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Everything posted by ann21

  1. Thanks so much for sharing your experience mita. Interesting about the anal glands...my dogs' are expressed pretty regularly because they don't seem to empty that well by themselves..will keep this in mind if I see the vet again.
  2. Hi Tara thanks for your reply. No tank water for sure but I can't be 100 percent sure about the bird droppings. Giardia is at the back of my mind too, will remember to ask the vet who is calling me back later. His poo is no longer yellow though, but other than that the symptoms do sound similar. Another thing is he just came off antibiotics and is wormed once a monthsp with interceptor- would that have killed it by now? Thanks for the tip on slippery elm. I have been searching high and low in Singapore for it. An alternative I am considering Pet Alive Digestive Support, which lists slippery elm as an ingredient. Umm not sure about the interceptor, my girl had panacur i think it was called and peptosyl and something else i cant remember now but it took a while, i dont think normal wormers do anything for giardia. Worth asking your vet. Hope he feels better soon, i know how miserable it can make them. Thanks Tara. At this point I think I am more miserable than he is. He just had a good play with a 5 month old toy poodle while his owner is worrying away..
  3. Hi Tara thanks for your reply. No tank water for sure but I can't be 100 percent sure about the bird droppings. Giardia is at the back of my mind too, will remember to ask the vet who is calling me back later. His poo is no longer yellow though, but other than that the symptoms do sound similar. Another thing is he just came off antibiotics and is wormed once a monthsp with interceptor- would that have killed it by now? Thanks for the tip on slippery elm. I have been searching high and low in Singapore for it. An alternative I am considering Pet Alive Digestive Support, which lists slippery elm as an ingredient.
  4. It's acana lamb and apple (free of high gi grains) which he tolerates well usually so I was hoping it would help. But ya I'm going back to the boiled chicken and rice until his gut gets better. Thanks :)
  5. Hi everyone, As mentioned on a previous thread my dog developed diarrhea after his course of antibiotic medication around last weds/thurs. Last Sat I noticed his poo was yellow so I rushed him to the vet. She ruled out an intestinal blockage and parvo and gave me probiotics and a powder to firm his stools up. Sun and mon night he woke me up at 2/3am because he urgently needed to poo. His stools had mucus in it and Monday he vomitted up yellow foam with nothing else in it. Yesterday afternoon I gave him boiled chicken with kibble instead of boiled chicken with rice (thinking maybe grain was contributing??) and he had to go poo three times at 12am, 2am and 5am. His poo again was loose and quite smelly . I was so hoping for him to get better by now. Anyone had a similar situation? Having been woken up the past three nights to bring my dog downstairs (we live in apartment) I feel tired and quite off emotionally . The good thing I suppose is he is eating and drinking per normal, and still active. Apologies in advance if my post isn't very coherent.
  6. Niki8, I know exactly how you feel. My dog has been having diarrhea since his 2 week antibiotic treatment. When I brought him into the vet I was like "his diarrhea has gone on for three days! This morning the poop was yellow! Could it be parvo?? An intestinal blockage?? Does he have a fever??" Of course I tried to sound more calm than that but yesterday he vomited up yellow foam and it got me all worried again. Am trying to relax and continue with his probiotics/medicine to firm up stools but my brain keeps messing with me...So..you are not alone :)
  7. not wanting to get too OT, but yes, you most certainly want a name that doesn't embarass you.................friends named their staffy...........Woof, cool name until Woof got out one day and the two owners are running up and down the street calling out........"Woof, Woof, Woof"................................... Not to butt in but LOL!!
  8. My dog is having a bout of runny poo/ diarrhea which I suspect is the after effect of two weeks of antibiotics so today he got: a slice of bread with peanut butter and honey and main meal was boiled chicken with rice.
  9. it's what I do for my pups. C3 vacc at 8 and 12 weeks, then booster 12 months after the 12 week shot, so booster at 15 months. My pup is 12 months soon and I was hoping to wait til 15 months for his booster (he just came off a course if antibiotics so I want to wait for abit). Glad to know someone else has done the booster at 15 months!
