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Everything posted by HeidiB
Hey Weimlover Nope I have not asked my vet yet but thanks for reminding me, I have been meaning too.
Thanks zayda_asher & thanks Pheebie, I'm in the process at the moment of looking into the immunodeficiency:) The vet was happy with Busta's improvment & no need to remove the lump at this stage as it's going down in size. We still don't know what it is, but it looks harmless at this stage.
I measured Busta's Lump today since it has been the two weeks I was waiting for to see if it's reduced in size & it has!!!! It was 2.8x3.5cm & is now 2.5x3cm WOO! HOO! That would mean we don't have to have it removed & that its going down itself with treating it with the anti-biotic Clavulox . I'm off to the vets this morning to get Busta all checked out & see what the vets say
What Every Dog Owner Fears
HeidiB replied to Joey Rocks My World's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
OMG! my sweet jenna I'm so sorry, u must be in shock to hear those words even tho u had the feeling. You have been wonderful to Jenna & she knows it, u saved her life at a young age & have given her a joyfull life from the sounds of it. My heart goes out to u, what happens is meant to be even th that sounds unfair. Enjoy the time u have together as she still has alot to offer & so have u to her. Heidi xx -
Thanks Pampa,
pampa, seems like u have to be very carefull with ur girl to avoid cistitis & infections. That sounds awefull the Cistotis, i'm happy u have found something that works for u now with feeding her the soup Apart of the agnony when these things happen with our dogs is the not knowing WHY or WHAT causes it & how to PREVENT it. That would have to fustarte me the most! Heidi
Given from what InspectorRex posted about Weimaraner immunodeficiency , I believe this may be the cause of allot of Busta infections. I have just emailed my vet about it & hopefully Busta can be tested to see if she has it. So sorry to hear u are having problems too TianaKaeSha, other meats they may be of use to u is: Donkey, Horse, Ostrich, Camel or Turkey. Also for the way of carbohydrates to go with the meal try: Sweet Patatoe, Lentils, Pumpkin, Barley or Kidney Beans. Here is a guideline for feeding home cooked diets. Here is a picture of Busta's inner thighs, see the small white patches, that's skin related allergies caused by a yeast infection I think. They used to be a bit red but have settled down now.
I'm so sorry colleen, what a terrible loss He was lucky to of known the kindness in ur hearts... Heidi
I have been told this is a good alternative for meat if ur dogs is suffering allegies & has not have these sunstances before that sweet Patatoe as carbs & Goat Meat as protein is good. I currentley feed my girl this, I was also told that either Donkey, Horse, Ostrich are fine aswell & things for carbs like Barley, Beans & lentils as good. So I would say that these were good meats to use Heidi
hmmmm... thanks poodlefan for ur advice on the thyroid gland, I'm not sure exactley what the blood test intailed that Busta has had but I will mention it to the vet I thought it was a common thing for Weimas to have allergies & that explains part of the reason why zayda_asher I would think with Weimaraners have a diluted coloured coat.
OMG!! Poor Asher! That would be awefull! Ear drops are hard, my partner & I have to do it as a team effort, she is so fed up with them. I used to put the epi-otic when cleaning her ears on cotton wool then wipe her ears out but Murdoch said u should never try cleaning with cotton wool insted wait for the debre to come to the surface naturley. So with Busta's new ear cleaner Dexamethasone that we have to give Dailey we put a nozzel on the end that it comes with & squeeze it in her ear then massage, we usually end up coverd in it we she shakes her head afterwards & when she stuggles when we try to keep her still . Busta has a paddle pool that I have to set up for her soon too ;)
Thanks for the comments on my art Dan Thanks for the mince meat ball trick, I would not of thought of that so I will deffinetly try it this w/end. We know Judy at tracking, she always does Busta's tracking trials. It's great to do tracking, Busta enjoys it so much & I think dogs love having a job to do & using their nose is so natural for them. Zayda & Asher are soo cute......do they go to the dog beach much at Hillarys?
