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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Yes, I think that most breeds could be trained and socialised to be great around kids, but I think that herding dogs could be harder. I hated Border Collies as a young child because everyone I met would try herding me! Can be scary as a little kid.
  2. My lab was 2 when my little cousin started walking and he was quite lovely with her. So an adult lab thats has been raised with toddlers and has good manners could be good. Perhaps look for a guide dog that didn't quite make it?? But to suggest breeds we probably need to know more about you :)
  3. Do you have a local stock feeds store? They always tend to have dog food a lot cheaper than any pet shops. Here they sell ProPlan for $20 less than the pet shops, and Black Hawk at the one back home is a good price too.
  4. I was thinking of the same thing, I think I might make an appointment like Lhok said, to introduce pup to the staff and general check up, get him used to vet handling early.
  5. Out current behaviourist taught me to praise and reward Justice any time he does an action designed to bring his stress levels down, including shake offs, as it encourages him to deal with his stress in a healthy way rather than using reactive behaviours to cope. :) I did this with my old boy, it was seemed to help in certain stressful situations such as vet visits. Also handy after swimming and you want to get back in the car and the dog hasn't shaked off yet
  6. I went pricing around vets for puppy shots and they ranged between $75-$120!! All with consults. Interestingly the cheapest seems to have the best recommendations.
  7. The white bit, behind the heart, in the picture is the re-heatable bag. This store is a little bit cheaper and has it in the description. http://www.k9pro.com.au/products/Snuggle-Puppy.html But apparently you have to fill the heat pack your self... could just easily make one.
  8. I was looking at these too Major difference I could see is that the Snuggle puppy comes with the re-usable heat pack, where the night comforter doesn't.
  9. What about one of those cat litter trays with a lid and little cat door? Could be too small for a puppy?
  10. I was looking at those the other day, Good to know they are high quality! Water and wind proof jackets get very expensive in Aus.
  11. My dog what a cutie!!!
  12. I'm so sorry for your loss, I know how hard it is. Perhaps there is a golden/lab rescue in your area that needs foster carers?
  13. I'm away from all the excitement Oooh I met a flat coat for the first time the other week! Beautiful dogs!
  14. It is! There was various mishaps along the way, but it all came through a lot better once I found DOL. Aussie Shepherd :)
  15. I've never heard of a Portuguese Podengo Pequeno before! Did some quick searching interesting little doggies! Got to say I'm a sucker for a Malinois :)
  16. Somehow I stuffed up my calendar counting (yep counting 6 weeks ahead apparently is a challenge) but my puppy was born last night!!! All blue boys too!
  17. I don't think it's funny and I despise owners like that. The notion that you don't need to control your dog just because it's small and "wont do any damage" and you can just pick it up is ridiculous. My lab was rushed by an off leash chihuahua when he was just a pup and bitten on the nose, the owner just laughed "poor big puppy afraid of a little dog", for the rest of his life he was always afraid of small dogs and even when walking on the other side of a park to one he would attempt to hide himself behind me. I'm very thankful his fear didn't escalate to aggression, but for many other dogs it would have.
  18. Congratulations Lhok!! Hope you are having marvellous puppy cuddles right now!
  19. My lab did the same thing, even when he had arthritis he still preferred the cement some days
  20. Beautiful! Reminds me of home. I don't get a proper colourful Autumn where I am now.
  21. ^^ Love those Ezydog harnesses! I used one when Sam had some lumps cut out were both a collar and normal harness would sit. We kept using it after they healed as he seemed more comfortable in it. Oh and mine had a clip on the front side which I think you could use for front attachment.
  22. I think I may of met this dog.. Is this the handsome Bobby?
  23. Yep first Aussie, Hoping for a blue boy too I have heard that I won't be able to stop with one by lots of people ...No reds in this litter otherwise I don't think I could make up my mind on a colour :)
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