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Everything posted by MishB

  1. I have an 8 mth old entire Brittany who has just started peeing on everything out the back, luckily he hasnt done anything in the house.Yet! Its revolting, I havent had an entire male for so long I had forgotten about this I have splashed arofectant (animal safe disinfectant) everywhere out there and then hosed and swept it out, and after it dryed I have sprayed Natures Miracle on the spots where I can still smell urine. I hope that this settles down a bit as he matures, surely he wont continue to mark anything not moving????
  2. I was told about this from a border collie person at nationals who uses one on her 4 borders and hasn't had a problem.. This is the HART peanut, hey if it only last half the time you've only payed half the cost is my theory, it still works out cheaper in the end but that's just my theory and for the minimal time I'll probably actually end up using it on the dog lmao! Hart supply gear to most of the footy clubs and gyms around Oz so its commercial quality, which is much better than if you bought a ball from somewhere like Big W :)
  3. sad and thinking of you Esky (hugs) RIP Penny
  4. Yep, Im keen. Im so disorganised and confuse myself so a bit more accountability is always a good thing :) Can you post the details for the rally o fb page?
  5. I use this shampoo in my hydrobath. Before I bought my own hydrobath this was the one most used when ppl came to wash my dog, I tryed some others when I got my bath but have gone back to this one. http://www.ruralwest.com.au/catalogue/RetailPetsCatalogue.pdf K9 Care ice water shampoo
  6. that sounds awesome! I wish I was that tech savvy!
  7. No idea about the chain sorry. I bought a chain for Obi but each time I have used it on him he doesnt seem to gait very well and I have heaps more trouble stacking him than when I am using the soft puppy martingale. So I think I am going to stick with that for a bit longer, I did like my big dog collar and lead though!
  8. it's just a show like any other. Even the Royals are still just dog shows. You might pay more in entry fees as the prizes might be better and someone has to pay to get those international judges here :D I just dont want to offend anyone..... hopefully the international German judge has a funny bone, because his going to need it for his puppy class! this dog showing stuff is supposed to be fun! Of course you will offend someone, it's a given. You won't know why or what or how but who cares? Sure there will be some sour person tut tutting if Gus is less then perfect, but no doubt they would be like that even if Gus is perfect! If it wasn't you it would be someone else. Don't worry about what other people might be thinking/doing/saying. You and Gus go have some fun! Rebanne: absolutely love what you have said, I need to remember this a bit more!! Thanks!
  9. I love your baby tracker SparkyTansy, so cute !!!!! I notice that Whipitgood is a midwife..could be handy..@justsayin :laugh:
  10. Yep, thanks! I am only taking a small amount and then checking it before touching it again. I was a beauty therapist in a past life & witnessed some terribly botched eyebrow waxes, so I dont want my dog to suffer the same embarrassment (not that I am humanising my dog in any way bahahaha)
  11. OMG what a complete scum bag! Sometimes wish that sub humans like this were able to be humanely PTS, or at the very least sterised to ensure they cant reproduce.
  12. that wasnt very nice of the judge Unless of course they were saying it in a construction fashion, I had a judge tell me that my puppy moved really nicely but couldnt stack at all, but he was lovely about it, and said it to help. I knew we were crap at stacking but we are learning :) What did you end up wearing?
  13. This is probably a silly question but how do I enter a show in another state? I live in WA but my family live in Canberra and Melbourne, so when I go home for a visit which is a couple of times a year, I wouldnt mind entering a show while Im there. How do I find out what is on while Im over there? Would I enter the same class as I would if it were here? are shows run the same way in each state?
