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  1. Got it!! Cheers :) Going to go try it out now :) I had to re-tape again last night and this morning Geez, she is a squrmer. Last night and this morning both ears up, still a bit wobbly, but up! So now with the glue I plan it leave it on for about a week? Would this be enough? I also got the latex foam insoles, Nekhbet, did you cut it to fit inside the ear, exact shape or a bit bigger?
  2. I thought this was for real at first??? I'm thinking.... WHAT??? LOLOL
  3. That is beautiful, R.I.P Rocky.
  4. I tried to upload a pic of her but apparently too big
  5. Unconditional love is what she gave to me From the look in her eye it was all you could see Sometimes I'd yell "be quiet, lay down" She lay in the corner and not make a sound As she grew old and couldn't get around ... I forgot how she'd greet me with a leap and a bound Soon came the time she could no longer stand on her own I picked her up and carried her to see God's home On the way there I remembered all the good years I looked at my friend through all of my tears I told her I loved her Soon the pain would be gone I did the hardest thing I ever have done I went the last mile I was there to the end I know now why they called her "Man's Best Friend" I lost my beautiful Jaygo in October of last year, she was nearly 14, and my mum picked her out for me on her death bed when I was 13. She was INCREDIBLE!! She was not a dog at all, she was more human than alot of humans out there, she was EXTREMELY loyal to me and only me, smart and absolutely fearless. She died of complications during surgery, she had pancreatitis, a tumor on her adrenal gland and tumors in her intestines.... Was THE hardest thing I've had to go through besides my beloved Mum. She was a GSD x Dingo/wilddog.
  6. That is exactly how my girls ears are! Did her ears ever stand up for any length of time? And how are her ears now?
  7. Thankyou, thankyou THANKYOU!!!! Am I dreaming??? LOL Your a LEGEND, I'm very excited now :)))) over the moon (who would have thought adhesive could be so thrilling hahaha) Oh right so is that called the moleskin? I've ordered some of that adhesive moleskin from priceline and it will be in today, so now I'll have the TM for the stick required. emailing now :)
  8. Wow, great job!!! What did you use as the support inside the ear? Do you have a teeny bit left in a bottle lurking in the shed? LOL (told you I was desperate *hides*)
  9. I would if I could find the stuff *sigh* I'm really quite depressed about it I just can't find it anywhere! Either OS and will take forever to get here, or out of stock with the suppliers here in Oz? I bet if I didn't need it so bad it would be here smacking me in the face :0 Darn you Murphy!!! LOL Does anyone have some spare for my little girl? Bianca was very generous with her offer and she only lives 40 mins from me, but unfortunately it has has turned into a big hard mass And it seemed so perfect!
  10. Hi all, My 5 MO pup is having trouble with her ears not standing. I have her ears taped, but with no glue it is coming loose and it's just not working right I have tried quite a few places and are either over seas and will take quite some time to arrive here, or out of stock? Would anyone out there have some spare that I could buy? I hope i'm allowed to post such a thread? I just don't know what else to do, thanks in advance :)
  11. Love the bowl.... And your pup is too cute!! Nice firm ears on that little guy!
  12. Another thought.... A local vet is willing to sell me some sort of glue they use for surgeries etc, this should be ok i presume?
  13. That's exactly what I said, but she insisted that any cosmetic procedures are illegal LOL, I don't think she really knew what ear taping was?
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