 weeks ago still nothing.Read the local paper here and byb are still pumping them out and there is no less than half a dozen ads there so it cant be a problem now can it.lol. Yeah you right the governemnt controlled the flow of information conducted talks and consulted with the select few.Thats called a sucker punch.Lull people into the false sense that their is a workable solution to be had when they only had one agenda,theirs. In the end Sandgrubber I have to say their is plenty of hypocrisy on both sides of the fence.
Good reading cheers.i thought for one wild moment it was that dogsbite.org again
Can I Fly My Amstaff From L.a. To Sydney On Qantas?
bulldogz4eva replied to amstaffcali's topic in General Dog Discussion
Not on Qanats they wont.Qanats has not flown pitbulls for a couple of years domestically or otherwise.They stopped after American Airlines issued a statement sayin they would no longer fly pitbulls after an incident in which one got loose in the cargo and caused damage.Amstaffs are a different story. Amstaffcali dont worry it wont be a problem.The people who load the cargo and as big a W****** as those in the office.It will be sweet.If your paperwork is right. -
bulldogz4eva replied to NorthernStarPits's topic in General Dog Discussion
I have always wondered that myself.Pray tell us how with their wealth of knowledge.LMAO On a side note I am glad the rest of the law is coming in to stop these backyard puppy peddling morons contributing to the problem.Before Christmas My mate rang up an ad in the paper for some pups in Perth.Lady answered the phone and he asked her for some info on the parents.She said he would have to talk to the boyfriend.He could hear talking in the background BF wont come to the phone.She comes back and says the sire is such and such line dont know about the dam she doesnt have papers.He aks her what dogs does sire come from if he is such and such line because there are many dogs from that line.She says dont know sire has papers but we dont have them but breeder says we can get them( read between the lines because we were too f***** tight to pay for them).My mate says" So let me get this straight.You have 2 dogs a male and a female you dont have papers on them you dont even know what there bloodline really is but you thought you d let them mate because you wanted some fast cash and they had red noses.You are askng $1500 for unpapered dogs whose bloodline you dont even know?Are you for f**** real lady? He said the woman started getting irate and told him she had sold them all because people could see the quality.He said no you sold them to know nothings that will create a problem you stupid f***** bitch.People like you are the problem. I hope people like this get their dogs taken first and destroyed.Sad as it is they dont deserve to own them and they are the problem. -
bulldogz4eva replied to NorthernStarPits's topic in General Dog Discussion
Gee the position paper for ammendments to the dog act in WA only came out 7 years ago and they still havent ammended it and the Liberals have actually discovered that.Maybe they do know their a**hole from their elbow but I doubt it.Dont bother having your say in the OPs article as the West Australian (Liberal Goverment sympathisers) wont print it anyway they never do as their not about a level argument just propaganda fo the masses.Anyway soon the "Colin Barnett thought police" will ban everything including free spech and having an opinion and it will be a mandatory jail sentence.I thought WA was the wildflower state not the police state guess I was wrong and I am not just talking about the dog issue.Those who live here will know what I am talking about.Everyday you open the newspaper the silly twat passes another law to take away the citizens rights.Shame shame shame WA I hope those that voted for him are happy.I am a Labor man but didnt like Carpenter but just couldnt bring myslef to vote for Barnett and I know why. -
I thought you were only interested in big dogs B
When you say double strength,no their is nothing written on the label but I can assure you it is a lot stronger than the stuff you buy in the supermarket.It has a very acidic smell and quite a bit of sediment in the bottom
Thats correct it should be unfiltered and unpasteurised the stuff in the supermarkets isnt.I buy mine from a stockkfeed store for around $10 for 5 litres and I drink it myself as well and put it on my chips lol.I give the dogs about a large tablespoon in their food a couple of times a week.
$11,000 For A Hip Op
bulldogz4eva replied to Poodle wrangler's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Bullets cost less than 20 cents -
Pro Sports And Training Seminar
bulldogz4eva replied to abcalert's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Good luck Maria, I wish I could come along again but unfortunately due to work committments I wont be able to.I had a good time last time.For those that dont know who Butch is visit the k9 prosports website http://www.k9prosportsonline.com/.He is a great trainer and a stand up bloke and he wont be the only trainer there.Hope all goes well and like to see some pics. -
Engine Oil On White Fur
bulldogz4eva replied to saintlysusan's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Easy way to get it off is good ol JOHNSONS BABY OIL and a rag.Use it liberally and it will come straight off or 99% of it anyway. -
I am with Cavandra also.I have a number of dogs and some of those havent been vaccinated for a couple of years and my old dog that doesnt leave the property hasnt seen a vet for about 4 years and no vaccination and he is happy and healthy.I do attend a dog club and have to have the dogs that I take annually vaccinated but I think I will be asking them about titres also. I remember when I was a kid dogs only got biannual shots.I have always thought that a lot of vets over charged and they will sing the praises of the drug companies because it equates to lots of dollars.I always laugh when you go to the vet with a new puppy and they ask you about heartworm and your dog should be on it.Then I tell them I wouldnt waste my money.Have never given it to a dog and never will.I understand people who live in areas that are prone to it use it,but where I live I have never had a dog get it and its not particularly prevalent so why give something to your dog that is unnecessary.A lot of people have known about vaccines for a long time but the drug companies dont want you to know.
