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Everything posted by Sarelou
I've been pregnant since before we got her so I don't know? Maybe dogs can sense these things though..? Yeah if she fell asleep with me when I was resting, or in bed at night as she did sleep with us for a little while, then if I moved or tried to get up or tried to move her so that I could get more comfortable she would growl. She sleeps in her own bed in the laundry now so it is no longer a problem but is an indicator of something I guess. She didn't get much socialisation at first as she hadn't had her 12 week vaccination so I was told by the vet I couldn't take her out until I think it ended up being a week or so after that, so not until 13 weeks. We did have our young nephews over a few times though and she was always in love with them and perfect. You are right about me probably not taking it as seriously then if she was a large dog, its a very valid point. Yes she can snap when patted when awake too. The last few days she has been really good. I moved the newspapers yesterday to a few metres over to where she was pooing and now she is using them. A simple solution my husband suggested but we will see hopefully she doesn't choose a new spot!! She has only snapped once since we bought her home from my in laws which is a week today. Doesn't sound fantastic I guess but it is a definite improvement. I think having her segregated in her own area and really laying down the law and not budging is making her understand she isn't boss. Its still hard as I am at work all day but I am trying my best when I am home to spend enough time with her and playing with her, and the toilet training etc. I have been taking her coat on and off each morning/night as it is quite cold at night and I don't want her freezing in the laundry and she hasn't gotten antsy about it at all even though it has to go over her head so I see this as good also. She gets her desexing tomorrow so I will be focusing on looking after the poor little baby for the next 3 days (I am nervous for her, she is so tiny!) and then after this point if I can't see things improving (which I think they are so far) I will have to look into a behaviouralist. I am based in the Illawarra, NSW so if anyone has any recommendations I would be appreciative. Thanks to all that have replied so far.
Oh and regarding car seating rules - If she is just in the car with one driver she sits on the passenger seat, we have a harness and seatbelt for her, and also a carrier but we don't tend to use it as she gets car sick in it Plus it makes her upset. The seat belt works well. Then if we are both in the car she sits on the passengers lap.
She doesn't seem to like playing with me! I don't know if its because I don't have the level of stupid enthusiasm my husband does lol but she doesn't go for it. If I sit quietly in the rocker then she is more likely to make fun by herself. Its strange. My husband plays with her and she loves it. We take her out with us whenever we can, she came to my grandparents last night and played with my younger cousins, I told them to be careful with her in case she growled but she was perfect. She loved it and was racing around, and then was very calm in the car on the way home and fell asleep in my arms even lol. I'm in the process of purchasing a baby gate at the moment. It will be used in the rumpus room (the room she is currently segregated in) and then once the toilet training is more under control and she is allowed in the rest of the house I will use it for the nursery, so thanks for that idea :) I have been playing newborn crying on my laptop for her to get used to lol. She doesn't bark or anything just pricks up her ears and tries to figure out what it is haha. I have been washing, brushing and blowdrying her every week since we got her and also started clipping just her face and feet and bum area, she is ok about it, but she has bitten me when I try to comb knots out no matter how gentle I try to be. She had her first proper groom just a week or so ago and I warned the groomer as I thought it was important for her to know, but she said she was perfect. I start to think she just doesn't like us as she is so good with everyone else
yes that is a good point about the vet.. Our yard is so big and has lots of different side fences that aren't secure (its not a typical square backyard as such) and she is less than 2kg so can squeeze through so many gaps. I don't know that its something that can be achieved at least until after baby is born. I start maternity leave in 7 weeks so am planning on taking her for some good walks then daily, something I have not done seeing as it is so cold and I am working such long hours. I know that every dog needs this so I confess my sins. She will more than probably spend some time with my in laws on their property when baby is due. She spent a week there just recently and is fine, they keep her inside and walk her on a leash just around the small fenced yard (although they have 140 acres lol) and she loves my mother in law so this shouldn't cause her undue stress and will be much better than being home alone and/or having no attention for a few weeks. I don't want her upset as she is quite human oriented.. They are also only about 20 mins from us so I should be able to still see her regularly during this time. Would it be a wrong move to then have her come home and all of a sudden baby is there though? I have read up on baby/dog introductions and have tried to keep her out of the nursery so she knows its out of bounds but she is still so young I don't know that she understands.
I thought perhaps her microchip might be causing her pain but its too random, sometimes near her bum, other times at her neck, it seems as if she just goes "uh no, not comfortable with this, get away" and it doesn't explain the growling when she gets moved in her sleep? She is purebred but I doubt the breeder is registered. She was my birthday present from my husband so unfortunately I didn't have the choice of breeder. I have seriously considered poor lines etc but I just don't know anything about that sort of stuff. She doesn't even start her poo on the paper I've tried keeping her on the lead on the paper too, it seems to work sometimes and not others. Yes long term goal is paper - she is too un-trustworthy in our backyard, which is not dog proof so I'd feel more comfortable with her being on paper indefinitely. I am happy to clean it. She seems to be very happy to get the praise, she jumps on my legs and wags her tail so I don't think she is shy. She doesn't go all night even though there is paper in the laundry where I lock her overnight. So it makes me think its not just that she doesn't have control of her bladder yet. I am taking Friday off work (and I don't work weekends) as she is booked in to be desexed. I am going to speak to the vet then and ask. I was wondering if maybe the desexing might help her temperament but I doubt it, I'm not that naive I'll see what he recommends too. Thanks for the replies so far.
Ok so I am sure this topic has been done to death but I am at my wits end. Please if anyone could help me. I have a 5 month old toy poodle. There are 2 issues that concern me the most. To give you the background of us - I have successfully trained 2 puppies previously to use paper or outdoors for toileting. No problems - one was a toy poodle, one was a staffy cross sausage dog (or something!). But this one is being a really hard case to crack. I am 7 months pregnant and I work full time and have been studying at tafe the last few months so I understand I haven't got as much time to train her as is required. I have done the following Segregated one room of the house for her only Use key word for toilet time Tried training her on paper, that fake grass stuff, and outside. (I know this may of caused some confusion - we are now strictly on paper only) Praised RIDICULOUSLY for toileting on the paper I have never rubbed her nose in accidents or told her off after the fact as I know dogs dont understand like that. But I do say UH -UH and pick her up if I catch her in the act and carry her straight to the paper (this usually results in poo splattered across the floor grr) I take her to the paper first thing in the morning and before and after playing and eating. Sometimes she uses it, mostly for wees but rarely for poos. She will poo elsewhere about 2 metres away from the paper on our floorboards. I can't understand this. I try to leave a piece of the dirty paper when the new papers get laid so that she can smell its where she needs to go. I keep the toilet in the same spot every time. I would of thought by 5 months she would be trained but she just doesnt seem to understand. Sometimes when I am standing with her at the paper trying to encourage her to go she will look at me and shoot off into the loungeroom to go straight away. Chasing her with being so far pregnant isn't easy. The other problem is she is snapping at my husband and I. Usually when she is on our bed (which is now banned - she isnt allowed in our room at all) and also when she is on our lap and we pat her back. I can be patting her fine and then she just turns growls and snaps. She bites. I never expected this as my last poodle wouldnt hurt a fly. This one has made us bleed. I dont know if its dominance aggression or fear aggression? She always used to growl from a baby if we moved her when she was asleep, which made me think dominance, but then the hand patting on the back made me think fear as she cant see the hand? Please if anyone can help with either of the above. I know if I could be with her 24/7 obviously this would help but it just isnt an option as I work. I really want her trained so she isnt soiling our floors before our baby arrives. Thanks in advance.