Busta can only eat at the moment Goat (protein) & sweet Patatoe (carbs) & Horse Bones to chew on. The Goat comes in a fresh Mince form in a packet, I have just began this diet last week & it goes for 6 weeks. I was told by Murdoch that I can give Busta fruit as a treat as dogs arn't allergic to it they have found. So I give her cut up Pear, Banana & Pineapple, she seems to like it at the moment. That suxed when she was on the ZD diet as it was ZD for everything! I used to do obedience on the w/end at Carine Open Space & I love teaching Busta tricks & hope when she is of age to start agility with her. She also does Tracking with Trackwest at Gnangara Pine Tree plantation in the Cooler months. I'm an artist & paint all of the down south WA region like Margaret River so thats may be why u thought I lived down South.
Yep, I live in WA in the northern suburbs of Perth, in Sorrento near the beach so not very rural at all so I do go to Murdoch Uni to see the Derrmatogist there, they are really wonderfull. It sure sounds like our fur kids have some things in common, its so great knowing I'm not the only one
Hello Ceilidh, Thanks for ur comment, in regards to the Epi-otic I have stopped using it but only since last week when the skin demotologist suggested using something els dailey to clean the ears with. I'm glade I have stopped. Cheers Heidi
Busta was intradermal skin tested, they injected 75 different things in her then waited to see what she had an reaction too. I have to have her re-tested in 6 weeks to see if it all stays the same as its the end of the allergie season around then, they said is may effect her different than. Also a test agian down the track maybe as it takes to the age of arounf 3 years old for a dog to show all of what he is allergic to & how of much exactley it is I was told. For example she has an reaction on a scale of 0-4 (4 being highest reaction) to all the things that she was injected with. If she says a level 2 for one thing than maybe in a years time that may rise to a 3. Wow! zayda_asher, thank you for the information u are passing on ;) Busta 's skin infections to me just seem to be like little red irritated patches on her tummy, not sure exactley if yeast or Staph. She did have demotex mite when she was a pup that left patches of no fur on her. She has had ear infections that have yeast & wax in them though. Here is Busta modeling her allergy Skin Test
Thank u all for ur comments, Busta vaginal discharge has all cleared up since they removed the infected area inside her last month. Could any of her problems be genetic? Here is a list of things she is allergic too: Busta was allergy tested last week at a skin dermotologist due to her constant scatching & ear infections, these are her allegy results. Diagnosis: Atopic dermatitis with or without adverse food reaction & secondary Maleasszia otitis externa. She has also began a new Goat, Horse & Sweet patatoe diet to see if she shows signs of food allegies for the next 6 weeks. I have to have her re-tested in 6 weeks to see if it all stays the same as its the end of the allergie season & she would of finished her food ellimination diet. If itching is still heavey they can prescibe some medication to help it. Than maybe she will be tested agian down the track as it takes to the age of 3 years old for a dog to show all of what he is allergic to & how of much exactley it is. We have to now give Busta a needle with a vaccine in it at home for the next 2-3years. It takes 6-12months for the vaccine to have an effect. She had an allergic reactions to the following when she was tested against 75 different enviromental things: Grass Pollens Perennial ryegrass Kentucky Blue Paspalum Johnson grass Timothy grass Wheat Bermuda Grass Yorkshire Fog Prairie Grass English Couch Lucerne (Alfafa) Weed PollensYellow Dock Western Ragweed Red Sorrel Plantain Short ragweed Western Ragweed Mexican Tea Dandelion Tree Pollens Elm Mix Eucalyptus Pine mix Birch Mix Privet Mould Spores Alternaria Aspergillus Cladosporium Insects Flea Deer fly House fly Cockroach Caddis Fly House Dust Mite D.farinae 25 D.farinae 10 Storage mites Cheese mite Flour mite Grain mite Tyophagus putrescaniae Acarus siro 10 Miscellaneous Kapok Tobacco
Thankyou guys, it does feel never ending at times, she is a lttle hero though as she has been very patient with all the vets stuff that's going on with her, she amazes me Here is a pic of her bout an month ago.