Mine had one done as well.The antibiotics are usually clavulox which I was given.It is just amoxycillin with potassium clavulanate so you can get by with a higher dose of amoxycillin by itself if you dont have clavulox.
Thanks for the comments Larry and sorry to hear about you pup Riverstar. I was aware of the ingredients of NB and just wanted to know peoples experience thats why I stated only people who had used it not people who wanted to make comments based on assumptions.Natural Balance sells for twice as much as Supercoat so to say it is the same is just that an assumption.I know twice as expensive doesnt mean twice as good but it isnt crap I just wondered about others experiences with it.The ingredients are important but I am just as interested in the condition of my dog and what comes out the other end.
Yes the one that is made over here in the West. How long did you feed your pup on it?Sometimes they take a bit of adjusting.My old dog thrives pretty much on most things and I feed him mainly meat but the times he does get dry feed it has been supercoat and he likes and goes ok on it.Im just not happy with what comes out the other end.Just out of curiosity how much did you pay for it?
Just wondering if any one feeds this product or has used it in the past and their opinions of it.I will make it clear I only want opinions from those who have used it.My reason for asking is I have an older dpog that I have fed supercoat to all his life and I like others havent been happy with it for some time and I am going to change.I feed my younger dogs pro plan and I am very happy with it but he doesnt need something that high in protein.As Natural Balance is made over here I thought I might give it a try.
Eye Specialists - Cherry Eye
bulldogz4eva replied to Asalei's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
PM abcalert and some of the other Neo people.You didnt say what operation you were having done.From what I know I would say have it cut out do some research and dont take the first vets opinion.My friend has Neos and after taking advice from the vet and not from others he had his dog operated on and had the gland stitched back in.The result it tore out again.T he operation ewas performed by the same vet 3 times the end result is the dog is now blind in that eye because of infection and a vet that didnt know what he was doing and he got his money at the end of the day and my friend has a blind dog.He just got his other Neo done I told him to go to my vet and it cost him $270 to get it cut out under anaesthetic and she is fine. -
You will usually see a marked improvement after the first injection and its not unusual for the dog to still have some soreness.You just have to wait until the course is given.I treated my dog with cartrophen that I obtained via some friends.Dog had done an ACL which was confirmed when I took him to the vet.I chose not to have it operated on.I penned him up for nearly 6 months.Gave him the first injection an noticed a difference continued to give him the next 3 a week apart and he started to come good.Few months later pulled up sore again.I gave him another injection and he was fine.It is now almost 12 months since he did it and he hasnt had an injection for more than 3 months and he is fine and running around like a young pup. Give it a bit of time it will take weeks not overnight and I know it is stressful but it will do some good.Joint guard is good but there are other products out there.Also add calcium ascorbate (ester c) it will help and it wont cause any harm.
Innova Large Breed Puppy
bulldogz4eva replied to hollythegoldenretriever's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Can you buy EVO here? I tried to do a search a while back but looked like it was only available in US and Canada -
I feed mine sardines once a week and always have.I dont know if anyone else has noticed but I went shopping about a fortnight ago and went to buy some sardines and the price had gone up from 59 cents a tin to $1.59 in one hit. WTF.I bought the big cans of tuna instead
I Think It's A Flea Allergy
bulldogz4eva replied to hdjaime's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Neem oil is the go,great stuff and if you have a problem a little bit of ivermectin in with the neem oil and shampoo.A few drops of the neem oil in the food doesnt hurt either. -
Obedience Training Apbt And Apbt Crosses
bulldogz4eva replied to Pitbull575's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Exactly.I did point this out to the morons in parliament that they are creating a situation that in time will become more dangerous to the public. I have never had a problem here in WA nor been turned away,but then again I dont go advertising what my dog is. -
Glucosamine Which One To Buy
bulldogz4eva replied to daccydog's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I bought mine from a feed store and cheaper than off the internet.I was feeding my dog glucosamine sulphate with no ill effects as I used to buy it for $50 a kilo but joint guard is better because it has condroitin I think thats because of the powdered green lip mussel and abalone -
Very sorry to hear of your loss.