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Everything posted by HugoDoogoEbblePebble

  1. I will monitor her and make sure it doesn't change, but thanks for letting me know of the signs. Eeek animals always are giving me stress!
  2. Oh wow, that sounds like a good diagnosis. She's asleep now and it's stopped, I was just worried it was something worth worrying about. Thanks for this info!
  3. Hello all! I'm just writing on here to ask for some advice. My 2 year old toy poodle Ebony started making this unusual 'hacking' (not really a cough) a few hours ago. It does not happen ALL the time but I've noticed if she sits on the couch a funny way or just randomly it will happen. It is not a cough, but looks like she is trying to get something out of her throat (like a cat with a hairball) and sounds a bit like a goose (literally) when she does it. Other then that she is eating, drinking, playing and pooping/weeing properly. She seems like herself in every respect, but I'm a little concerned!!! Just a note: I gave her half a charcoal tablet around the time it started but this is a usual occurance and it went down fine. Could it be lodged in her throat perhaps? It will dissolve but still. Thanks guys! Please let me know if this is something a vet should be looking at.
  4. Hey guys took Ebony to the vet and you were spot on. Abcess that had caused a ruptured anal gland. Vet said 95% of cases come good, the other 5% are more chronic and come back more often but already she is showing signs of improvement on the antibiotics. :D So glad it has put me at peace of mind! :)
  5. Ahhh ok I see. Thanks for clearing that up! I'm used to having big dogs and the poodle breeder did mention the anal glands but at the time I didn't quite understand. I'll give them a call now. At least it doesn't sound life threatening (which is good, I get easily worried about these things). :) Cheers for the help!
  6. I had a look online and the location looks spot on. It's actually improved ten fold since this morning but I will give the vet a call. The reason why I am not so speedy to the vet is because I own horses and due to large animal vets being ridiculously pricey, many abrasions and (depending on the size) wounds can be cleaned and treated at home. The amount of times cetrigen has been useful for my (now) 9 year old labrador is lots. Also, what causes ruptured anal glands? Do they just 'burst' like a pimple? or would they have to be itchy to begin with?
  7. Hey guys! Firstly, just wanted to say this is a great community. :) Been so helpful already! :) And secondly I come here with another problem/worry. My beautiful cheeky toy poodle Ebony was playing in the yard the other day and the same night I noticed a swollen bump with an open wound (about half a cm long) on top of the bump. It was located right below her anus (couldn't find a nicer word, sorry guys!) and at first I thought it was a tick, but after cleaning it out I noticed it looked like she had actually bitten herself (possibly scratching it) Anyway, I put some dog friendly antiseptic on it and the swelling had gone down ALOT this morning, however there is still a fresh wound there and it is leaking a browny/yellowy fluid now and again. But she doesn't appear to be in pain when I dab it with the dog antiseptic (anti-itch made by aristopet?) Does this sound familiar to anyone? Not sure if it is a mozzie bite or another bug bite, and when should I start to worry if it doesn't heal properly? The anti-itch is doing its job but I'm just a bit concerned about that wound. Cheers guys Also: I attached a really nice picture of my poochies, hope you like! (How do you attach a picture properly?) http://pets.webshots...SORP?vhost=pets
  8. That sounds quite comforting (that they made it through alright!) The good part is the two dogs originally infected are as bright and chipper as ever, just have diahreah and blood in the poop. But they are being treated at the moment!!! I didn't give her any chicken tonight. Only dry kibble with a bit of rice and a few bits of chopped up carrot, and I've made sure the waterbowl is always near so she is keeping hydrated!!! I just like to make sure my animals are healthy :) :) :)
  9. Unfortunately, the vet has confirmed it's a form of bacterial dog version of gastro enteritis What did you mean by 'squirts"? I'm worried because she may or may not have contracted the bacteria, so I am keeping an eye out. It's not 100% fatal, but I think it can turn nasty if left too long. Overall, she is active and hungry so those are 2 good signs I guess! :D:D:D
  10. Our labrador occasionally does the odd runny one, but I'm very worried now because if she does have it, I know what it is. She seems very 'herself' though, and still wants to play and eat and drink. The 'mucous' I saw could have been just part of what she ate last night? She doesn't often have alot of chicken at all... Thanks for all your assistance guys, keep the ideas coming (if you have any more!) I'm an experienced dog owner, but I still get things wrong time to time
  11. I'm just worried because it is bacterial and the vet said with small dogs they can go downhill very quickly, so if she has it I want to catch it before she starts shooting blood out her bum. I'm quite diligent about disinfecting everything (washed her bed, waterbowl ect) but yeah I just like to be overly careful!!!
