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Everything posted by Chooey

  1. Yes, that is the little terror "Jimmy Choo" that's why he gets away with it because he is so cute BUT not any more, he WILL learn to lead if it is the last thing we do!!! :)
  2. Small success on day one.....he happily dragged a short lead around for the day........now for step two
  3. OMG, I'm hearing you loud and clear, this is the exact replica of our boy - same age etc. I have put the pineapple juice in the other dog's dinners (much to one's disgust) but I will see how it goes. It's so hard with a puppy isn't it!! all I want to do is give him cuddles and love but its very very off putting risking second hand poop breath, I think it's making a bit of a problem bonding as well, he gets lots and lots of attention but not real cuddles or puppy licking (some might not allow this anyway, but I don't mind) I just pray that the pineapple works or he grows out of it.
  4. Thanks for that info. The whole pineapple thing is new so I wasn't sure how to use it. How long do you generally have to use it for? and once they stop, do they ever return to doing it?
  5. I also have this problem. He is 6 months old and has done it since he came home. He is from a spotless reputable breeder, so, that is not the issue. He doesn't eat his own, only the others. He even carries them inside. We are on an acre and pick up every day all day. We have 4 dogs. We tried putting pepper, Tabasco, and it hasn't helped, it only made is spicy for him!! If he gets one and you catch him, he bolts so that you can't take it from him. I will definitely be trying the pineapple juice. It's sad because you can't have or give him "Puppy love" you have to keep him at a distance, even though he would love too. He is about 3 Kilos, can anyone recommend how much I should give him and his 5 kg mates? Thanks.
  6. As he doesn't mind his collar I will continue with that. I did try a harness but that was even worse, he just rolled round and round. I would rather use a harness but maybe after we win the battle with a lead we can try the harness. Thanks
  7. WOW so much help!! Thank you, I thought we had lost the battle. I now realise that yes I do talk to him in a sweet voice when he rolls over, so, yes I have made it worse as you pointed out. I have taken down all suggestions and will be giving it a good go with him. As he doesn't mind his collar at all, I will stick to that as the harness makes him roll in circles, he looks like a little crocodile doing the death spin lol I will be sure to let you know our progress. Lots of patience, time and lucky for him some treats when he behaves. A very big thank you for all your help and suggestions.
  8. Thanks for your help. He does love his chicken, but when I tried that he still wouldn't roll over for me. I bought some new treats today so they might be helpful as well. I will try all you have suggested and see how we go. Certainly sounds like it should work, fingers crossed. All ideas are very appreciated.
  9. I have only left it on while I am outside, so, it would be a good idea to leave it on longer as you suggest. He hasn't had any bad experiences with the lead, it is only a thin light nylon lead. He isn't aware of it if it is not on him. I got him at 10 weeks and now he is 6 months I thought he might be better as he is older.
  10. Thanks I have tried both a short light and long light lead, but he won't budge for either if I pick them up. He will move around slowly if I don't pick it up.
  11. Hello all. It's my first time posting here :laugh: My problem is my 6 month old Chihuahua who has refused to be lead trained. He has happily worn several different collars with no problems. I have let him run around with a small lead running behind him, which he doesn't exactly like but he will at least move around. The problem is, as soon as I pick up the lead he turns over on to his back, legs in the air and wont budge an inch. I have tried treats, toys and calling him, but nothing will make him turn over (It's kind of funny to see). I have been told not to pull on him which I haven't in case of making him worse, I have tried ever so gently but he still does the legs in the air like he just doesn't care!! Any help would be very very appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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