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Everything posted by Dobecrazy
Hello! me again. What do people use or recommend for hair regrowth? I'm talking hair that has been scratched off slowly from lying on concrete or from cuts or scratches. Is there anything that works? any tips of the trade? I know in some situations hair just doesn't grow back but I'm looking into doing whatever I can to make sure it does :)
Have you tried scaling them and brushing them yourself?? if the plaque isn't really hard yet it is very simple..I've never had a dog with hard plaque so I wouldn't know what works on it.
can dogs get a lazy gait? myth or true? I don't see why my girl should switch to a lazy gait after 20 minutes though.. she's a dobe!! lol.. sorry just thinking out loud
ah I wonder which Dobermann "walker" has about 5 lol congrats to everyone that's done well and thanks for posting results
my dobes hated earthborn holistic they loved the Artemis SoS salmon and osopure range though.. they didn't need to be on a grain free diet so I'm back to pro plan lol
I went to noahs crossing last time and I wasn't happy. I knew something was wrong with her but they couldn't find anything from a manipulation and sent us home... most of my dobe friends here use noahs as well and they are my regular vets..I should just suck it up and go again. I guess I'm pissed at the "nothing wrong" diagnosis I got last time. thanks ososwift :) I'm going to try and tape her doing it today if she does it.. can I ask what were the very first signs of wobblers? I've only seen it on YouTube/DVD in advanced stages on old dogs. oh and I currently live 400 kilometres from Adelaide so I'd be driving up.. just hoping to find the best person to really go over my girl. really appreciate all your replies
breeders are in NZ.. have some dobe friends in VIC I trust but yeah not too sure about vets in SA for this stuff
Thanks all, I'll look into it, much appreciated.. I'm freaking out that its the start of wobblers but she is so active and she's not in pain she's just got this drunk gait... uh!!
Thank you! yes I have seen him before didn't seem to help but he did not recommend seeing a vet at that stage.
Can someone recommend a bone/joint specialist Vet in South Australia? (If such a thing exists).. My girl's gait has gone funny and now she's started limping mid way through walks for a minute or two.. Need to get her checked ASAP. She is only 2. I took her to my regular vets and they just stretched out her limbs and said she was fine.. I even suggested x-rays but nope.. Want to go elsewhere. Thanks in advance :)
What Shampoo Do You Use And Why?
Dobecrazy replied to skyehaven's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Just bumping this :) I use EQYSS its a horse shampoo, I'm looking for a new one though when it runs out so like reading what you all use. -
I wouldn't go changing the diet to a lower protein food...
I used ester c on my dobermann who was a bit flat footed, at 3 years old she has the most AMAZING feet. I also used ester c on my other dobe who was east west - didn't help she was east west until literally a month ago when her chest dropped a bit (gained more muscle).. In my experience a dog who is east - west at 6 or so months will always be a little east - west (depending on size of breed). I don't like messing around with supplements anymore but it couldn't hurt to add some orange juice and pulp or kiwi fruit to his dinner a few times a week. I have heard that they urinate out the excess vitamin c so you cannot overdose so to speak but I have also heard if you supplement it they stop absorbing it from natural sources (of course I have no idea which is true). Walking a dog on sand or little rocks (pebbles) is great for tightening feet. (from experience). Hope this helps in some way, sorry too much coffee!
Has anyone used Ivory Coat products before? Website: http://ivorycoat.com.au/puppy-shampoo/ I must admit I'm a sucker for "all natural" marketing etc but I was wondering if anyone had any actual experience?? Have sensitive-ish dandruff prone dirty black dogs that do not get bathed very often if I can avoid it and I'm looking for something gentle. Any advice welcomed!
I give coconut oil to my dobes. I recently went on my hardcore showie/breeder dobe forum and it was suggested that coconut oil isn't as great for dogs and that fish oil is an all round much better choice. Both in moderation, just like with a human diet is my philosophy but I don't think its as amazing as its marketed to be.. (I'm a sucker for health food marketing).
