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Everything posted by pooch1

  1. Its great to hear tht yes the smaller dog can with stand a husky. But yes all depending on the nature of our dog.. Its exciting to hear that many of you have a different breed get along so well with ur huskies.. Hmmm decisions..
  2. Thank-you all for your thoughts.. Theres is no way we would be a pup from anyone other than a proper breeder.. I would not be looking for a to small of a dog. I was thinking small like a bluey.. I would love a lab or yes a collie.. I totally am thinking about ur comment thats its 1 thing getting another play mate but its another dog to attend to and extra wrk.. I did look under the sub breed forums,but couldnt find any husky forums.. Thanks again.. Ill keep deciding if another pup is needed
  3. We have 14month old male husky. That i believe needs some companionship.. So am looking into getting a female dog, am wondering what breed of dog wouls be a great choice for our husky.. I dont want to get another husky,am looking for a smaller breed.. Of course i would get them both fixed as i do not have the time for puppies and ther's enough puppies around.. Trading poat and gumtree websites ive been looking at.. Thanks
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