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Everything posted by BlaznHotAussies

  1. Guess what? Sometimes completely irresponsible people sell puppies for next to nothing and they turn out to be fabulous dogs. Sorry if that offends you on some level, but it happens. In contrast, my family has a discounted purebreed from a registered breeder that is riddled with health problems and has appalling structure. Go figure. And people wonder why the public isn't convinced it's worth the money to buy from a registered breeder... I was gonna post...then realise this...and was like "Oh damn." I guess it's the nature of breeding though. Our best dog has been a little Silky X Maltese that I "trained"/was in charge of at the age of 7 and Nanna describes her as my "pride and joy" and now my little brother who is 7 now is her master...poor dog!! Never a sick day, got dragged behind a ute years ago (little sister tied her up on passenger side, Nanna hops in ute to check sheep and drives down the road...discovers her when she opens a gate...I was horrified...dog didn't FREAKING CARE she was just excited to be in the car when we were on the way to the vet!!!) Still going strong in her 15th year! Dog we sold at 2yo was a Golden Retriever from a registered breeder (well she had papers) and even though I loved her to bits (I think I was 5 when we got her?) she was just too boisterous and would knock my younger sister over running past and the like. She also chased the sheep (even though she knew it was naughty because if she knew Dad was around she wouldn't) so on a farm that's not exactly ideal... So the arrangement just wasn't fair on her. She was beautiful though, I have some really special memories of her. Argh, who'd have dogs. :p
  2. Just the other day someone on my FB was agreeing that animals should be desexed but it's a shame it's so expensive! Surely that should be part of the amount you save up when you go to buy the pet?? I personally really really want a puppy (haven't exactly managed to set on a breed...probably need to head to some dog shows) but know we can't until we're settled in a house (preferably of our own, if ever) and that I'll have to save for purchase. ' Excellent point about spending the same amount on a couch, as someone mentioned earlier! I'll have to use that one next time someone asks why you'd spend so much on a dog...
  3. Ima have to start breeding them rare fawn ones then!!! hopefully they throw some whites... I'll be rich!
  4. Same here! I just googled it and was kinda disappointed...
  5. I struggle enough to make my own food - it's more because I don't like cleaning the kitchen/like to have a clean kitchen so avoid making mess, let alone make my dog's food! Sometimes I'll mix up some sardines & eggs for him though :) that's easy because it can all be thrown in and mixed outside.
  6. Seriously? Don't go reporting if it's none of your business. Dog was tied up for an hour in the shade with water. So??? The worst that can happen is a child or dog or human pushing the dog's boundaries but that's not your problem. You never know, she might be watching her dog the entire time or have someone who is able to watch it as well.
  7. Mine sleeps outside... He has been known to sleep under the car (has got himself a bit of a cave going on), on the verandah, on the back of the ute, under the house... He has a couch on the verandah but he never sleeps there any more he's a farm dog so I guess he just prefers to be all tough and manly
  8. Betty, Cassie, Jessie... I do like Ardi though, it's a cool name :D
  9. Oh my gosh for real? Seriously? I don't want to be on this earth any more While they're at it, they should ban Marley & Me and 101 Dalmations. And Beethoven.
  10. A blitz of Border collies A slink of Salukis A scurry of Silky Terriers
  11. Plan A would be nicking off early with all the animals in tow (actually, I'm hoping that I'd never live in a high bushfire or flood area) at the slightest sniff of trouble. Plan B would be nicking off with myself & photos I have a husband and no matter how much I love my animals he comes first - I wouldn't want either one of us lost from trying to rescue animals. Not even my horses. It wouldn't be fair on my family either (parents & siblings). Scary stuff though - I don't know for sure how I'd be in the actual situation.
  12. They probably don't want to put up signs saying "No bogans and their feral dogs allowed" so make it into a blanket rule I think it's people who don't put effort into training their dogs that ruin it for us who expect more from our dogs & put the time into training them to behave in public! :)
  13. Just another idea... Could it be a deficiency of magnesium or something? Sounds like she's on crack!!
  14. Interesting study, not the best conditions though I think we learned a bit about the study in Biology at school....
  15. Oh yeah...and iron and the thimble...setting up gender roles much?!? (Said tongue in cheek, don't want this to turn into year 12 English all over again...) My sister and I loved playing with the horse and the scottie. I think my favourite was the scottie though because the horse had a rearing habit naughty pony. Out of the new ones I quite like the ring...
  16. So horrific I'm so sorry for your loss Cazstaff I can't even imagine... (((hugs)))
  17. My dog is outside full time all-year-round (farm dog) so he's used to it. He usually goes under the house or under the cars (has a nice big hole under the car). I don't understand why he doesn't hang out where the air con drips near the house!! It's nearly always in the shade and is super cool...I imagine if he actually dug there it'd be quite nice! But he must be content under the car It's probably no better inside anyway...the house has really useless insulation (or none) and the air conditioners (yes, we have two wall-mounted ones and a moveable one!) just can't keep up. Plus if the nice breeze kicks in at night he can enjoy that.
  18. I'm usually too shy especially if it's a rare-ish breed...that usually means that the owners probably get asked about it a lot and I don't want to ask or say something stupid But if a dog comes up to me it makes my day
  19. I knew a Rotti aaages ago. My parents wouldn't let us play with him (big dog...smallish kids...I think she was worried in case we would upset him) but he was a gorgeous dog...came up for pats and had a waggy tail and was so beautiful! I've quite liked them ever since :) another "scary" breed I love are German Shepherds...even though the first one I saw in the flesh was when we went to buy second hand furniture and it was a "guard dog" - barking and growling at us through the fence but the best GS I've seen were at a pool-fencing place that my parents and siblings had to go to. They played with the kids for hours :D chased frisbees and stuff Both breeds on my dog list for sure. And that poor dog in the video was waiting for something bad to happen the entire time!!
  20. Funny...that just happens to be the same breeds you see on petrescue.com.au... SO popular
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