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Everything posted by jon_k86

  1. Hi Guys I was just wondering what the best/healthiest dry dog food i should be giving my 5 month old Jack Russell x Beagle? I am currently feeding him Science Diet but i've heard it isn't that good? Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the advice RiverStar-Aura! It's good to hear some advice from someone who owns the same breed. But yeah are quite a handful aren't they? Everytime he bites i do yell out "ouch" loudly but he just seems to get aggravated and continues biting. I'll probably try to give him a chew toy everytime he bites. Here's a pic of the cheeky little bugger! https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/429649_10150705233995449_633990448_11555156_1809781588_n.jpg
  3. He learnt Sit, Stay, Come, Drop. He has semi mastered Sit only when there are rewards involved and if he's focused and by himself. The rest not so much.
  4. He'll be going on to 5 months when i'm gone in March. I also meant i take him out 2 times a day each that are 30 min per session. I live in Marsfield NSW.
  5. Hi Guys I'm new to this forum and just wanted some advice from you guys. I currently own a 4 month old Jack Russell x Beagle. He seems to exhibit a few problems. I took him to puppy school and he did ok there. At the moment he is too hyperactive (i know it's the Jack Russell trait in him) even when i take him out to play in the park for 30 mins. He also has separation anxiety and he seems to bite a lot. He bites my foot, my fingers and items around the house. I looked up online and how to treat the problem but he still seems to do it and want to get it under control before it gets too serious. I'll be going on holidays for 2 weeks in March so and was going to send him to a kennel boarding as there's no one that can take care of him so i thought i might just kill two birds with one stone and go to a boarding that also does training. A friend recommended Hanrob as they used it before and it said was good but i looked at a few reviews online and some say it's bad and some good. It's quite a pricey place so i don't want that money to go waste. My main concern is the treatment of my dog and how successful it'll be (i know i'll need to have on going training when i get back from myself). I have also looked at Pets Training which is a cheaper alternative but there aren't any reviews. So my question is which one should i choose? Hanrob or Pets Training? Or is there any other alternative that people on this forum has used? Thanks
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