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  1. I used to take the puppy classes at Wagtails a few years ago, and thought the structure of the class was great and "free playtime" was monitored so the shy dogs were not domitated by the others. Much better than some of the others I have been involved in with my puppies.
  2. the stupid owners who go there to socialise and leave their dogs to do whatever thay want and think it is funny when you ask them to call there dog away as it is making mine uncomfortable.
  3. I haven't got mine, so doubt they will arrive before I leave.. :-(
  4. My dads dogs built up an intollerance to beef, which is very common. When he removed all the beef protein from their diet they stopped scratching. Each dog who has and allegy to protein is different so what is the main protein in what you are feeding now? If he likes that food, is there a different flavour? you could start there instead of changing his food totally, you may still have to and any brand who have the sensative skin formular is a good start.
  5. I have been told that if you aren't a registered breeder and don't produce the credentials you can't advertise on Gumtree selling a dog/puppy for more than $500
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