Hello, I have ben soo stessed out of late with all my baby's problems, please any comments would be very much appreciated Here is a re-cap of Busta's problems in the past: Busta Female Grey 11 month old Weimaraner, Busta's usual diet in Eukanuba Biscuit mixed with Bonny Biscuit & chicken mince & fresh bones & rawhide bones, treats are sausage & polony. February 2005 Had intestinal worms at 11 weeks old. April Had Demodex mite causing 1x1cm fur missing on leg, Busta’s brother also was suffering from this. June 3rd of June Busta was flanked spayed at 6 months old, she developed a seroma from this on her side which when down naturally. She has had her anal glands squeezed as they seem to get full occasionally. While being desexed I requested an ear clean & they found both ears had major infections in them. Treated with ear drops & tablets 16th Jube Busta had stiches out from desexing & still has a slight infection in her left ear. August Still infections in ears being inflamed & having wax in both of them. Treating with Dermotex ear drops & cleaning ears with Epi-otic & washing Busta in Malebseb wash weekly. She shows signs if allergies on her feet. Busta started having a lot of Vaginal discharge. Began ZD Ultra diet for 6 weeks to see if she is allergic to her food. September Bloodiest confirmed allergies, 12th had an Endoscopy to find cause of discharge, found no answer from it. Begin Vaginal flushing at home started clavulox in conjunction with it to see if it clears up. October Busta had lump removed from her midline underbelly which was a hematoma she had anal glands squeezed again. Busta had operation to find where vaginal discharge was coming from after taking her to emergency for showing signs of pain; they released 200mls of puss from her vaginal area that was causing the pain. They cut away 7cm on infected vaginal tissue & had to open the floor of her pelvis to find the cause. She was diagnosed with a rare case of vaginitis. November Still continuing cleaning the ears with epi-otic & giving her a bath with Maleseb Had Busta allege tested with a dermatologist finding that she is Atopic dermatitis with or without adverse food reaction & secondary Maleasszia otitis externa. Started Busta on a new diet of Goat, Horse bones & sweet potatoes to see if she shows signs of also being allergic to her food for 6 weeks. Started giving Busta a vaccine against her environmental allergies. Started washing Busta in Episoothe Shampoo & conditioner weekly & commencing Dailey ear clean with Dexamethasone Dailey. Noticed 2.8x3.5cm hard lump behind Busta’s left shoulder, did tests & think it may be a reaction from some scar tissue that she has from her her injections of late, or it may be a fibres tumour. Have to wait 2 weeks to see if it goes down in size if not have to cut it out. Treating it with Clavulox to see if it makes a difference. Busta is only 11 months old Thankyou so much for reading, Heidi
Just Noticed A Huge Lump
HeidiB replied to Joey Rocks My World's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
How did u go at the vets Jenna? Its always a worry when we find these things.. -
Thanks Caffiend42, I shall pass that on to her
Thank u so much guys for ur kind & supportive words. Your thought & prayes are much appreciated & I feel have deffinetly has helped Busta through this. I will call & see if I can pick her up soon from the overnight vet so I can then take her to my normal vets for the day. I'm still trying to understand & diegest it all with what has happend to her. Me being me took a camera to the vets last night to take a pic of my baby their with a drip in her arm. She was so happy to see us in a very tired type of way, that tail was wagging though & the vets was impressed that she was able to stand Love Heidi
Busta has been in for surgery today & I have just got a call from the vets, he said it went well but they had to open up the floor of her Pelvis. We have to transport her to another vets that is 24hr for the night as she is badley swallon & bruised. I will find out more info tonight.
Phew! What a relief, Busta finally urinated but still with a little yelp. We tried to buid her confidents up a bit to drink water & play in the yard & move around abit. Its so funny how us humans just by giving a dog some attension & effort can really change there mood & buit there confidents. Just like how we do to each other, it always takes a few goes but the person will come around & start to have fun or in this case wag their tail & chase a ball
Ur right their StaffordsRulse, this op was deffinetly the last resort for Busta. Its so scary seeing them after they have been put under, all of today even when ever Busta goes out side it looks like she is being chased by bats as she freaks out with things around her. I had to go back to the vets this morning as it was very painfull for her when she tried to urinate so the vet had to give her an pain relief injection, but she has not gone to the toilet at all today since. She has just been laying in the one spot all day, totally not being herself but at least she has drank some water & has a little appertite.