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Everything posted by maddogdodge

  1. Was just wondering if i could get some feedback on what you all think of my photography. I just do it as a hobby at the moment, but i am looking into getting into it more, maybe doing a course on it. i am looking for good and bad feedback, just generally what is good and bad about the photos i just want to improve my photography Thanks in advance :) (sorry the photos are so big, i don't know how to make them smaller)
  2. Thanks everyone :) i cant quite afford a 650D at the moment, and being my first DSLR i am definately happy to go with the 600D
  3. Thanks :) i don't think i would mind that, cause this is only my first DSLR camera... so i a really new to it all
  4. I am thinking of getting a Canon EOS 600D. Does anyone have one, or have experience with one? is it a good camera in your oppinion? anything you dont like about it? Thanks in advance :)
  5. Hey everyone, i am a real novice at photography... although i absolutely love it! at the moment i just have a Canon Powershot A3200 IS... nothing fancy... I mainly love to do photos of Dogs and other animals... i love to do photos at unique angles, and really close up and also action shots... although i have never had a decent camera for that... haha :p I am looking to upgrade to a better camera... although my budget is tight... i really want a decent camera to take professional looking photos... but i cant afford heaps, so i don't have plenty of options... i was thinking perhaps this? http://www.nikon.com.au/en_AU/product_details.page?DCRPath=templatedata/en_AU/saleable_product_information/data/Nikon%201/Nikon%201%20J1.xml&currentProductTab=1&CategoryID=gs6rtnn2 Anyone got any experience with this camera? would it be any good for me? if not, know of any other good cameras i could look into? (just for the sake of it.. here are two examples of my photos with my current camera)
  6. Luka is just deadly cute! I love the way aussies ears flap/bounce when they're running :p
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