I found this tutorial by a Dobermann lady to be hugely informative http://doberdawn.com/
I get mine from Pet Warehouse also, living in the sticks atm so the delivery is much cheaper than Natural Pet Store although I loved their service when living in Adelaide (recommend them for CBD areas in SA). Haven't tried the newish range but have my two high energy show Dobes on the Osopure Power range (red bag) 30% protein and feed a lot less with wonderful results. Love the amount of joint health and vitamin E in the product. Used to use Artemis Large Breed whilst they were growing, that and Royal Canin have been great. I'd recommend Artemis and would love to hear about the new range a bit more..
Awkward topic.. does anyone know how common or if this happens at all? I am sure a lot of people know and are friends with Judges so I guess my question is.. is it worth entering under a Judge that has co-breeders or "friends" in the same breed that are entered.. are they bias? does this ACTUALLY happen? Are there penalties so to speak for Judges that seem bias? Have there ever been cases of people paying Judges or making deals with them so to speak? I guess I ask this question as a new/ish exhibitor, should I be making sure my research of Judges includes this sort of thing? Does not seem fair but I am sure it has happened or does happen. Can anyone weigh in. I know this is a fairly sensitive topic.. but I would appreciate the truth. Is it worth wasting entry money if friends of friends or co-breeders have entered? Even if my dog IS good enough?
Thank you! Very poor turn out for dobes
Thanks for that!
Any results? Dobes would be great :)
Accidents do happen..sigh.. isnt this how backyard breeders are born? Would you all be giving the same advice if someone posted this question somewhere else about their crossbreed? Being a registered breeder is about doing all the right things..yeah mistakes happen but if this is a mistake you have made before I would seriously be reassessing the way I did things. Under 18 months and 3 litters hmmm.. wonder if either of these dogs are champions? What exact health testing they have and whether or not she was bred too young for her first litter as well? All sounds a bit pathetic to me and the way you try to justify your breeding program by saying the dogs all live in the house with you etc so what? Is that what we are talking about..no. I would honestly have aborted the pups early if I were you..if this was not a mating that NEEDED to happen for your program or the betterment of the breed then theres no reason to overpopulate.. And no..I have never bred a litter nor am I an animal rights activist..just speaking my mind. Good luck to you.
Iv'e "been in the breed" for about 6 years and by "being in the breed" I mean owning these dogs. Only attending shows for 2 and never actually getting in the ring myself. I am being open and honest and the only thing I am trying to do is understand the judging system. Thats so lovely of you minimax, seriously grow up! I do not think that breeding would help someone to judge I have no idea why there is a perception that it would? Its not that I do not want to waste blood sweat tears or money and its not that I dont care enough to want to improve the breed its merely a statement of HOW breeding would make you a better judge? To judge you must first be judged.. well if you exhibit for the required 10 years havent you been to enough shows to have been judged and to have watched judging? I may have worded my previous posts the wrong way. I am not criticising breeders when did I ever state that? you are all getting way to defensive, I admire breeders for doing what they do but I do not understand why you must breed to judge (for the 100th time). And hey yeah I havent been in the breed long but the attitude at shows is one reason young people come and go, I am only 23 I have years and years to learn and I want to learn and yet youre so quick to judge my character. I dont have a bad attitude at all please point out where I have been rude or not open to suggestions? No wonder the dog show world is literally (going to the dogs) bunch of old ladies doing their bitching all weekend instead of mentoring young people that want to get involved (and yes I have great mentors). Thanks to those of you that made valid points.
Because there are already people breeding the "correct" dog (and if we are talking about my breed, the Dobermann, there are definitely people doing it right), so why should I HAVE to do it? Breeding is hard work, its blood sweat and tears..why should I contribute to the tons of homeless dogs a year just to judge the correctness of a dog that I (by the time my 10 years is up, would have been showing the entire time and LEARNING about in the judging program)? I will continue to show my dogs and title them and maybe in about 8 or so years they will have changed the prerequisites (or after the banning of docking and now lame oversized dogs, I wont want to own a Dobe any more, whichever comes first).