  14. thx Becks, I thought that was it I bought myself a pair of Mars thinning shears on Saturday. Wow, they are awesome, so much easier to use than I had imagined and I havent butchered my baby
  15. this beautiful video just made my day, thankyou
  16. I get a bit annoyed when I am very obviously avoiding/keeping my dogs attention on me/turning the other way to avoid a close encounter with someone and their dog and they seem to follow me with intent to 'socialise'. My boy isnt aggressive at all, but he is a big GSD and I do try to keep contact with people who's dogs drag them towards us to a minimum. Its been my experience that these are the ones Im going to have problems with, the others who we walk past normally I can let stop and sniff, no dramas. But its always the 'leash draggers' who say he just wants to say hello!!Then they give me a dirty look if my dog growls or barks.It would be funny to one day just run up to these people one day (without a dog) try smell their crotch and say 'what I just want to say Hello"' :rofl:
  17. I am showing tommorrow so I will try and catch you there if you are going :D
  18. The stone looks like its so easy to use on the Eric Salas video tho! He makes it look so simple! I was looking at getting the pupkus brand thinning shears but they are made by Wahl ( Wahl doesn't have the best rep in human hair tools) so now I'm not sure which ones to get. Wahl don't have a good rep with dog grooming tools either! Roseline is a good brand and their scissors last well (I have some 15+ years old) I use a double sided thinner and they don't ever get sharpened Stripping stones are great and you won't cut the coat, which can make orange parts go fluffy and paler do you mean cutting the coat makes it go fluffier? or the stone makes it go fluffier? Sorry Im a bit dopey lol. I have been recommended the roseline brand by someone else too, Im glad to know that thx.
  19. Im at the show tommorrow too, then sleeping in on Sunday :thumbsup:
  20. That would be Bedazzled ;) Thx Mirawee I will PM her
  21. is there a thread somewhere with links to buy pet products somewhere? I know theres a thread in show ring about places to get show products. One for general stuff would be good if it isnt here somewhere already!
  22. Ive been reading this thread, Im so sad for you and your family Rozzie, my thoughts are with you. I agree that it is appalling the small fine that the owners have received, this makes me so very angry. I had a terrifying dog attack here in Perth,WA a few years ago where the dog dragged my dog across a busy road twice, then threw itself into my security screen 3 times trying to get inside my house to get at my badly injured pup. It left but then returned 5 minutes later and repeated slamming into the door. The rangers took that dog, gave it back to the owners who lived across the road, it got out again the very next day and again tryed to get to my house, it got hit by a car on its way across the road. It was injured but the owners were still able to keep it. I had told the council that it could get out, they said no, in their opinion it couldnt. I asked for it to be declared dangerous, the reply was, because the dog had no prior history (being unregistered with the council) it got a second chance, apparently the attack on my dog and I was only minor! If it had hurt me, it would have been a different situation so they said. The dog got out again a few week later, chased an elderly man and his small dog, my husband caught it before it made contact. It was taken to the pound again, and a week later assessed as being unsuitable for rehoming.No shit sherlock!! The ranger resigned soon after.I had made complaints to my local member regarding the way the council treated the matter. You could probably take it further, it sounds like she already has grieving children and a devestated housemate to deal with, I didnt take it further with my attack, I was quite traumatised and just didnt have the emotional energy to do it. I would have liked to, but I had to look after myself, my kids and my then dog who was scarred and never the same afterwards. Maybe a letter to the local paper, the local member that sort of thing might help,but nothing will take the pain away unfortunately. Once again, I am so sorry for your tragic and senseless loss xoxoxo
  23. Congrats Rubystar!!! That is impressive, well done! I dont know if anyone is interested but I got an email this morning from K9 pro, they have dog rehab stuff now. I know a lot of peeps have injured doggies atm so I thought Id mention it. Hey does anyone have Sue Hogbens phone no? I want to do some regular obedience training and I heard she does lessons. I joined Midland but my husbands shifts changed so I havent been able to get there except for a couple of nights , kids sport on the weekends and Im showing when I can too so I cant get to a Sunday club either. I did a one of with Gina (amazing woman), which was awesome, but she doesnt have time to do anything on a regular basis & I want someone once a fortnight or so, to keep me motivated, on track and stop me from getting so sidetracked and confused (I think Im a bit ADD with my training, my poor dog). I cant remember the ladys name but I think there is someone really good out Midland way who does obedience lessons too if Sue doesnt do regular ones?
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