  12. Hey guys! I need a few bits of advice on what to do and WHEN to worry. To give a bit of background, I am often going between my boyfriend's house and mine, taking my toy poodle with me on a week to week basis. My boyfriends mum has 3 poodles, 2 of which were recently diagnosed with a bacterial infection in the end part of their large intestines (rectum). First dog presented with symptoms of diahreah and blood in the stool, and had the symptoms for 2 days until the vet told her to take it in. Then, the other dog (small poodle) presented the same symptoms which led the vet to believe that it was indeed contagious. SO... I'm back at my place now however I am worried about the health of my toy poodle (nobody's fault! Except bacteria of course!). I've been told to watch her for the next couple of days and she passed a relatively 'hard' stool last night, but today I noticed it was a tiny bit softer and looked like it had a bit of mucous in it? (she was given rice and a tiny bit of chicken, normally she gets kibble but she is quite picky about it) and she appeared to be trying to 'get the rest out' but there was a TINY bit of dribble at her bum and sounded like a 'bubbly fart' (lol) - all sounds disgusting I know but I have to be specific!!! So, I am absolutely ready to take her to the vet tomorrow if need be, but I need to know... When do I worry! The other dogs are on medication at the moment and hopefully should make a full recovery this week!!! Please, advice guys :)!!!!
  13. Hey all! (It's Ezza, hugo is the name of my labrador xD) The breeder did say she and the other dogs were crate trained, but we don't know how many other dogs were with her at the time. I'd ask the breeder more questions however their email address has been de-activated and they're not replying to the website so who knows... This information is all really useful and I might just look into getting a behavioralist (sounds like they help LOTS) I had her out today while I was gone for 4 hours and according to my mum she spent the majority of the time hiding in dark places (not in her outdoor bed). BUT - when I put her out again when I got home she seemed a little bit more adventurous? as opposed to bolting straight back through the door and into the house. so perhaps this is an improvement? She is also vocally crying now whereas before she was silent and very withdrawn, so this might or might not be a good thing... I am reluctant to go get her as she might perceive this as me going to get her every time she cries?
  14. Hey guys!I'm new to the forum and would like to first say hellllo! But secondly I'd like to ask for some advice!I recently came into the ownership of an almost 2 year old toy poodle who I have renamed Ebony (was formally 'Mouse'). She is a a gorgeous dog although she has definitely come with some baggage and I was wondering if I could get a bit of advice.Firstly, we got her from a breeder who was apparently getting rid of her as she had never come into season and the intention was that she would be used for breeding. We later found out that this was quite not the same story but I'd rather not post it on here (PM for further details) however this dog has: a) Never previously been outside before we bought her (we didn't even think she had touched grass as she didn't know what to do when I first put her on it outside) b) NOT been toilet trained (only wanted to go on carpet or concrete) however we are successfully working towards this c) no prior obedience training (although she is SMASHING it at dog training. In 3 weeks we've picked up sit, stay, come, crawl, roll over, stand and beg) d) anxiety issues around people and does not associate with other dogs despite the fact she was quite possibly kept with up to 30 dogs at one time. Also runs under tables and chairs if she can to 'hide' e) never eaten dry food (only wanted soft meats and refused to eat dry food and didn't know how to chew it So as you can see, we are working towards fixing alot of these issues however there is one I am not sure how to fix.I am trying to get her used to being outside while I am at University for the day or half a day with our 8 year old labrador (he's a sweetie, Ebony has bailed him up a few times), however she is showing signs of severe anxiety and will spend hours waiting at the door. And when I go check up on her she will almost have a near-panic attack and do alot of licking, nipping and scratching as she tries to jump up.I've owned big dogs in the past but am not too experienced with the smaller breeds (although I am an experienced dog owner, not new to the game!). However this problem has stumped me.So DogsOnline members, what is the best way to address this issue and am I doing the right thing by leaving her outside for certain times of the day and 'getting her used to this'? As for the anxiety around new people and disassociation with other dogs, will she eventually 'come out of her shell' and start to play? Or could that just be her personality?Cheers guys and thanks for any advice!From Ezza :)
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