  10. I think it depends on the type of brush. I was using a pin brush everyday which was fine but around 11 months my dogs hair started matting despite the brushing. I then switched to a slicker brush and wide tooth comb and so far so good! Was recommended to make the switch by my groomer.
  11. Hi, I am not sure what type of hair your dog has but I brought my dog to the groomers at about 4 months just to get him used to it. He is now clipped every 7-8 weeks so I would say its definitely time to get him groomed! As for the nails my dog is not a fan either but from early on I have handled his paws so hopefully it makes it easier on the groomer. You can start with a basic groom if you would like to get your dog used to the groomers (that is, not clipping the whole body but just the hair around feet, private parts etc). Edit to add my dog is also a 1 year old poodle cross
  12. He is gorgeous I love the black cockers the most <3
  13. I have a 10kg mixed breed pup (not that small I know!) and each week we get a whole chicken and divide it up into 7 parts (one for each day obviously). To this I add offal (mostly liver), brewers yeast, olive oil and kelp. Sometimes he gets lamb meat, pork or canned fish added in. I give him raw egg once or twice a week. I try to buy a tub of yogurt once every other week to add in as well. I am interested in trying salmon oil and vitamin e because I don't feed him fish that often. Oh and he gets lamb-based kibble in the mornings :) Edit to add I used to give raw veggies every day put through the food processor but it was always a chore getting him to eat it plus it seemed to make him go poo straight after dinner. Veges are added in only occasionally now.
  14. Thanks guys I managed to find a PDF version of 'on talking terms with dogs' and checked out the 'does your dog really want to be petted' video- both very interesting! Will try to sharpen my observation skills from now on...
  15. A while ago there was a topic posted with a link to a video of a child manhandling a Rottweiler and it got me thinking- I could probably do better in reading my dog's body language (and others of course!) Some of the signs of stress or aggression in dogs are obvious to me (e.g. stiff tail or posture) but I am sure I miss the not so obvious signs sometimes, especially during a quick meet and greet when I am out for walks. Does any one have any good articles, books or videos to share?
  16. Also his diahorrea has cleared up :). Will stop adding pumpkin to his food as vet agrees it might have been a trigger.
  17. Thanks for the concern :). The vet thinks it might be because of the way I bathe him (shampoo directly on body first) and I might not have washed off all the shampoo or conditioner. The hot spots are only on his body. He gave him an antibiotic injection and put him on a course of oral antibiotics + cream. Hopefully it clears up soon!
  18. Ok thanks everyone will take him to a vet as soon as they open today.
  19. Hi DOLers, Two days ago my 11month old dog developed a hot spot which has spread to 5 hot spots in different areas. I've been trying to treat it myself(mainly with an apple cider vinegar spray) because I want to avoid him taking antibiotics or having to use a steroid cream.. I've noticed in the past few days he has also been going to poo at night which is unusual because he usually only goes in the morning. Tonight he went twice and the second time it was diarrhea . Any idea if the hot spots and diarrhea are linked? I'm thinking maybe its the pumpkin I introduced recently to try and bulk up his stool. (he has been on a half BARF half kibble diet for around 3 months now). He is otherwise his usually bouncy self while of course his owner here is abit down thinking what could it be...will probably head off to the vets if it doesn't improve soon.
  20. When my humans hug me so I can't chase after the ball. I whine until they LET ME GOOOO!!!
  21. I bought an air dried deer shank from Ziwipeak thinking it would be okay but my dog has vomitted up a piece of the bone twice. While it was not sharp I will be throwing the rest of it away. Pity as it really cleaned his teeth. Will look into deer antlers or raw marrow bones next perhaps
  22. Thanks again everyone I have contacted Greta and she has given me a couple of recommendations for trainers in Singapore. I will pass these onto my neighbour the next time I see her and might also contact the trainers myself since I am still looking to continue with my dogs obedience training.
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